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Темы для обсуждения Теханова.doc
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Pre-reading activities

1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words.

deciduous [dI'sIdj4qs], coniferous [kq'nIfqrqs], create [kri:'eIt], thoroughfare ['T0rqfeq(r)], possess [pq'zes], damage ['d1mI8], disaster [dI'z@:stq(r)], measure ['meZq(r)]

2. Memorize the words.

  1. border (on) v – граничить (с)

  2. damp a – влажный, сырой

  3. deciduous a – лиственный

  4. coniferous a – хвойный

  5. create v – создавать

  6. thoroughfare n – транспортная магистраль

  7. possess v – обладать, владеть

  8. undergo v – испытывать, претерпевать

  9. transition n – переход

  10. overcome v – преодолевать

  11. favourable a – благоприятный

3. Answer the following questions before you read Text A.

  1. Do you know any versions of the origin of the name “Belarus”?

  2. Is the climate of Belarus favourable for agriculture?

  3. Is the Republic of Belarus a member of the UNO and the IMF?

  4. The Republic of Belarus is not rich in natural resources, is it?

Read Text A and fulfill the tasks which follow.

Text A

The Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Belarus is located in the centre of the Europe, on the crossroads of trade between East and West, North and South. It borders in the west on Poland, in the north and in the east on Russia, in the southeast on Ukraine, in the northwest on Lithuania and Latvia. Minsk is the capital of the Republic of Belarus. The total population of the republic is about 10 million people.

The flat character of the territory, the damp moderate continental climate, the developed hydrographic network and the mixed deciduous and coniferous woods create favourable conditions for habitation, farming, construction of industrial enterprises and thoroughfares.

More than 20, 000 rivers flow in the territory of the country. The longest are the Dneper, the Western Dvina and the Neman. One of the characteristics of Belarusian nature is a large number of lakes – about 11, 000. The largest and the most beautiful is lake Naroch. It is the main health resort in Belarus. The country also possesses such important natural complexes as the national parks “Belaviezhskaya pushcha” and “Braslav lakes”, Nalibokskaya pushcha, the lakes Svityaz, Beloye and others. About 36% of the territory of the country is covered with woods.

Belarus is a country with heroic past. Many times it was occupied by numerous aggressors. During World War II heavy fighting took place on the territory of Belarus. From the very first days of the war the country became a battle-ground. But its inhabitants struggled heroically and after the war the Republic of Belarus became a member of the UNO for its contribution to the struggle against Nazi Germany.

The Republic of Belarus is currently undergoing an economic transition to market relations. But in spite of certain economic difficulties faced by the country, it has great potential to overcome them.

The Republic of Belarus is a sovereign independent state. President is the head of the state.