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werodlíce [] adv sweetly

werodnes [] f (-se/-sa) sweetness, pleasantness

werp [] f (-e/-a) recovery (from sickness); [= wyrpe]

werping [] m (-es/-as) loss?; [iactura]

werréaf [] n (-es/-) civil clothing

werstede [] m (-es/-as) place of a weir

wertihtle [] f (-an/-an) charge involving the penalty of ‘wer,’ homicide (1)

wertyhtle [] f (-an/-an) charge involving the penalty of ‘wer,’ homicide (2)

werþéod2 [] f (-e/-a) folk, people, nation

werwulf [] m (-es/-as) werewolf, fiend

wésa [] m (-n/-n) drunkard

wesan [] irreg v/i 3rd pres is past wæs/wǽron ptp is gewesen to be; happen

wésan1 [] wv/t1b to soak, macerate; ooze; dye

wése [] adj moist, macerated; [wós]

wesend [] m (-es/-) bison

wesendhorn [] m (-es/-as) bison’s horn

wesendlíce [] adv essentially

wesle [] f (-an/-an) weasel (1)

west [] adv westwards, west, in a westerly direction

westan [] 1. adv from the west; 2. be ~ prep w.d. west of

westane [] 1. adv from the west; 2. be ~ prep w.d. west of

wéstan1 [] wv/t1b to lay waste, ravage

westannorðan [] adj north-west (wind); adv

westansúðan [] adj southwest; adv

westansúðanwind [] m (-es/-as) south-west wind

westanweard [] adj westward

westanwind [] m (-es/-as) west wind

West-Centingas [] m pl people of West Kent

westdǽl [] m (-es/-as) west-quarter, western part

West-Dene [] m pl West Danes

wéste [] adj waste, barren, desolate, deserted, uninhabited, empty; ~ land waste land, desert

wésten [] 1. n (-nes/-nu), m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) waste, wilderness, desert; 2. adj waste, desolate

westende [] m (-es/-as) west end

wéstengryre [] m (-es/-as) terror of the desert

wéstenlic [] adj eremitic

wéstensetla [] m (-n/-n) hermit, anchorite

wéstenstaðol [] m (-es/-as) waste place

westerne [] adj western, westerly; cmp westera, westerra more westerly; spl westema, westmest most westerly

westhealf [] f (-e/-a) west side

wéstig [] adj waste, deserted, desert

westlang [] adv extending westward; cmp westleng, westlenge; spl westlengest

westmearc [] f (-e/-a) western boundary

wéstnes [] f (-se/-sa) desolation; desert place

westnorðlang [] adv extending north-westwards; cmp ~leng, ~lenge; spl ~lengest

westnorðwind [] m (-es/-as) north-west wind

westríce [] n (-es/-u) western kingdom

westrihte [] adj?, adv? westward

westrihtes [] adv due west, westwards

westrodor2 [] m (-es/-roderes) western (= evening) sky

westsǽ [] f (-/-) western sea

West-Seaxan [] m pl West Saxons; Wessex

West-Seaxe [] m pl West Saxons; Wessex

westsúðende [] m (-es/-as) southwest extremity

westsúðwind [] m (-es/-as) southwest wind

West-Wéalas [] m pl Cornishmen

westweard [] 1. adv westwards; 2. adj westerly

westwerd [] 1. adv westwards; 2. adj westerly

westweg [] m (-es/-as) western way

westwind [] m (-es/-as) west wind

wesung [] f (-e/-a) A making, preparing, producing, arranging, composing, completing; concr., that which is prepared, made; A diminishing, destroying [confectio], a laming, maiming; weakness [debilitatio]

wéðan [] wv/t1b to assuage, make calm

wéðe [] adj sweet, mild, pleasant

weðer [] 1. m (-es/-as) wether, sheep, ram; 2. see weder 1

wéðnes1 [] f (-se/-sa) suavity, mildness

wibba [] m (-n/-n) crawling thing, beetle

wíc [] n (-es/-), f (-e/-a) dwelling-place, lodging, habitation, house, mansion; village, town; pl entrenchments, camp, castle, fortress; street, lane; bay, creek

