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3 year usa.doc
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I II. Vocabulary exercises

  1. Find English equivalents:

спокусливий, привабливий; безводна пустеля; простягатися; хмарочос; доступний; спадщина; суміжний; інженерна майстерність; безперервні гори; вулканічна активність; опади; долина, низина; усіяний; родючий; болотяний; вологий клімат; вражаючий пейзаж; гірський; прізвисько.

  1. Find Ukrainian equivalents:

be embedded in the mind; byway; below sea level; tributary; temperate; discontinuous chain; eerie ghost town; bayou; tower over; enticing; tremendous variety; natural barrier; non-fuel natural resources; out-of-the-way hamlets; rugged mountains; drizzle; facetious; permeate.

3. Render into English:

  1. The images of the country that named itself after a continent закарбовані у пам’яті of every traveler: нескінченні магістралі cutting through мерехтливі пустелі; forests of хмарочосів, що здіймаються над міськими джунглями; acres of beaches, усіяні серфбордами та засмаглою skin.

  2. Та що дивує найбільше, perhaps, is how земля, яка спочатку так лякала can виявитися такою привабливою – its vibrant mix of peoples, вражаючих landscapes and city skylines, and rich musical, cinematic, and culinary спадщина спокушає almost every visitor in the end.

  3. There are 48 суміжних states. The country naturally presents a приголомшливу різноманітність in physical features (and climate), що коливається від вологих дощових лісів до посушливих desert and оголених гірських вершин.

  4. Тихоокеанське узбережжя є майже посушливим in summer, хоча часто трапляються тумани. Зимою частими є дрібні дощі.

  5. Більшість країни має вологий continental climate with hot summers and cold winters, у той час як відсутність природних перешкод either to the north or the south дозволяє cold, dry air сочитися south from Canada and warm, humid air north from Мексиканської затоки.

  6. Other basic metals and корисними копалинами, що видобуваються у великій кількості, є цинк, мідь, срібло та фосфатні породи.

  7. Уряд of the USA has three окремі та рівнозначні гілки: Congress, the President, and верховний суд. Існує дві «палати» of Congress: сенат and Палата представників.

  8. А well-known прізвисько американського уряду – Uncle Sam – з’явилося during the War 1812, when Samuel Wilson was an inspector of provisions, що призначалися for the American Army. Скорочення of “US” marked on the casks, було незнайоме людям, and один із працівників поширив жартівливу приказку that it meant “Uncle Sam” Wilson. The old joke about “Uncle Sam” проникла all the armies in the field.

  9. The United States produces чверть світового вугілля та одну-сьому світової нафти, а також мають достатню кількість резерву вугілля, якого вистачить на сотні років.

  10. На захід від Великої Рівнини is the Cordillera, which accounts for one-third of the United States. It is a region of приголомшливого різноманіття, which can be sub-divided into various other regions. На його східних кордонах the Rocky Mountains, a high, переривчастий ланцюг of Mountains, що простирається від гористої Alaska down to Mexico, rise sharply from the Great Plains. Ці нерівні mountains contain many important metals such as свинець, уран та золото.

4. Fill in the blanks using the words. If necessary put them into the suitable form:















tower over


1. Dissatisfaction with the government seems to have …… every section of society. 2. It's been …… all day. 3. These monuments are a vital part of the cultural …… of South America. 4. The resort is easily …… by road, rail and air. 5. The campsite has been …… 'tent city' by visiting reporters. 6. The desert is so …… that nothing can grow there. 7. The adverts …… the customer into buying things they don't really want. 8. The forecast is for dry, cloudy weather with no …… expected. 9. She's been a …… help to me over the last few months. 10. France is …… with Italy. 11. The thorn was …… in her thumb. 12. The Andes …… for 7250 km along the west coast of South America. 13. He was of a ……temper. 14. He had the …… feeling that he had met this stranger before. 15. Canary Wharf …… the Dockland area of London. 16 We have offices …… all over the region.

5. a) what do you know about the history of the United States? Try to arrange these important historical events into chronological order:

  • The Declaration of Independence was adopted;

  • The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the U.S.;

  • The Mayflower Pilgrims established Plymouth Colony;

  • Japan attacked Pearl Harbor;

  • Alaska and Hawaii, respectively, became the forty-ninth and fiftieth U.S. states, and the current flag was adopted;

  • The stock market crashed and the Great Depression began;

  • Gold was found in California and the golden rush started;

  • Alaska was purchased from Russia for $7.2 million.

b) read the text about one of the most important events in the history of the United States and fill in the gaps using the words given below:







in response











fight for



The American Revolution lasted from 1775 to 1781. The first signs of the future …… appeared in the 1760s when England passed laws that …… taxes on the American colonists in Boston and limited their rights. Bostonians strongly ……. …… in 1768 …… to the occupation of Boston by British soldiers. From there, problems grew. In 1773, to protest a new tax, Bostonians, threw 400 …… of British tea into the Boston Harbor; this event became known as the Boston Tea Party. …… Britain closed the harbor. This was a …… punishment since Boston depended on trade. In May 1775, …… of the thir­teen colonies met in Philadelphia to decide whether to …… with Britain or …… independence. Fighting had already begun, but many people still hoped for peace with Britain. Finally, more than a year later, on July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was …… approved. The Declaration says that independence is a basic human right: We hold these truths to be ……, that all men are created equal, that they are …… by their Creator with certain …… Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the …… of happiness. When independence was won, the colo­nies came together, not as a nation, but as a confederation, or group of states. To …… tyranny, there was no president and the cen­tral government had very little power. Each state had its own army. The states …… each other's goods. It was almost as if they were separate countries. The result was great ……. In 1787, representatives from all the states met in Philadelphia to discuss the problems. They soon decided that the con­federation could not work and that a new system of government was needed. For this purpose, they wrote the United States Con­stitution which united the states into one country. For over two hundred years, it has provided the …… for American government.

6. Give words (word combinations) from the exercise above for the following definitions and make sentences of your own with them:

1. in complete or absolute agreement; 2. to oppose or struggle against (a person, thing, cause, etc.) in any manner; 3. to keep from happening, especially by taking precautionary action; 4. the act of chasing or striving after; 5. to provide with; 6. not able to be transferred to another; 7. a disturbance made by an unruly mob; 8. present an argument against smth.; 9. causing misery or discomfort by its harshness; 10. containing its own proof without need of further demonstration.

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