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IV. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form and voice. Translate the sentences into Russian in writing.

  1. Ventilation (to be) a means of reducing the temperature.

  2. Our intestine (to absorb) nutrients from food we have eaten and (to collect) waste material.

  3. Nearly all cells (to have) a nucleus, which is the control centre of the cell.

  4. By the late 1870s, most scientists (to agree) that all organisms (to arise) from the reproduction of preexisting organisms.

  5. Nerves carrying sensations, such as pain, (to know) as sensory nerves.

  6. Even if the Common Amoeba (to get) into man’s intestine in dirty water, it (to digest) easily.

V. Translate the following sentences into Russian in writing, pay attention to different forms of adjectives.

  1. Within an island habitat election by both tern species was also to the greatest extent determined by the necessity to ensure maximum protection for clutches against predators.

  2. Phaeophyta (brown algae) are almost all marine and are common in cooler oceanic regions.

  3. The summer is the most favourable season of the year for plant growth.

VI. Rewrite and translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the modal verbs.

  1. A great series of chemical changes has to occur before food becomes protoplasm.

  2. These plant parts may have been found on and below the soil surface.

  3. All measurements should be made with great accuracy.

  4. This means that there must be harmony among all the genes which a population contains.

  5. This list could be extended a long way.

VII. Rewrite and translate the following sentences into Russian, pay attention to different meanings of the words.

  1. One has to remember that this reaction is followed by an explosion.

  2. It is well-known that the particles interact.

  3. This food may be used either in fresh state or in frozen one.

  4. The electron temperature is much greater than that of the gas as a whole.

  5. One can prevent the evaporation of moisture by means of the method which will check further loss of water.

VIII. Put in some, any, something, anything, nothing, nobody and translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. There is ... in the biochemical laboratory.

  2. There is ... water in this mixture.

  3. ... animals are parasites that live in the bodies of other animals.

  4. Have they read ... about phytoplankton?

  5. Many parasitic worms cause great damage to cattle, fish and wild animals. ... cause the death of many animals, especially young ones.

IX. Make plural forms of the following nouns.

  1. datum –

  2. phenomenon –

  3. genus –

  4. fungus –

  5. basis –

Variant 2

I. Read the text and answer the questions in written form.

Cells: the smallest units of life differences in plants.

1. There are some structures in plant cells that are not found in animal cells. The easiest to see is the cell wall made of cellulose, which is deposited in layers around the outside of the outer cell membrane. The layer between two neighbouring cell walls is called the middle lamella and is made of calcium pectate. Cellulose is a tough but flexible material made up of long, cross-linked chains of glucose molecules.

2. Some plant cell walls are further strengthened by another material called lignin which is laid on the top of the cellulose cell wall. Water-conducting cells (Xylem) are strengthened like this and form the wood that makes up the main part of a tree trunk. Most of the woody cells are dead and hollow and consist only of the wall.

3. Much of a plant cell consists of a fluid-filled space, the vacuole, one of whose functions is to keep the cell “inflated”. The vacuole contains a solution called cell sap. In some plants this may be colored, such as the red sap in beetroots. The colors in some flowers, especially red and blue ones, are due to colored cell sap in the cells of the petals.

4. Many plant cells also contain chloroplasts. These are oval structures that contain chlorophyll, the green pigment which gives plants their color and is essential for photosynthesis. Chloroplasts can be seen clearly with the ordinary light microscope.

5. Plant cells have different shapes according to the jobs they do. Xylem and phloem are long because they form systems of tubes that transport substances through the plant. Some cells are specialized as fibres, which strengthen the plant. Root cells have thread-like outgrowths called root hairs, which absorb water and mineral salts.

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