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that you send so it can be returned to you if there’s a problem delivering it. Do not centre or stagger your lines. If you are sending by Airmail please use an Airmail sticker. Look at the example of an address outside the UK (Fig.2)

There should be a generous margin around the address.


Figure 2

UK address

American address

Ms. J. Simpson


Chapman&Hall Ltd.


12 Chapel Hill



CA 92926







First, make sure that you spell the recipient's name correctly. You should also confirm the gender and proper title. Use Ms. for women and Mr. for men. Use Mrs. if you are 100% sure that a woman is married. Under less formal circumstances, or after a long period of correspondence it may be acceptable to address a person by his or her first name. You could write “Dear Margaret Edwards” and skip the courtesy title. When you don't know the name of a person and cannot find this information out you may write “To Whom It May Concern”. It is standard to use a comma

(colon in North America) after the salutation. Here are some common ways to address the recipient:

Dear Mr. Powell, Dear Ms. Mackenzie, Dear Frederick Hanson: Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, Dear Valued Customer, Dear Sir or Madam:


In most types of business letter it is common to use a friendly greeting in the first sentence of the letter. Here are some examples:

Thank you for your kind letter of January 5th.

I came across an ad for your company in The Star today.

It was a pleasure meeting you at the conference this month.

We are pleased to tell you….

I appreciate your patience in waiting for a response.


After your short opening, state the main point (subject) of your letter in one or two sentences:

I'm writing to enquire about...

I'm interested in the job opening posted on your company website.

We'd like to invite you to a member’s only luncheon on April 5th.


Use a few short paragraphs to go into greater detail about your main point. If one paragraph is all you need, don't write an extra paragraph just to make your letter look longer. If you are including sensitive material, such as rejecting an offer or informing an employee of a layoff period, embed this sentence in the second paragraph rather than opening with it. Here are some common ways to express unpleasant facts:

We regret to inform you...

It is with great sadness that we...

After careful consideration we have decided...

We have always been happy with the quality of your products….


Your last paragraph should include requests, reminders, and notes on enclosures. If necessary, your contact information should also be in this paragraph. Here are some common phrases used when closing a business letter:

I look forward to...

Do not hesitate to contact us……

Please respond at your earliest convenience.

I should also remind you that the next board meeting is on February 5th.

For further details...

If you require more information...

Thank you for taking this into consideration.

I appreciate any feedback you may have.

Enclosed you will find...

Feel free to contact me by phone or email.


The most common complimentary close accepted in the US and UK is “Sincerely”. Use a comma between the closing and your handwritten name (or typed in an email):

Yours sincerely,

Respectfully yours, (very formal)

Yours faithfully, (UK for business letters that begin with Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, Dear Madam, Dear Sir or Madam)

Very truly yours, (polite and neutral for the US)

Best wishes,

All the best,

Warm regards,


Leave four blank lines after the complimentary close to sign your name. Sign your name between the complimentary close and your printed name.

11. Match the English phrases from text 3 with their Russian equivalents.


to stagger the lines

a) сообщать о неприятных фактах


capital letter

b) пустая строка


under less formal circumstances

c) поставить подпись



d) полный и точный адрес


to skip the courtesy title

e) выражать суть дела


to state the main point

f) пропустить титул по обычаю


full and accurate address

g) напоминание


to inform of a layoff period

h) при менее формальных обстоятельствах


to express unpleasant facts

i) сообщать о периоде временного увольнения

10. request

j) прописная буква, заглавная буква

11. reminder

k) просьба, запрос

12. blank line

l) двоеточие

13. to sign your name

m) располагать строки зигзагообразно

12.Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1.Is the date 12/30/14 written in British English or American English?

2.What should precede: the receiver’s name or his/her position?

3.When do you need to write “To Whom It May Concern”?

4.What paragraph should include unpleasant facts?

5.What information should the last paragraph include?

6.Do you need a comma after the complimentary close?

7.Where should you place your signature?


13. There are some abbreviations used in addresses. Match these abbreviations with the words they stand for.



a) Dr.



b) ON



c) Can



d) Co.



e) St.



f) Cr.



g) Ave.



h) Rd.



i) Ave.

10) Road

j) Apt.

14. Put these lines of the letter addresses in the correct order.


M4M 8T8


14 Blyth St.


S.A. King & Co.


N 4R 6Y7


Toronto, ON


A.B. Burns


245 Spring St.


Cambridge, ON


Enbridge Gas Company




M 1K 5H1




PO Box 644


ARLINGTON VA 22200-1100


Scarborough, ON



15. Give English equivalents of these phrases from business letters.

1)С наилучшими пожеланиями….

2)Прошу Вас ответить при первой же возможности….

3)Уважаемые господа….

4)Благодарю за то, что Вы приняли это во внимание….

5)С сожалением мы вынуждены Вам сообщить, что….

6)Пишу Вам, чтобы узнать о….

7)Мы рады сообщить Вам….

8) Благодарю Вас за то, что проявили терпение, ожидая ответ….

9) Благодарю за любезное письмо от 5 января….

10) В приложении Вы найдете….

11) Если Вам необходима дополнительная информация….

12)Мы всегда ценили качество вашей продукции….

13)С нетерпением жду ….

14)Преданный Вам….

15)Пожалуйста обращайтесь к нам….