wícan1 [] sv/i1 3rd pres wícð past wác/wicon ptp is gewicen to yield, give way, fall down

wicca [] 1. m (-n/-n) wizard, magician, soothsayer, astrologer; 2. see wicga

wicce [] f (-an/-an) witch

wiccecræft [] m (-es/-as) witchcraft, magic

wiccedóm [] m (-es/-as) witchcraft

wiccian [] wv/t2 to use witchcraft

wiccung [] f (-e/-a) enchantment

wiccungdóm [] m (-es/-as) witchcraft

wice [] 1. m (-es/-as), f (-an/-an) wych-elm; 2. see wuce; 3. see weoce

wíce [] f (-an/-an) office, function; officer

wíceard [] m (-a/-a) dwelling-place

wícfreoðu [] f (-e/-a) protection of a dwelling

wicg [] n (-es/-) horse; [rare in prose]

wícgeréfa [] m (-n/-n) bailiff, reeve of a ‘wíc’ or vill; In gen., a tax-gatherer, publican; A farmer-general of the Roman revenues, usually from the equestrian order [publicanus], tax-gatherer

wícherpæð [] m (-es/-paðas) a public road to a ‘wíc’

wícian1 [] wv/t2 to dwell, lodge, rest in; encamp, bivouac; harbor, anchor

wícing [] m (-es/-as) pirate, viking

wícingsceaðe [] f (-an/-an) piracy

wícnera [] m (-n/-n) steward, bailiff

wícnere [] m (-es/-as) steward, bailiff

wícnian [] wv/t2 to attend upon

wícscéawere [] m (-es/-as) provider of a home

wícsteall [] m (-es/-as) camping-place

wícstede2 [] m (-es/-as) dwelling

wícstów [] f (-e/-a) dwelling-place, residence; camp, encampment

wicþénestre [] f (-an/-an) weekly servant

wíctún [] m (-es/-as) vestibule, court

wicudæg [] m (-es/-dagas) weekday (3)

wícung [] f (-e/-a) lodging

wíd [] adj wide, vast, broad, long; ~ and síd far and wide; tó ~an ealdre, tó ~an féore, ~an fyrhð for ever; ~e dréogan1 to wander

wídan [] adv from far

wídbrád [] adj wide-spreading

wídcúð [] adj widely known, celebrated

wíde [] adv widely, afar, far and wide; síde and ~ far and wide

wídefeorlic [] adj eternal; [=wide-?]

wídeferhð2 [] 1. m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) (long life), long duration, long time; 2. adv always

wídefyrhð2 [] 1. m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) (long life), long duration, long time; 2. adv always

wíderfeorlic [] adj eternal

wídfarend [] m (-es/-) wanderer

wídfæðme2 [] adj ample, extensive

wídférende2 [] adj coming from afar

wídfloga2 [] m (-n/-n) wide-flier (of a dragon)

wídfolc [] n (-es/-) great nation

wídgangol [] adj wandering, roving

wídgenge [] adj wandering (monk)

wídgil [] adj widespread, broad, extensive; wandering

wídgill [] adj widespread, broad, extensive; wandering

wídgilnes [] f (-se/-sa) amplitude, spaciousness

wídhergan [] wv/t1b to extol

wídian [] wv/i2 to become wider

wídl [] m? (-es/-as), n? (-es/-) impurity, filth, defilement

wídland2 [] n (-es/-) extensive country

wídlást2 [] 1. adj far-wandering; 2. m (-es/-as) long wandering, long way or road

