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24. Перед Вами конверт.

Hudson Engineering Inc.

(1) 782 Fairweather Street

(2) Boston (3) MA 02116


Mr. Theo Kohl

(4) Managing Director

(5) German Optic GmbH

20 Industrieplatz

80992 München

(6) Germany

Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает.

  1. ___ the addressee’s company name

  2. ___ the ZIP Code in the return address

  3. ___ the town the letter comes from

  4. ___ the country in the mailing address

  5. ___ the house number in the return address

  6. ___ the addressee’s position

25. Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок.


The Customer will provide all necessary stationery, electricity, telecommunication facilities, other consumables, materials and apparatus and all necessary and safe facilities for the provision by the supplier of the Services, including, without limitation, such office accommodation, office space and car parking space where available at the Site(s) and any other Customer location, and such remote access to any Customer equipment and software as the supplier may require to perform the Services.


  1. Letter of confirmation

  2. Letter of complaint

  3. Contract

  4. Memo

26. Выберите слова или сочетания слов для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления телефакса.

(1) ___: Polish Chamber of Commerce

Fax No: +4822 274673

From: Bill Jambor, (2) ___

Fax No: +44(0)171 2804025

Date: (3) ___

Pages: 1

Dear Sirs,

I would be pleased if you could send me details of Polish companies able to supply the following equipment: …

(4) ___,

Bill Jambor

  1. ____ To

  2. ____ Yours faithfully

  3. ____ 04 Nov 2010

  4. ____ Finchley Trading Company

27. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. Britain set to become most populous country in eu

(1) Britain will become one of the world’s major destinations for immigrants as the world heats up and populations continue to soar. Statistics from the United Nations show that, on average, every year more than 174,000 people will be added to the numbers in the UK and that this trend will continue for the next four decades. By then, only the United States and Canada will be receiving more overseas settlers, says the UN. This increase in British numbers is likely to put considerable strain on the country’s transport, energy and housing.

(2) However, such increases could also produce benefits for the nation, bringing in immigrants who could provide a vital supply of young workers. Demographers point out that, by 2050, more than a third of the UK population will be aged 60 or over. By then there will be a desperate need for bus drivers, care-workers and others to keep the country running and immigrants could fill this gap. In addition, there is the issue of humanitarian responsibility. Britain is likely to be one of the few nations to survive the worst effects of climate change while other nations, particularly those in the developing world, have their farmland and fishing grounds destroyed. It could be argued that the UK has a moral duty to provide shelter for as many refugees as its shores can support.

(3) At the same time, Britain’s population will rise from its current level of 61 million to 72 million by 2050. The nation will then be the most populous in the European Union, outstripping Germany, whose population will slump from 82 million to 71 million people as its immigration figures plummet. The rise in population indicates that the country is set for some considerable overcrowding. Britain's land area is only two-thirds that of Germany, yet it will soon support the same number of citizens.

(4) But many climatologists believe that by then life on the planet will already have become dangerously unpleasant. Temperature rises will have started to have devastating impacts on farmland, water supplies and sea levels. Humans – increasing both in numbers and dependence on food from devastated landscapes – will then come under increased pressure. The end result will be apocalyptic. By the end of the century, the world’s population will suffer calamitous declines until numbers are reduced to around 1 billion or less. One of the few places to survive the worst impacts will be Britain. Its climate will be one of the least affected by global warming. As a result, everyone will want to live here. Britain will become one of the world’s lifeboats.

(Robin McKie, The Observer, March 2009)

Определите, является ли утверждение:

In the next four decades only the UK will be receiving a great number of immigrants, says the UN.

  1. истинным

  2. ложным

  3. в тексте нет информации

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