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Темы для обсуждения Теханова.doc
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6. Answer the following questions.

  1. Where is Great Britain situated?

  2. How many countries does the UK consist of?

  3. What is the territory of the UK?

  4. What is the population of the UK?

  5. Who rules and who governs the country?

  6. What minerals are found in Great Britain?

  7. Why is the British economy dependent on imported raw materials?

7. Get ready to discuss the following.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is reigned by the Queen. How do you understand the phrases ‘British kings reign but don’t rule’ and ‘Monarchy is a mere formality’?

Read Text B using the dictionary and do the following tasks.

  1. Think of the title to the text.

  2. Make up 5-6 questions of different types.

  3. Give a short summary of the text.

Text B

Traditionally the British like to live independently in their own houses. No wonder their favourite saying is “An Englishman’s home is his castle”. In recent years the percentage of people who have their own houses has increased greatly.

Most British people obtain their home in one of three ways. The majority, about two thirds, buy their own houses or flats. About 10 per cent of the population live in flats or houses which they rent privately from another person or organization. The majority of the remaining 25 per cent live in accomodation that is owned by, and rented from their local council. Council houses (or flats), as these are called, are available to everyone, but in many areas there are long waiting lists, and the homes go to the most needy people. In the past few years it has become possible for council house tenants to buy their property from the local authority at a fairly cheap price – this is determined by taking into account how much rent the person has paid to the council over the years.

Homes in Britain are relatively expensive, although prices vary from area to area. They are most expensive in the London area and cheapest in northern England, parts of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Unit 7. British Economy Pre-reading activities

1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words.

finance [faI'n1ns], insurance [In'S4qrqns], vehicle ['vi:IkFl], - sugar ['S4gq], pharmaceutical ["f@:mq'sju:tIkl], deficit ['defIsIt].

2. Memorize the words.

  1. strength n - сила

  2. space a – космический

  3. account (for) v – насчитывать

  4. insurance n - страхование

  5. motor vehicles n – транспортные средства

  6. aircraft n – самолет, авиация

  7. GDP – ВНП

  8. crop n – урожай, сельскохозяйственная культура

  9. wheat n – пшеница

  10. pharmaceuticals n – лекарства

  11. sophisticated a – сложный

  12. vulnerable a – уязвимый

  13. offset v компенсировать

  14. surplus n – излишек

  15. decline v – приходить в упадок

  16. freight n – перевозка грузов

  17. vital a - жизненный

3. Answer the following questions before you read Text a.

1. Is Great Britain rich in natural resources?

2. Why is Great Britain called ‘the birthplace of capitalism’?

3. When did Britain lose its colonial empire?

4. Is the United Kingdom a leading industrial nation?