wídlian1 [] wv/t2 to defile, pollute, profane

wídmǽre [] adj celebrated, well-known

wídmǽrsian1 [] wv/t2, wv/i2 to spread abroad, divulge; celebrate

wídmǽrsung [] f (-e/-a) proclamation

wídnes [] f (-se/-sa) width

wídrynig [] adj far-flowing

wídsǽ [] m (-s/-s), f (-/-) open sea, ocean

wídsceop [] adj widely distributed

wídscofen [] adj scattered far and wide

wídscríðol [] adj erratic, wandering

wídsíð2 [] m (-es/-as) long journey; far-traveler

wídu [] f (-e/-a) width

wídwegas2 [] m pl distant regions

wiel [] m (-es/-as) slave, servant

wieldan1 [] wv/t1b to have power over, control; tame, subdue, conquer, seize; ge~ compel; ge~ temper

wielde [] 1. 1 adj powerful, victorious; 2. adj? in the power of, under the control of

wieldung [] f (-e/-a) domination, rule

wielen [] f (-ne/-na) foreign woman, female slave

wielisc [] adj foreign; British (not Anglo-Saxon); Welsh; not free, servile; [wealh]

wiell [] m (-es/-as) well, fountain, spring; [weallan] (1)

wiella [] m (-n/-n) well, fountain, spring; [weallan] (2)

wielle [] f (-an/-an) well, fountain, spring; [weallan] (3)

wielm [] m (-es/-as) boiling, swelling, sur, billow, current, stream; burning, flame, inflammation; fervor, ardor, zeal; [weallan]

wielma [] m (-n/-n) inflammation

wielmfýr [] n (-es/-) blazing fire

wielmhát [] adj burning hot

wierdan1 [] wv/t1b to spoil, injure, destroy, violate, obstruct

wierdnes [] f (-se/-sa) injury, vice

wierdung [] f (-e/-a) bodily injury; blemish

wiergan [] wv/t1b to abuse, outlaw, condemn, curse, proscribe; blaspheme; do evil; [compounds wyrg-, wyrig-]

wiergen [] f (-ne/-na) she-wolf

wiernan [] wv/t1b w.g. thing and w.d. person to withhold, be sparing of, deny, refuse, reject, decline; forbid, prevent from

wiernung [] f (-e/-a) refusal

wierp [] m (-es/-as) cast, throw, shot, blow

wierpan1 [] wv/i1b to recover from illness, get better

wierrest [] adj worst; spl of yfel

wiers [] adv worse; cmp of yfle

wiersa [] m adj worse; cmp of yfel

wierse [] f, n adj worse; cmp of yfel

wíf [] n (-es/-) woman, female, lady; wife; ~ lǽdan take a wife, carry

wífcild [] n (-es/-ru) female child

wífcynn [] n (-es/-) womankind, female sex

wífcýððu [] f (-e/-a) company of a woman?, intercourse of a woman?

wifel [] 1. m (wifles/wiflas) weevil, beetle; 2. see wifer

wifer [] m (wifres/wifras) missile, arrow, dart

wíffæst [] adj bound to a wife, married

wíffeax [] n (-es/-u) woman’s hair

wíffréond [] m (-es/-fríend) female friend

wífgál [] adj licentious, unchaste

wífgemǽdla [] m (-n/-n) woman’s fury

wífgemána [] m (-n/-n) intercourse with a woman

wífgeornes [] f (-se/-sa) adultery

wífgifta [] f pl dowry, outfit?, marriage?

wífhád [] m (-a/-a) womanhood; female sex

wífhand [] f (-a/-a) female inheritor, female side

wífhealf [] f (-e/-a) woman’s (i.e. mother’s) side

wífhearpe [] f (-an/-an) timbrel

wífhíred [] n (-hírdes/-) nunnery

wífhrægel [] n (-es/-) woman’s clothing

wífian1 [] wv/t2 to take a wife, marry (of the man)

wíflác [] n (-es/-) cohabitation, fornication

wífléas [] adj unmarried

wífléast [] f (-e/-a) lack of women

wíflic [] 1. adj womanly, feminine, female; 2. adv ~líce

wíflufu2 [] f (-e/-a) love for a woman

wífmann [] m (-es/-menn) woman; female servant

wífmyne [] m (-es/-as) love for a woman

wifrian [] wv/t2 to shake (a weapon)

wífscrúd [] n (-es/-) woman’s clothing [dat –scrýd]

wífþegn [] m (-es/-as) procurer

wífþing [] n (-es/-) marriage, cohabitation

wífung1 [] f (-e/-a) marrying (of the man), wedlock

wíg [] 1. n (-es/-) strife, contest, war, battle; valor; military force, army; 2. 2 n (-es/-) idol, image; [wíh, wéoh]

wiga [] m (-n/-n) fighter; man; the Holy Spirit?

