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-• Profuse diarrhoea (> 8 stools/24h) with vomiting

-• Incoercible vomiting

-• Severe dehydration

-• Failure of home oral rehydration

-- If dehydration and shock without signs of malnutrition, give appropriate treatment as follows:

-• Consider CAB

-• 20ml/kg of normal saline (NS) or Ringers Lactate(RL) as quickly as possible IV Or PO in 15 minutes (see table below for estimation of required volume for 20ml/kg)

-• Repeat the bolus of NS or RL 3-4 times if persistence of signs of shock

-• Treat as severe dehydration after correction of shock

-Chapiter 2: Gastro-intestinal Disorders




If moderate dehydration (Plan B):

Give ORS 75ml/kg during 4 hours


After 4 hours:

Reassess the child and classify the child for dehydration

Select the appropriate plan to continue treatment

Begin feeding the child in clinic


If the mother must leave before completing treatment:

Show her how to prepare ORS solution at home

Show her how much ORS to give to finish 4-hour treatment at home

Give her enough ORS packets to complete rehydration

Explain the 4 rules of home treatment:

Give extra fluid: Give the child more to drink as is wanted by the child

Give Zinc supplements for 10–14 days:

< 6 months: 1/2 tablet (10 mg) per day, ≥ 6 months:1 tablet (20 mg) per day

→ Continue feeding: Initial 4-hour rehydration period, breastfed children should continue to breastfeed frequently throughout

→ Return the child to the health facility if :

drinking poorly or unable to drink or breastfeed

Becomes more sick

develops fever

Has blood in the stool

- If no dehydration (Plan A):

• Treat the child as an outpatient; give ORS 10ml/kg after each watery stool

• Counsel the mother on the 4 rules of home treatment:

Give extra fluid

Give zinc supplements

Continue feeding

Give advice on when to return for review

Particular forms of dehydration

2.2. Persistent Diarrhea

Definition: Persistent diarrhea is a diarrhea, with or without blood,

which begins acutely and lasts for 14 days or longer.



-Failure to thrive, malnutrition


Investigations (Will vary according to the suspected etiology)

-Stool examination: PH, White blood count, Fat, Ova, osmolarity, Culture

-FBC, CRP, electrolytes, urea and creatinine

-Sweat chloride if suspicion of cystic fibrosis

-Barium study

-Small bowel biopsy

-Endoscopy: Sigmoidoscopy or coloscopy with biopsy Management

-Oral rehydration

-Treat the cause (see algorithm)

2.3. Bloody Diarrhea

Definition: Frequent (>3/day) passage of blood and/or mucus in the stool


-Amoebic dysentery is the most common serious cause in children

-Bacterial infections (e.g. Shigella, salmonella)

-Parasitic infestations (e.g. amoebic dysentry)

-Milk allergy

-Chronic inflammatory bowel disease

Signs and Symptoms - Sudden onset

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