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Список бібліографічного матеріалу

  1. Бенсон М., Бенсон Э., Илсон Р. Комбинаторный словарь английского языка. – Амсердам/ Филадельфия: Джон Бенджаминс Паблишинг Компани; М.: Русский язык, 1990. – 286 с.

  2. Саватеева А.В. и др. Практический курс английского языка: Первый этап обучения. Учеб. 2-е издание. – Дубна: Феникс+, 2002. – 592 с.

  3. Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary. – London and Glasgow: Collins, 1990. – 1703 p.

  4. Encyclopedia “Wikipedia” – http://en.wikipedia.org

  5. Hampshire D. Living and Working in Britain. – Haselmere: Survival Books, 1991. – 719 p.

  6. Hornby A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988. – 1041 p.

  7. http://projectbritain.com

  8. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. – Harlow: Longman, 2003. – 1949 p.

  9. New Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus of the English Language. – Danbury, CT: Lexicon Publications, Inc., 1993. – 1216 p.

  10. Room A. An A to Z of British Life. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. – 480 p.


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P r e – r e a d i n g t a s k 3

1. Match the following English words with their Ukrainian equivalents: 3

R e a d i n g 4

TEXT 1 4

Everybody knows that there is no place like home. For the British their homes are very important. They dedicate their life to them, give them a lot of time and effort; they look after their homes with much love, care and enthusiasm. 4

More than half of British families own their homes (houses or flats). Others live in council accommodations and some people rent from private owners. 4

British houses can be situated in the center or on the outskirts of the city, or in the suburbs. Most houses are made of stone or brick from the local area where the houses are built. The colors of the stones and bricks vary across the country. Modern houses seldom have attics, cellars or balconies. 4

A semi-detached house is joined to the house next door by a shared wall. A house of this kind is not as expensive as a detached house, but still offers a good standard of privacy and comfort. It usually has a small garden at the front and a larger garden at the back. Many semi-detached houses were built in the 1920s and 1930s by private companies. They bought up land and developed housing estates of identical buildings. 4

Vocabulary Exercises 6

TASK 5. Say if the phrases below are true or false. If they are false correct them using one of the following phrases to begin your answer: 7

I don’t think it is right. (Я вважаю, що це не так.) 7

No, it’s wrong. (Ні, це невірно.) 7

1.The British don’t like looking after their homes. 7

2.In Britain some families own their homes, and others rent flats or houses. 7

3.British people usually make their homes of stone or brick. 7

4.Streets of houses joined together in long rows are called apartments. 7

7. A semi-detached house has a small garden at the front and a large garden at the back. 7

1.Most people give their homes a lot of time, effort, much love, (1) __________ and (2) __________. 7

2. Some people live in (3) __________ __________ and some people rent from (4) __________ __________. 7

S p e a k i n g A c t i v i t i e s 12

I D I O M S 14

E X A M P L E S 14

to bank on something/someone 14


You can always bank on friends to help you. 14

like a ton of bricks 14


The news of the accident hit me like a ton of bricks. 14

castles in the air 14


She is always building castles in the air and is very unrealistic! 14

to be in the doghouse 14


He was really in the doghouse because he took his father's car without permission. 14

make oneself at home 14


I always make myself at home when I visit my wife’s parents. 14

to bring the house down 14


The last film was so good they brought the house down. 14

to go through the roof (to hit the roof) 14


When she saw how dirty his clothes were, his mother went through the roof (hit the roof). 14

a hole in the wall 14

1) We went for a drink at a little hole in the wall near the university last night. 14

2) I went to the hole in the wall to get some money. 14

to climb the wall 14


The lecture was so long and the speaker was so boring that the students wanted to climb the wall. 14

on the house 14


The club celebrated its anniversary so the drinks were on the house. 14

b) Match the idioms (B) with their explanations (A) and Ukrainian equivalents (C). 15