wígan [] sv/t1 3rd pres wígð past wág/wigon ptp gewigen to fight, make war

wígár [] m (-a/-a) spear, lance; [wíg, gár]

wígbǽre [] adj warlike

wígbealu [] n (-wes/-) war-bale

wígbill [] n (-es/-) sword

wígblác [] adj bravely caparisoned

wígbléd? [] m (-es/-as) luck in war

wíggeatwe [] f pl war-gear; [wíg, geatwe]

wíggield [] n (-es/-) idol

wíggryre [] m (-es/-as) war-terror

wíghaga2 [] m (-n/-n) war-hedge, phalanx

wígheafola [] m (-n/-n) helmet

wíghéap [] m (-es/-as) troop of warriors

wígheard [] adj brave in battle

wíghete [] m (-es/-as) hostility

wíghryre [] m (-es/-as) slaughter, defeat

wíghús [] n (-es/-) battlement, tower; turret (on an elephant’s back)

wíghyrst [] f (-e/-a) war-gear, accoutrements

wígian [] wv/t2 to fight

wigle [] n (-es/-u) divination

wígléoð [] n (-es/-) war-cry, battle-signal

wiglere [] m (-es/-as) soothsayer, wizard

wiglian [] wv/t2 to take auspices, divine

wíglic [] adj warlike; adv ~líce

wiglung1 [] f (-e/-a) soothsaying, augury, witchcraft, sorcery

wígmann [] m (-es/-menn) warrior

wígnett? [] n (-es/-) gladiator’s net

wígnoð [] m (-es/-as) warfare, war

wigol [] adj divining, foreboding

wígplega2 [] m (-n/-n) war-play, battle

wígrád [] f (-e/-a) war-path

wígrǽden [] f (-ne/-na) state of war, battle

wígsigor2 [] m (-es/-as) victory in a battle

wígsíð [] m (-es/-as) military expedition

wígsmið [] 1. m (-es/-as) maker of idols; 2. 2 m (-es/-as) warrior

wígspéd2 [] f (-e/-e) success in war

wígspere [] n (-es/-u) war-spear, dart

wígsteall [] n (-es/-) rampart, entrenchment

wígstrang [] adj mighty in war; cmp ~strengra; spl ~strengest

wígtrod [] n (-es/-u) path of an army; [or ?wigrod battle-pole]

wígþracu2 [] f (-e/-a) onslaught in battle, attack; [dat sing ~þræce]

wígþríst [] adj bold in battle

wígwægn [] m (-es/-as) war chariot

wígwǽpen [] n (-wǽpnes/-) weapon of war

wígweorðung2 [] f (-e/-a) idol-worship

wiht [] 1. f (-e/-a), n (-es/-u) wight, person, creature, being; whit, thing, something, anything; 2. adv at all; ne ~, nǽnig ~ not at all; nán ~ no whit; 3. ge~ f (-e/-a) weighing, weight

Wiht [] f (-e/-a) Isle of Wight; [L Vectis]

wihte [] adv at all; dat, instr of wiht

wihte1 [] n (-es/-u) weight

Wihtland [] n (-es/-) Isle of Wight

wihtmearc [] f (-e/-a) plumb-line

Wihtsǽtan [] m pl inhabitants of the Isle of Wight (1)

Wihtsǽte [] m pl inhabitants of the Isle of Wight (2)

