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Set-in Pockets

The set-in pocket is made by cutting an opening in the garment, and the construction is similar to that of a bound buttonhole. There are three types of set-in pockets—welt, flap and bound. The welt pocket has the extension covering the opening extending above the pocket. The flap pocket has the extension turned down over the opening. The bound pocket has an even width binding on either side of the opening. The bound pocket can be made of one or two pieces, and sometimes the binding is corded.

Pockets are cut of self-fabric in light-weight materials. In heavy fabrics, the pocket is cut of lining material and the area near the opening is faced with self-fabric.

Pocket Set into a Seam.

The pocket set into a seam can be any pocket in which the opening falls along a seam line of the garment. In heavy fabrics, this pocket is cut of lining fabric and faced with self-fabric same as the set-in pocket.

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What types of pockets are there?

  2. How may the top corners be reinforced?

  3. How many set-in pockets are there? What are they?

  4. What materials are used for pockets in heavy fabrics?

  5. What pocket can be a pocket set into a seam?

Exercise 2. Match each word in the left-hand column with the best meaning in the right-hand column.

    1. The welt pocket a) has the extension turned down over the


    1. The flap pocket b) has an even width binding on either side of

the opening.

    1. The bound pocket c) has the extension covering the opening

extending above the pocket.

Exercise 3. A. What pockets would you recommend 1) for man’s trousers, 2) for a man’s suit, 3) for a winter woman’s coat, 4) for a summer blouse?

B. What pockets are in fashion now, in your opinion?

Exercise 4. Translate into English:

  1. Кишені є як функціональні, так і для прикраси.

  2. Якщо кишеня повинна бути як прикраса і ви не бажаєте, щоб було видно шов, пришийте кишеню на місце потайним швом.

  3. Для товстих тканин кишеня викроюється з підкладкової тканини, а місце біля розрізу обробляється самою тканиною.

  4. Розміщеною в шві може бути люба кишеня, розріз якої лягає на лінію шва в одязі.


Text A: Decorative Pillows

Key Words and Phrases:

Ruffling – гофрирування, cording – галун, fringe – бахрома, tassels – китиці (прикраса), solid foam rubber – тверда, kapok – вата з насіння капка, stuffing – набивка (подушки), to be snug – бути щільним, circumference – довжина контуру, down – пух, downproof – пухонепроникний.

Pillows are so easy to make, and so effective as a decorating tool, that everyone should know how to make them. They can provide wonderful color accents to "spark" room decor, giving the room a completely new look. Variations on the pillow theme are limitless. Let your imagination soar. Put all of those designer hopes to work. Combine unusual fabrics and trimmings in a variety of shapes. Seams may be trimmed with cording, ruffling, lace or fringe. Tassels, buttons or embroidery can be used to give a decorative touch to the pillow top. Recently, hand-smocked pillows have been extremely popular. Notice how many different effects can be produced by a few simple smocking stitches.