A 15

B 15

C 15

1. something or someone you can rely on 15

a hole in the wall 15

a) шокувати, приголомшувати кого-небудь 15

2. to be affected strongly by something 15

castles in the air 15

b) за рахунок закладу (про випивку, їжу) 15

3. to have daydreams 15

like a ton of bricks 15

c) бути в немилості, опалі; бути спаплюженим 15

4. to be in trouble 15

make oneself at home 15

d) надхмарні замки; нездійсненні мрії 15

5. to act as if you were at home 15

on the house 15

e) мати успіх (про фільм, виставу) 15

6. to win a lot of applause 15

to bank on something/someone 15

f) бар, ресторанчик; вбудований банкомат 15

7. to become very angry 15

to be in the doghouse 15

g) розлютовуватися, шаленіти 15

8. a) a small place to live, stay or work in; 15

b) a cash machine 15

to bring the house down 15

h) почувати себе як вдома 15

9. to be so bored that you become worried 15

to climb the wall 15

i) розраховувати; покладатися на кого-небудь 15

10. (usually of drinks) paid for by the management of the hotel, bar, etc. 15

to go through the roof 15

j) дертися на стіну 15

Inside an English house 17

P r e – r e a d i n g t a s k 17

R e a d i n g 17

T E X T 2 17

Vocabulary Exercises 18

12. My sister has presented me with a beautiful crystal irhcnadeel which I’ve dreamt for years. 23

TASK 10. Retell the text “Inside an English House” in detail. 23

S p e a k i n g A c t i v i t i e s 25


I D I O M S 29

E X A M P L E S 29

to hit the ceiling 29


to get a foot in the door 29


to show someone the door 29


to give elbow room 29


to go to the wall 29






b) Match the idioms (B) with their explanations (A) and Ukrainian equivalents (C). 29

A 29

B 29

C 29

1. to ask someone to leave (usually rudely) 29

to hit the ceiling 29

a) зробити перший крок 29

2. to annoy or irritate someone 29

to get a foot in the door 29

b) потіснитися, дати місце 29

3. free space for movement or work 30

to show someone the door 30

c) зазнати невдачі; збанкрутитися 30

4. an action, opportunity, that provides an initial step towards a desired goal 30

elbow room 30

d) передчувати, прорікати зловісне передвістя 30

to go to the wall 30

e) даремно витрачати час 30

f) розлютитися 30

g) вказати на двері 30

h) розлютити, роздратувати когось 30

i) вільний простір 30


P r e – r e a d i n g t a s k 31

1. What do you think makes one’s home cozy? 31

2. Why do we have to keep our house clean? 31

3. What are your household duties? 31

R e a d i n g 31

T E X T 3 31

Vocabulary Exercises 32

TASK 10. Retell the text “HOUSEHOLD CHORES” in detail. 37

certain 38

necessity 38

in spite of his desire or unwillingness 38

at hand 38

a waste of time 38

a two-room flat 38

to do one’s bit 38

to prove a proverb 38

to give a flat a big clean 38

in my opinion 39

instead of 39

to think over 39

to think plots up 39

S p e a k i n g A c t i v i t i e s 40

I D I O M S 42

E X A M P L E S 42

a clean sweep 42


a new broom 42


in the dust 42


Nancy hated him so much for his cruelty that she had a great desire to give anything in the world to see him in the dust, suffering as much as he made others suffer. 42

to throw dust in smb.'s eyes 42


to wash one's dirty linen in public 42


to go round the houses 42


You think we have believed everything you told us, don’t you? Speaking frankly, don’t go round the houses,’ said the mother to her son. 42

to cultivate one's garden 42



Some boys broke a window with a ball and an old man wanted to punish them, but he couldn’t do this because they were so frightened that he was unable to see them for the dust. 42

to keep a good house 43


Everyone respects Fred’s mother. She is a kind and sociable woman. Moreover, she is a good cook, she often invites guests and always keeps a good house. 43


to kick up a dust 43


The customer kicked up such a dust that the manager came to apologize. 43

to bring to the boil 43


b) Match the idioms (B) with their explanations (A) and Ukrainian equivalents (C). 43

