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essential - основной

through our lifetime – в течение жизни

to go out for a job – начинать работать

primary - первичный

to win respects – заслужить уважение

to support for a lifetimeподдерживать кого-то (материально) в течение всей жизни

otherwise - иначе, по-другому

work forработать на кого-то

housewife - домохозяйка

to gain respects – заслужить уважение

employee - сотрудник

to fulfill ones jobвыполнять свою работу

to receive compliments – получать похвалу

military man -военный

reward – награда, вознаграждение

values - ценности

learn and develop ourselves through working – учиться и развиваться посредством работы

co-operate with – сотрудничать с

to get through the strict (harsh) life – справляться с трудностями жизни

to get honor fromполучать почет от

to feel achievement through our work – чувствовать, что добиваешься каких-то результатов, делая свою работу

workplace – место работы

to make friends – заводить друзей

workmate - товарищ по работе

compared to – в сравнении с

to face difficultiesсталкиваться с трудностями

to conquer - завоевывать

to be viewed - рассматриваться

fluently – бегло, быстро

2A. Can you find ten hobbies hidden below?

r e a d i n g w h d y n f

c r j m u s i c c b n e e

o y e c o o k i n g o q l

h r w t x s p o r t s f d

s f i s h i n g e d c v p

I о l x y d a n c i n g a

n g w k p a i n t i n g x

e r I n h u n t i n g s z

g a r d e n i n g m t u s

B. Which of the jobs would you like to have? Give your reasons.

What would be the ideal job for you, and why?

3. Read the biographical notes and expand them into full sentences:

Alexey Klimovsky, 20

athletic and energetic

is from Volgograd

the only child in the family

was in the army for 2 years

was a pistol-shooting champion

married to Aппа

a first-year student

is good at mathematics and foreign languages

interested in psychology and sociology

likes modern music and bowling a lot

4. Do you know your astrological sign and the characteristics associated with it? Study the twelve signs of the zodiac and answer the following questions:

1. When were you born?

2. What is your sign?

3. What are the characteristics of the people born under this sign?

4. Do you believe in horoscopes?

Carpicorn (goat) Dec. 22-Jan. 19 dedicated, tireless

Aquarius (water carrier) Jan,20-Feb,18 dynamic, colourful

Pisces (fish) Feb.19-Mar.20 meditative, compassionate

Aries (ram) Mar.21-Apr. 19 strong-willed .enthusiastic

Taurus (bull) Apr.20-Muy 20 graceful, charming, wise

Gemini (twins) May 21-June 20 cheerful, energetic

Cancer (crab) June 21-July 22 sensitive, sincere

Leo (lion) July 23-Aug.22 charming, clever

Virgo (virgin) Aug. 23-Sept. 22 decisive, uptight

Libra (balance) Sept.23-Oct.22 intelligent, loyal

Scorpio (scorpion) Oct.23-Nov.21 resolute, industrious

Sagittarius (archer) Nov. 22-Dec. 21 forthright, honest

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