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Installation Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the installation of Oracle components.

Specific topics discussed are:

What Is Oracle Universal Installer?

What Top-Level Components are Available for Installation?

Installing Components with Oracle Universal Installer

How Do I Get Started?

Installation Overview 2-1

What Is Oracle Universal Installer?

What Is Oracle Universal Installer?

Oracle Universal Installer is a Java-based graphical user interface (GUI) tool that enables you to install Oracle components from your CD-ROM. Oracle Universal Installer provides the following capabilities:

Component and suite installations

Web-based installations

National language/globalization support

Distributed installation support (Oracle Parallel Server)

Unattended "silent" installations using response files

Deinstallation of installed components

Multiple Oracle homes support

See Also: Oracle Universal Installer Concepts Guide for more information on Oracle Universal Installer. This guide is not included in your Oracle Documentation Library, but is automatically installed on your hard drive during an Oracle Universal Installer installation. See "Copying and Modifying a Response File" on page 5-11 for information on accessing this document.

2-2 Oracle8i Personal Edition Installation Guide for Windows 98

What Top-Level Components are Available for Installation?

What Top-Level Components are Available for Installation?

When you run Oracle Universal Installer, you can choose to install products from the Oracle8i Typical Installation, Oracle8i Minimal Installation, or Oracle8i Custom Installation.

The following table describes each installation option:

See Also: Appendix A, "Individual Components Available for Installation" for a list of individual components installed with each installation type.

Installation Option

Installation Type





Oracle8i Typical

Installs a pre-configured starter database, networking components,

Windows 98


Oracle utilities, Oracle8i Navigator, and online documentation.






Oracle8i Minimal

Installs a pre-configured starter database, and minimum number of

Windows 98


components necessary to run Oracle8i database server. This option not install Oracle8i Navigator.

Oracle8i Custom

Lets you selectively install the products available in the CD-ROM.

Windows 98


Custom Installation is recommended only for advanced users.






Installation Overview 2-3

Installing Components with Oracle Universal Installer

Installing Components with Oracle Universal Installer

When you run Oracle Universal Installer from the CD-ROM, the following windows appear, and enable you to install Oracle components. This section provides an overview of your component installation choices. Specific installation instructions are provided in Chapter 4, "Selecting Database Creation and Net8 Configuration Methods".

First window: Welcome

Welcomes you to Oracle Universal Installer

Second window: File Locations

Enables you to enter the following in the

Destination fields:

Oracle Home name

Directory location in which to install Oracle components

If you are running Oracle Universal Installer from the product CD-ROM, the Source field automatically displays the location of your CD-ROM. Do not modify this field.

Third window: Available Products

Enables you to select a top-level component to install:

Oracle8i Typical Installation

Oracle8i Minimal Installation

Oracle8i Custom Installation

2-4 Oracle8i Personal Edition Installation Guide for Windows 98

Соседние файлы в папке Oracle 8.1.6