A 43

B 43

C 43

1. a clean sweep 43

виносити сміття з хати 43

a) a newly appointed person who wants to make changes 43

2. to cook something up 44

замилювати очі комусь; забивати баки; обдурювати 44

b) to run away quickly 44

3. to kick up a dust 44

говорити манівцями; недомовляти 44

4. to bring to the boil 44

тікати; “накивати п'ятами”; дать тягу; задать стрекача 44

d) to make one’s private things be known to everybody 44

5. to come out in the wash 44

e) to become known in the course of time 44

6. a new broom 44

займатися своєю справою 44

f) a victory or success; a complete change 44

7. in the dust 44

придумувати; організовувати експромтом; швидко приготувати 44

g) to beat about the bush 44

8. to throw dust in smb.'s eyes 44

h) to provide good food and much comfort to one’s guests; to be a good host 44

9. to wash one's dirty linen in public 44

повна перемога, зміна 44

i) to worsen the situation 44

10. to go round the houses 44

щиро приймати гостей 44

j) to be hurt in own pride; to be humiliated 44

11. to cultivate one's garden 44

k) to make scandal over smth 44

12. to be unable to see smb. for dust 44

ускладнити/загострити положення; погіршити ситуацію 44

l) to prepare quickly; to improvise 44

13. to keep a good house 44

m) not to tell the truth; to deceive 44


b) Make up 20 questions on the text and ask the group-mates to answer them. 51

Exercise 10. Here is a conversation between Mrs. Smith (Joan) and her husband Steve. Read and translate it. Make up your own dialogue by analogy with this one. 51

1.How old is the tradition of house naming in Britain? What inspired it? 53

5.Do you know other countries where houses are given names? 53

T O P I C A L V O C A B U L A R Y 64

4 64

a two-room flat 64

5 64

a waste of time 64

6 64

7 64

8 64

9 64

10 64

11 64

alternatively 64

aluminium foil 64

14 64

angry 64

15 64

16 64

anniversary 64

17 64

18 64

19 64

20 64

21 64

22 64

23 64

appointed 64

24 64

25 64

as if 64

26 65

at hand 65

27 65

at the back 65

28 65

29 65

at the front 65

30 65

attic 65

31 65

baby's (nursery) room 65

33 65

baking tin 65

35 65

36 65

balcony 65

37 65

38 65

barking 65

39 65

40 65

bunk 65

42 65

be affected (by) 65

43 65

44 65

be bored 65

45 65

be in trouble 65

46 65

47 65

48 65

be situated 65

49 65

beat about the bush (Idiom) 65

bed-cover 65

bedside table 65

boring 65

brick 66

built-in cupboard 66

care 66

cash machine 66

celebrate 66

cellar 66

certain 66

chandelier 66

comfort 66

complete 67

council accommodation 67

council estate 67

crisis 67

cruelty 67

daydream 67

deceive 67

dedicate (to) 67

desire 68

dirty 68

displeased 68

do one’s bit 68

duvet (duvet cover) 68

electric blanket 69

elevator 69

enthusiasm 69

fence 69

flat 69

futon 69

give a flat a big clean 70

great desire 70

hi-fi system 70

high-back chair 70

host 70

household chore 70

humiliate 70

in a side street 70

in spite of 70

in the course of time 70

in the suburbs 70

initial step 71

instead 71

landing 71

local area 72

look after 72

make change 72

make smb. do sth. 72

management 72

mirror 72

mosquito net 72

necessity 72

next door 73

offer 73

off the main road 73

on the ground floor 73

on the main road 73

on the outskirts 73

orchard 73

order 73

permission 73

pillow case 73

plastic wrap 73

pride 74

prove a proverb 74

quilt 74

relative 74

rely on 74

rent from 74

rocking-chair 75

rug 75

scandal 75

shared wall 75

single (double) bed 75

standard 76

standard lamp 76

stone 76

strongly 76

suffer 76

table (round, oval, square) 77

table-cloth 77

think over 77

think plots up 77

unrealistic 77

unwillingness 77

victory 78

wall lamp 78

win 78

worried 78

worsen 78

yard 78

Навчально-методичний посібник з усної практики 96



Навчальне видання

Рубцова Марина Анатоліївна

Дім та домівка

Навчально-методичний посібник з усної практики

для студентів молодших курсів факультету іноземних мов

Відповідальний за випуск І. В. Тепляков

Редактор І. Ю. Агаркова

Підписано до друку Формат 60х84/ 16. Ум.-друк. арк.

Обл.-вид. арк. Наклад прим. Ціна договірна

Папір офсетний. Друк різографічний.


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