Wihtware [] m pl inhabitants of the Isle of Wight

wíl [] n (-es/-) wile, trick

wila [] m (-n/-n) a wooden bracket, brace, etc., for holding two beams together; A chain, used as a fetter, shackle, etc., of a chain stopping the entrance of a harbor; a constraint, fetter, barrier, bond; a chain of gold or silver worn by women as an ornament; A series of things connected together, a chain, series [catenarum]

wílbec [] m (-es/-as) stream of tears; [or ?winbrec (war’s alarms)]

wilboda [] m (-n/-n) messenger of joy, angel

wilcuma [] 1. m (-n/-n) welcome, guest; 2. see wilcume

wilcume [] interj welcome!

wilcumian1 [] wv/t2 to welcome, greet

wild? [] adj wild

wildæg [] m (-es/-dagas) day of joy

wilddéor [] n (-es/-) wild beast; deer, reindeer; [occl dat pl wildrum]

wilddéorcynn [] n (-es/-) species of wild beasts

wilddéoren [] adj like wild beasts, fierce

wilddéorlic [] adj savage; adv ~líce

wilde [] 1. adj wild, untamed, uncontrolled; uncultivated, desert; 2. adv

wildefýr [] n (-es/-) lightning; erysipelas

wildeswín [] m (-es/-as) wild boar

wildgós [] f (-gés/-gés) wild goose; [gen sing gés, góse; dat sing gés; nom/acc pl gés; gen pl gósa; dat pl gósum]

wilfægen [] adj fain, glad

wilfullíce [] adv willingly

wilgiest [] m (-es/-as) welcome guest

wilgedryht2 [] f (-e/-a) willing band

wilgehléða [] m (-n/-n) intimate companion

wilgesíð2 [] m (-es/-as) willing companion

wilgiefa2 [] m (-n/-n) gracious giver, king

wilhrémig [] adj rejoicing in satisfied desire

wilhréðig [] adj exultant

wilian1 [] wv/t2 to connect, bind

wiliga [] m (-n/-n) basket

wilige [] f (-an/-an) basket

wiligwíse [] f (-an/-an) basket-wise

wiliht [] adj full of willows

willa [] m (-n/-n) 1. mind, will, determination, purpose; selfes ~um of one’s own accord; desire, wish, request; joy, delight, pleasure; desirable thing, valuable; 2. fountain, spring

willan [] modal v/i 3rd pres wille past wolde ptp gewoled to will, be willing, wish, desire; (denoting habit, repetition) to be used to; to be about to; (sign of the future tense) shall, will

willen [] 1. adj willing, desirous; 2. see wyllen

willendlíce [] adv willingly

willes [] adv willingly, voluntarily

willgebróðor [] m pl brothers

willgesteald [] n (-es/-) riches, wealth; [or ?willgestealla m willing companion]

willgesteall [] n (-es/-) riches, wealth; [or ?willgestealla m willing companion]

willgesweostor [] f pl sisters

willgeþofta [] m (-n/-n) pleasant companion

willian1 [] wv/t2 to wish, desire

willic [] adj from a fountain; [wiell]

willíce [] adv willingly, voluntarily

willodlíce [] adv willingly

willsele [] m (-es/-as) pleasant dwelling

willspell2 [] n (-es/-) good tidings

willung [] f (-e/-a) desire

willwang [] m (-es/-as) pleasant plain

willwyrdan [] wv/i1b to be complaisant

wilnian1 [] wv/t2 w.g. or w.a. to wish, long for, desire, will; beg for, supplicate, entreat, petition for; tend towards

wilniendlic [] adj desirable; capable of desire; ge~ unbridled

wilnincel [] n (-incles/-inclu) a little female servant

wilnung1 [] f (-e/-a) desire, longing (good or bad)

wilsǽtan [] m pl people of Wilts; Wiltshire (2)

wilsǽte [] m pl people of Wilts; Wiltshire (1)

wilsíð [] m (-es/-as) desired journey

wilsum [] adj desirable, delightful; ready, willing, voluntary, spontaneous; devoted; adv ~líce

wilsumlic [] adj desirable, delightful; ready, willing, voluntary, spontaneous; devoted; adv ~líce

