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Using Cursors within Applications

long undo information is retained. Your database administrator can specify a retention period by using the parameter UNDO_RETENTION.

See Also: Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information on long-running queries and resumable space allocation

For example, if UNDO_RETENTION is set to 30 minutes, then all committed undo information in the system is retained for at least 30 minutes. This ensures that all queries running for 30 minutes or less, under usual circumstances, do not encounter the OER error, "snapshot too old."

A read-only transaction is started with a SET TRANSACTION statement that includes the READ ONLY option. For example:


The SET TRANSACTION statement must be the first statement of a new transaction; if any DML statements (including queries) or other non-DDL statements (such as

SET ROLE) precede a SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY statement, an error is returned. Once a SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY statement successfully executes, only SELECT (without a FOR UPDATE clause), COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or non-DML statements (such as SET ROLE, ALTER SYSTEM, LOCK TABLE) are allowed in the transaction. Otherwise, an error is returned. A COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or DDL statement terminates the read-only transaction; a DDL statement causes an implicit commit of the read-only transaction and commits in its own transaction.

Using Cursors within Applications

PL/SQL implicitly declares a cursor for all SQL data manipulation statements, including queries that return only one row. For queries that return more than one row, you can explicitly declare a cursor to process the rows individually.

A cursor is a handle to a specific private SQL area. In other words, a cursor can be thought of as a name for a specific private SQL area. A PL/SQL cursor variable enables the retrieval of multiple rows from a stored procedure. Cursor variables allow you to pass cursors as parameters in your 3GL application. Cursor variables are described in PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference.

Although most Oracle Database users rely on the automatic cursor handling of the database utilities, the programmatic interfaces offer application designers more control over cursors. In application development, a cursor is a named resource available to a program, which can be specifically used for parsing SQL statements embedded within the application.

5-8 Oracle Database Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals

Using Cursors within Applications

Declaring and Opening Cursors

There is no absolute limit to the total number of cursors one session can have open at one time, subject to two constraints:

Each cursor requires virtual memory, so a session's total number of cursors is limited by the memory available to that process.

A systemwide limit of cursors for each session is set by the initialization parameter named OPEN_CURSORS found in the parameter file (such as


See Also: Oracle Database Reference for descriptions of parameters

Explicitly creating cursors for precompiler programs can offer some advantages in tuning those applications. For example, increasing the number of cursors can often reduce the frequency of parsing and improve performance. If you know how many cursors may be required at a given time, then you can make sure you can open that many simultaneously.

Using a Cursor to Execute Statements Again

After each stage of execution, the cursor retains enough information about the SQL statement to reexecute the statement without starting over, as long as no other SQL statement has been associated with that cursor. This is illustrated in Figure 5–1.

Notice that the statement can be reexecuted without including the parse stage.

By opening several cursors, the parsed representation of several SQL statements can be saved. Repeated execution of the same SQL statements can thus begin at the describe, define, bind, or execute step, saving the repeated cost of opening cursors and parsing.

To understand the performance characteristics of a cursor, a DBA can retrieve the text of the query represented by the cursor using the V$SQL catalog view. Because the results of EXPLAIN PLAN on the original query might differ from the way the query is actually processed, a DBA can get more precise information by examining the V$SQL_PLAN, V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS, and V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ ALL catalog views.:

The V$SQL_PLAN view contains the execution plan information for each child cursor loaded in the library cache.

The V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS view provides execution statistics at the row source level for each child cursor.

How Oracle Database Processes SQL Statements 5-9

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