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  1. 10. A small consignment of cheese from Switzerlandto the USA

  2. Заняття № 29

  3. Тема: Страхування товару.

  4. Мета: навчити студентів правильно користуватися лексикою до теми, принципи страхування; розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, навички послідовного перекладу; виховувати культуру мовлення, формувати граматичні навички узгодження часів.

  5. Обладнання: роздруківки завдань до теми, підручник.

  6. Час проведення: 2 години.

  7. План заняття

  8. І Організаційний момент. Привітання

  9. II. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

  10. ІІІ. Основна частина.

  11. Читання тексту

  12. Principles of insurance

  13. For insurance to function properly, the insurer and insured have to make sure that certain basic requirements are fulfilled when the insurance policy is drawn up.

  14. Utmost good faith (uberrimae fidei)

  15. When someone fills out a form applying to take out insurance, he is obliged to tell the truth about the value and condition of the goods to be insured, and also to mention anything which might increase the risk of the goods being stolen or damaged. The insurer accepts the application in "utmost good faith" that all the details supplied by the insured are correct, and fixes the level of the premium accordingly.

  16. For his part, the insurer is obliged to deal fairly with the insured, for example by making all the conditions of the insurance policy clear to him.

  17. Insurable interest

  18. It is essential that the insured has an insurable interest in the goods to be insured: this means he has to suffer a financial loss if the goods are stolen or damaged. Generally this means that you can take out insurance for your own property, but not for someone else's.

  19. Indemnity

  20. The idea of indemnity is that if the insured suffers a loss, he has to be paid sufficient compensation to bring him back to the same financial condition as he was in before the loss — not more and not less (this doesn't apply to life or personal accident insurance). This prevents people over-insuring their goods in the hope of making a profit.

  21. Введення граматичної теми

  22. Exercise 1

  23. Change the following special questions into indirect speech. Begin your sentences with the words I/he wondered, we/they asked, she/he wanted to knew, etc.

  24. Example: When did she go shopping? — He asked when she had gone shopping.

  25. 1. Why did he decide to go to Ethiopia? 2, When was she sent on business? 3. Who will fulfill this task? 4. How long has she been staying here? 5. Who was he speaking to when I came tip to him? 6. Who will play the role of Hamlet? 7 What is shown in this diagram? 8. What is he going to do on Sunday? 9 How long have they been developing this project? 10. Who was this book written by?

  26. Exercise 2

  27. Imagine that you have come to study to a foreign country and students are asking you questions. Report these questions later to your friend.

  28. Example: "What country do you come from?" asked Bill. — Bill asked what country I came from.

  29. "Do you often go to the swimming-pool?" asked Pete. — Pete asked if I often went to the swimming-pool.

  30. 1. "How long have you been here?" said Ann. 2. "Are you working as well as studying?" asked Peter. 3. "Have you got a work permit?" Bill wanted to know. 4. "What are you going to study?" asked Ann. 5. "Have you enrolled for more than one class?" said Peter. 6. "Do you want to buy any second-hand books?" said Bill. 7. "Have you seen the library?" asked Ann. 8. "Do you play rugby?" said Peter. 9. "Will you have time to play regularly?" he went on. 10. "Did you play for your school team?" asked Bill. 11. "Are you interested in acting?" asked Ann. 12. "Would you like to join our drama group?" she asked. 13. "What do you think of our canteen?" asked Pete.

  31. Домашнє завдання : переказувати текст «Principles of insurance»

  32. Заняття № 30

  33. Тема: Біржа.

  34. Мета: навчити студентів правильно користуватися лексикою до теми; розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, навички послідовного перекладу; виховувати культуру мовлення, формувати граматичні навички узгодження часів.

  35. Обладнання: роздруківки завдань до теми, підручник.

  36. Час проведення: 2 години.

  37. План заняття

  38. І Організаційний момент. Привітання

  39. II. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

  40. ІІІ. Основна частина.

  41. Читання тексту

  42. As we saw in the last chapter, shares sold by public limited companies can be listed on the stock exchange. The stock exchange is the centre of the capital market, where large quantities of capital are raised for companies and the government. This capital is raised in two ways:

  • By selling shares to investors, which means that the investors become part-owners of the public limited company in question.

  • By obtaining loans from investors, in the form of government stocks and debentures.

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