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Developing and Installing Applications That Use the XA Libraries


This gets the server context for this resource manager.

In the same way, you can execute:




depending upon the open string, to get the environment handle.

See Also: Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide for more information about using the OCISvcCtx

Transaction Control using XA

This section explains how to use transaction control within the Oracle XA library environment.

When the XA library is used, transactions are not controlled by the SQL statements that commit or roll back transactions. Rather, they are controlled by an API accepted by the TM that starts and stops transactions. You call the API that is defined by the transaction manager, not the XA functions listed in the following table.

The transaction managers typically control the transactions through the TX interface. This interface includes the functions described in Table 16–2.

Table 16–2 TX Interface Functions

TX Function





Logs into the resource manager(s)


Logs out of the resource manager(s)


Starts a new transaction


Commits a transaction


Rolls back the transaction



Most TPM applications are written using a client/server architecture where an application client requests services and an application server provides services. The examples that follow use such a client/server model. A service is a logical unit of

Using Oracle XA with Transaction Monitors 16-19

Developing and Installing Applications That Use the XA Libraries

work, which in the case of Oracle Database as the resource manager, comprises a set of SQL statements that perform a related unit of work.

For example, when a service named "credit" receives an account number and the amount to be credited, it executes SQL statements to update information in certain tables in the database. In addition, a service might request other services. For example, a "transfer fund" service might request services from a "credit" and "debit" service.

Usually application clients request services from the application servers to perform tasks within a transaction. However, for some TPM systems, the application client itself can offer its own local services.

You can encode transaction control statements within either the client or the server; as shown in the examples.

To have more than one process participating in the same transaction, the TPM provides a communication API that allows transaction information to flow between the participating processes. Examples of communications APIs include RPC, pseudo-RPC functions, and send/receive functions.

Because the leading vendors support different communication functions, the examples that follow use the communication pseudo-function tpm_service to generalize the communications API.

X/Open has included several alternative methods for providing communication functions in their preliminary specification. At least one of these alternatives is supported by each of the leading TPM vendors.

Examples of Precompiler Applications

The following examples illustrate precompiler applications. Assume that the application servers have already logged onto the TPM system, in a TPM-specific manner.

The first example shows a transaction started by an application server, and the second example shows a transaction started by an application client.

Example 1: Transaction started by an application server



/*Request Service*/



16-20 Oracle Database Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals

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