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Development of monophthongs

The PG short [a] and the long [a:], which had arisen in West and North Germanic, underwent similar alterations in Early OE: they were fronted, and in the process of fronting, they split into several sounds. The principal regular direction of the change – [a] > [æ] and [a:] > [æ:] – is often referred to as the fronting or palatalisation of [a, a:]. The other directions can be interpreted as positional deviations or restrictions to this trend: short [a] could change to [o] or [ā] and long [a:] became [o:] before a nasal; the preservation of the short [a] was caused by a back vowel in the next syllable.

Development of diphthongs

The PG diphthongs – [ei, ai, iu, eu, au] – underwent regular independent changes in Early OE; they took place in all phonetic conditions irrespective of environment. The diphthongs with the i-glide were monophthongised into [i:] and [a:], respectively; the diphthongs in –u were reflected as long diphthongs [io:], [eo:] and [ea:].

Вопрос 25 The oe consonant

The consonants were subdivided:

1. On a way/mode of an articulation: constrictives -смычные and fricatives-щелевые and Sonants

2By place of an articulation: labial-губной, guttural (velar) заднеяз-е, dental consonants.

3. On a lenght all consonants shared:

short (simple) t and long (geminate -геминаты) tt- удвоенные.

Consctictives– shared as voiced –звонкие(b,d,g) и voiceless (p,t,k). Смычные: простые: /t/ - /d/; /p/- /b/; /k/ - /g/; /k’/- /g’/ геминаты: /t:/ - /d:/; /p:/ - /b:/; /k:/ - /g:/; /k’:/ - /g’:/

Fricatives voiced (v, th, z) fīf /f/– ofer /v/ , sæt, hus /s/ – risan /z/, þeof, wearþ /Ø/ - weorþan /ð/. voiceless [f, Ө, x, s] and voiced [v, ð, γ, z]. Заднеязычные щелевые –h / H – X’/ - habban, nitht. /w/ /j/ /r/ /l/ /m/ / nhave paired geminate. Исторически геминаты употреблялись только интервокально.


The PG voiced [ð] (due to Verner’s Law) was always hardened to [d] in OE and other WG languages, e.g. Icel, gōðr and OE зōd. The two other fricatives, [v] and [γ] were hardened to [b] and [g] initially and after nasals, otherwise they remained fricatives. PG [z] underwent a phonetic modification through the stage of [з] into [r] and thus became a sonorant, which ultimately merged with the older IE [r]. This process is termed rhotacism. После фонологизации озвончения по закону Вернера некоторые из озвончившихся фонем изменились качественно. Звонкий денталь­ный слился со звонким смычным,— отсюда возникла засвидетель­ствованная в древнеанглийском форма fæder. Индоевропейская фонема /s/ при озвончении по закону Вернера превратилась в */z/, фонему, очень недолго просуществовавшую и перешедшую затем в /r/. Этот переход /s/ через */z/ в /г/ называется ротацизмом. Лабиовелярный /hw/ по закону Вернера изменяется в /w/, но иногда в англских диалектах встречается /з/: sawon, sæзon 'увидели'. Закон этот был открыт датским ученым Карлом Вернером. Графически эту позицию можно изобразить так: — щелевой-`- или: -`-согл.— щелевой. Озвончение НЕ происходило в позиции: -`- щелевой—.

Gemination (lengthening of conson) before j The process along with i-mutation, after a short sylible.

Assimilation – k,g +dental into h,t. (pyncan-puhte). P,b+dent. Into f,t. (liban-lifte). Dental+dent into ss,st. (vittan-visse). F,m into mm (wifman(n) –wiman(n). m is dropped before h,f,s,p(т.е.th) –fimf-fif. K,g dropped before dental. Macian-made.

Palatalization – k,g’,sk,into sounds closed to affricares dz..ch,sh. Sk into sh. Front vowel was a result of mutation. (cuni-cyn-kin.)родственник, (cuni-cin-chin)подбородок.