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II. Retell the text “What are the different types of the computers?”

III. Rendering.

1. Read the text and translate it using a dictionary. Quantum Computers

Quantum Computers are still in the state of infancy as compared to the Digital computers. The computers that we use today are improved versions of the original Digital systems that have been clubbed together with Hybrid Computers. While digital systems work on the principle of Binary mathematics and processes data through Boolean logic gates, the Quantum Systems are those that process data following the Quantum theory of physics.

If functional quantum computers can be built, they will be valuable in factoring large numbers, and therefore extremely useful for decoding and encoding secret information. If one were to be built today, no information on the Internet would be safe. Our current methods of encryption are simple compared to the complicated methods possible in quantum computers. Quantum computers could also be used to search large databases in a fraction of the time that it would take a conventional computer. Other applications could include using quantum computers to study quantum mechanics, or even to design other quantum computers.

Quantum computers are the next generation computers. Though the basic quantum computer model was built some thirty years ago, the practical machine is yet to see the light of the day. The credit of developing the idea of quantum computers goes entirely to a group of physicists and computer scientists, namely - Paul. A. Benioff, David Deutsch, Charles H. Bennett, and Richard P. Feynman.

The Fundamental Principles of working of the Quantum computers have been summarized as follows:

  • The fundamental unit of data processing is known as Qubit or Quantum Bit.

  • Qubit is a concept that originates from Quantum mechanics.

  • Qubit is quaternary by nature.

  • The “0” and “1” logic figures might as well be superimposed in quantum computing.

But quantum computing is still in its early stages of development, and many computer scientists believe the technology needed to create a practical quantum computer is years away. Quantum computers must have at least several dozen qubits to be able to solve real-world problems, and thus serve as a viable computing method.

* комп. Кубіт (квантовий біт – quantum bit).

2. Make up a plan in the form of questions.

3. Give a summary of the text according to your plan in a written form.

IV. Comprehensive skills

1. Read and remember.

1. laptop computer – ноутбук

2. AC/DC adapter – адаптер перемінного/постійного струму

3. I/O ports – порти вводу/виводу даних

4. casing – корпус

5. external peripherals - зовнішні периферійні пристрої

2. Listen to the text “A laptop computer” and try to understand it.

3. Read these statements and answer if they are true or false?

1. A laptop computer is a small mobile computer, typically weighing 1 pound.

2. Laptops run only on a single main battery.

3. Laptops contain components that differ from those of their desktop counterparts.

4. The main disadvantage of a laptop computer versus a desktop computer is its mobility.

5. The laptop's hardware configuration is much more adaptable as it is possible to connect additional external peripherals thanks to its numerous I/O ports.

4. Listen to the text once again and answer the following questions:

  1. What is the main advantage of a laptop computer versus a desktop computer?

  2. What facilities to input the entries are there in the laptop?

  3. What can be the motivation to buy a laptop computer?

  4. Is the price of laptop computer generally higher than that of a desktop computer?

  5. Is it easy to connect the laptop computer to the Internet in public Hot-Spots?

V. Communicative skills

Topic for discussion: Can we imagine any office without different types of computers? (Use additional materials).

Unit 3

Topic: Inside the system.

I. Reading skills

1. Pre-reading tasks

a) You will read a text about internal construction of the computers.

  • What do you know about internal construction of computers?

  • What is the nerve center of computer?

b) Read and remember the following words and word combinations used in their specialized meanings.

central processing unit – центральний процесор

microprocessor chip – мікропроцесорний чіп

integrated circuit – інтегральна схема

to supervise - наглядати, контролювати

disc drive – дисковід

arithmetic logic unit – арифметичний логічний пристрій

register- реєстр

program counter – лічильник команд

to keep track of – відслідковувати

instruction register – реєстр команд

internal architecture – внутрішня архітектура

internal memory – внутрішня пам'ять

RAM (random access memory) - пам'ять з довільним доступом

ROM section (read only memory) – постійна пам'ять (пам'ять, яка доступна тільки для читання)

internal expansion slots – внутрішній розширювальний рознімач (слот, гніздо)

expansion board – розширювальна плата

high-resolution graphics board - графічний пристрій з високим ступенем розділення

internal modem - внутрішній модем

clock - генератор синхронізуючих імпульсів

to emit pulses – надсилати (випромінювати) імпульси