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2 курс ФК, ЕП, УП Денне / ІІ курс денне Англійська мова / Англійська мова ЕП ENGLISH FOR FUTURE BUSINESS ECONOMISTS.doc
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The relationship of marginal cost to average total cost

Figure 9 brings together the average and marginal cost curves. The centerpiece of Figure 9 is the U-shaped ATC curve. What is of special significance is its relationship to marginal costs. Notice that the MC curve intersects the ATC curve at its lowest point (point m). This will always be the case. So long as the marginal cost of producing one more unit is less than the previous average cost, average costs must fall. Thus average costs decline as long as the marginal cost curve lies below the average cost curve, as to the left of point m in Figure 9.

We have already observed, however, that marginal costs themselves tend to rise as output expands, largely because additional workers reduce the amount of land and capital available to each worker (in the short run, the size of plant and equipment is fixed). Consequently, at some point (m in Figure 9) marginal costs will rise to the level of average costs.

As marginal costs continue to rise beyond point m, they begin to pull average costs up, giving the average cost curve its U shape. Average costs increase whenever marginal costs exceed average costs. This is the case to the right of point m, since the marginal cost curve always lies above the average cost curve in that part of Figure 9.

Figure 9

Basic Cost Curves

With total cost and the rate of output, all other cost concepts can be computed. The MC curve typically rises, sometimes after a brief decline. The ATC curve has a U shape. And the MC curve will always intersect the ATC curve at its lowest point (m).

Table 3

A guide to costs

Total costs of production include fixed costs and variable costs:


Dividing total costs by the quantity of output yields the average total cost:


The most important measure of changes in cost is marginal cost, which equals the increase in total costs when one additional unit of output is produced:

To visualize the relationship between marginal cost and average cost, imagine computing the average height of people entering a room. If the first person who comes through the door is 6 feet tall, then the average height of people entering the room is 6 feet at that point. But what happens to average height if the second person entering the room is only 3 feet tall? Average height declines because the last (marginal) person entering the room is shorter than the previous average. Whenever the last entrant is shorter than the average, the average must fall.

The relationship between marginal costs and average costs is also similar to that between your grade in this course and your grade-point average. If your grade in economics is better (higher) than your other grades, then your overall grade-point average will rise. In other words, a high marginal grade will pull your average grade up. If you don't understand this, your grade-point average is likely to fall.

1. Which of these statements expresses the main idea of the text?

  1. Average costs rise whenever marginal costs exceed average costs.

  2. Marginal costs themselves tend to increase as production expands, largely because additional workers decrease the amount of land and capital available to each worker.

  3. The MC curve typically increases, sometimes after a brief decline.

  4. Marginal cost is the most important measure of changes in cost.

2. Find in the text English equivalents of these words and phrases.

  1. об’єднувати

9. розширяти(ся)

17.перемінні витрати

  1. крива

10.додатковий робітник

18.рівнятися, дорівнювати

  1. середина

11. зупинятися

19. уявляти собі

  1. значення

12. коли б не

20. підрахунок

  1. перехрещувати(ся)

13. перевищувати

21. середній1 зріст

  1. попередній

14. сукупні витрати виробництва

22. той, хто наймається на роботу

  1. знижуватися

15. містити в собі, включати

23. оцінка

  1. спускатися вниз

16. постійні витрати

3. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.

  1. Average costs decline as long as the marginal cost curve lies below the average cost curve.

  2. All total costs increase with output.

  3. The average fixed costs curve is downward sloping.

  4. The average variable cost curve is U-shaped.

4. Answer the questions.

  1. Why do marginal costs tend to rise?

  2. When do average costs increase?

  3. What are total costs of production?

  4. What is the most important measure of changes in cost?

  5. What is the relationship of marginal cost curve to average total cost?

5. Find in the right column definitions of the terms.

  1. fixed costs

  2. total costs

  3. variable costs

  4. average fixed costs

  5. marginal costs

  6. average total costs

    1. costs which stay the same for a given period of time over a given output;

    2. the increase in total cost associated with a one-unit increase in production;

    3. total costs divided by the quantity produced in a given time period;

    4. costs which vary with the level of production;

    5. total costs divided by output;

    6. the market value of all resources used to produce a good or service.

5. Write a summary of the text.

Text 18