16. Read and translate the following letter.

Touchstone Decorative Paving

4598 Snider Street, Elmira, On, N6T 6R8


Janet Johnson

Newton’s Quarry

34 Stone Road

Cambridge, ON

N3G 3F5

Dear Ms. Johnson,

We are pleased to tell you that we have replaced the cheque which was destroyed in the fire that occurred last week in your offices.

We have always been happy with the quality of your products and service and we are delighted that the firm experienced only minor damages.

We trust that our account with you is now paid in full.

Yours truly,

Sandra Jenkins

Office Manager

17. Put the parts of the letters A, B in the correct order. Translate them.

Letter A

Lunar Rock Productions Ltd

a)7 Moonlight Boulevard, Dover, 2030 NSW, Australia tel: +61 2 337 476 fax: +61 2 337 477

b)Art Director

c)Dear Mr. Bound,

d)Yours sincerely,

e)Susan Rogers

f)I am enclosing a copy of our intended program. I very much look forward to meeting you.

g)Lunar Rock Productions Ltd

h)7 April, 2000

i)Your ref: 16538

Mr. James Bound Sales Director

j)Universal Aspects Ltd 769 Oxford Street LONDON WC1 007 UK

k)Thank you for your letter dated 3 April 2000.

l)We intend to stay in London for five days and I should be grateful if you could make the necessary arrangements as previously discussed.

m)Susan Rogers

Letter B

Sea Star Sports Articles

a)Road, London NW2 4HF tel: 0171-886 6789

b)You asked about a quantity discount. We will be happy to discuss this with you if you can give us some idea of the quantity you are thinking of ordering. Our terms of payment are one month after receipt of invoice.

Mr. J.Wilson


c)Brighton Sports 10 Putney Street Brighton BN3 6FE

d)Yours sincerely,

e)19 May 2005

f)Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Mr. J.Wilson Manager

g)Brighton Sports 10 Putney Street Brighton BN3 6FE

h)Mary Bates Sales Manager

i)Thank you for your letter of 3 May 2005 enquiring about our new sales catalogue and price list. We are pleased to hear of your shop’s interest in stocking our products.

Unfortunately, the new catalogue is not yet back from the printers. I will send it to you under separate cover as soon as possible. Please note our new line of children’s water toys which has been selling very well.

j)Dear Mr. Wilson,

18. Complete this letter of Inquiry. Choose the words and word combinations from the box.

Translate the letter.

We hope to receive your reply soon.

25 June 2013

Sales Manager


Ref Subject

Yours faithfully

Please let us







1) __________

Regrent Street 435

London W. I.

2)__________: DS/RC


The Krakatau Steel Engineering Co.


West Java

4)__________ Sir or Madam,

5)__________: Request for Catalogue

We saw your advertisement in the “Metal Worker” a few days ago and interested in your steel products.

6)__________ have the details of your product together with the sample, terms of payment and the price list. If the quality is satisfactory and the terms are reasonable, we will place a large order soon. Could you give us details of discount and the fastest delivery terms.



Mr. John Lennon

9) __________



19. Skim the text to grasp the general idea. Decide if the following statements are true (T)

or false (F).

1)Business letters are more formal than business emails.

2)Abbreviated forms are not used in emails.

3)You can always start your email with “Hello”.

4)Only related information should be included into your reply.

Business emails are generally less formal than business letters. Business emails written to colleagues are generally direct and ask for specific actions to be taken. It is important to keep your business emails short. Here are both formal and informal email examples, as well as important points to remember when writing business emails in English.


If you are writing to someone you don't know a simple "Hello" is adequate. Using a salutation such as "Dear Mr. Smith," is too formal.

When writing to someone you know well, feel free to write as if you are speaking to the person.

Use abbreviated verb forms (He's, We're, He'd, etc.).

Include a telephone number to the signature of the email. This will give the recipient the chance to telephone if necessary.

It is not necessary to include your email address as the recipient can reply to the email.

When replying eliminate all the information that is not necessary. Only leave the sections of text that are related to your reply. This will save your reader time.

20. Read the email and answer the questions below.

Hi Tom,

Listen, we've been working on the Smith account and I was wondering if you could give me a hand? I need some inside information on recent developments over there. Do you think you could pass on any information you might have?


Peter Thompson

Account Manager, Tri-State Accounting (698) 345 - 7843

1. Does the addresser know the addressee well?

2.What does Peter do?

3.What does the addresser ask for?

4.Is the message polite?

5.Is the email formal or informal?

21. Read the email and answer the questions below.

Subject Line: Thank You for Interview

Dear Mr. Brown:

It was very enjoyable to speak with you today about the assistant account executive position at the Smith Agency. The job seems to be an excellent match for my skills and interests. The creative approach to account management that you described confirmed my desire to work with you.

In addition to my enthusiasm, I will bring to the position strong writing skills, assertiveness, and the ability to encourage others to work cooperatively with the department.

I appreciate the time you took to interview me. I am very interested in working for you and look forward to hearing from you regarding this position.


Anna Nicole

1.Why is Anna writing an email?

2.Is this message formal or informal?

3.What job does the addresser wants to get?


22.Work in pairs. Answer the questions about your letter writing.

1.Who nowadays writes business letters?

2.Why do people write business letters?

3.Do you know any types of a business letter? What are they?

4.Have you ever written a business letter?

5.Do you know how to write a business letter in English?

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