wilsumnes1 [] f (-se/-sa) willingness, devotion; free-will offering

wiltíðe [] adj having obtained one’s wish, glad

wilþegu [] f (-e/-a) agreeable food

wilweg [] m (-es/-as) desired way

wimpel [] m (wimples/wimplas) wimple, covering for the neck, cloak

wín [] n (-es/-) wine [L]

wínærn [] n (-es/-) tavern, cellar; drinking hall, wine hall

wínbéam [] m (-es/-as) vine

wínbeger [] n (-es/-) grape

wínbelg [] m (-es/-as) (leather) bottle for wine

wínberge [] f (-an/-an) whortle-berry; wine-berry (whimberry), grape

wínberie [] f (-an/-an) whortle-berry; wine-berry (whimberry), grape

wínberige [] f (-an/-an) whortle-berry; wine-berry (whimberry), grape

wínbóg [] m (-bóges/-bógass) vine-shoot, vine

wínbrytta [] m (-n/-n) wine-seller, inn-keeper

wínburg2 [] f (-byrg/-byrg) festive city; walled vineyard, castle; [gen sing ~byrg, ~byrig, ~burge; dat sing ~byrg, ~byrig; nom/acc pl ~byrg, byrig; gen pl ~burga; dat pl ~burgum]

wínbyrele [] m (-es/-as) inn-keeper

wince [] f (-an/-an) winch, pulley

wincel [] 1. m (wincles/winclas) corner; [Ger winkel]; 2. see wencel

wincettan [] wv/t1b to wink

winclian? [] wv/i2 to wink

wínclyster [] n (-es/-) cluster of grapes, bunch of grapes; a row of vines

wíncolc [] f (-e/-a) wine vat, a tub into which the juice pressed from the grapes runs

wíncynn [] n (-es/-) wine

wind [] m (-es/-as) wind

windǽddre [] f (-an/-an) windpipe

windæg12 [] m (-es/-dagas) day of strife or toil

windan1 [] sv/t3 3rd pres windeð past wand/wundon ptp gewunden to wind, plait, curl, twist; unwind; whirl, brandish, swing; sv/i3 to turn, fly, leap, start, roll, slip, go; busy oneself with; delay, hesitate; roll up; repair

windbǽre [] adj windy

windlband [] n (-es/-) blast of wind

windel [] m (windles/windlas) basket

windelocc [] m (-es/-as) curly lock

windelstán [] m (-es/-as) tower with a winding staircase

windelstréaw [] n (-es/-) windle-straw

windeltréow [] n (-es/-) oleaster, willow

windfona [] m (-n/-n) winnowing fan

windfylled [] adj blown down

windgeard [] m (-es/-as) home of the winds, sea

windgefonna [] m (-n/-n) winnowing fan

windgereste [] f (-an/-an) resting-place of the winds

windhladen [] adj windy

windig [] adj windy, breezy

windrǽs [] m (-es/-as) storm of wind

wíndrinc [] m (-es/-as) wine-drink, wine

wíndruncen [] adj elate, intoxicated with wine

windscofl [] f (-e/-a) fan

windsele [] m (-es/-as) 2 (windy hall), hell

windswingel [] f (-e/-a) (wind-whip), fan

windumǽr [] f (-e/-a) echo

windung [] 1. f (-e/-a) winnowing, chaff, tares, straw; 2. f (-e/-a) something woven, hurdle

windwian [] wv/t2 to fan, winnow

windwigceaf [] n (-es/-) chaff

windwigsife [] n (-es/-u) winnowing-sieve, fan

wine2 [] m (-es/-as) friend, protector, lord; retainer; [occl gen pl winiga, winigea]

winedryhten [] m (-dryhtnes/-dryhtnas) friendly lord, lord and friend

winegéomor [] adj mourning for friends

wineléas2 [] adj friendless

winemǽg2 [] m (-es/-as, -mágas) dear kinsman

winescipe [] m (-es/-as) friendship

winetréow [] f (-e/-a) conjugal fidelity

wineþearfende2 [] adj friendless

winewincle [] f (-an/-an) periwinkle (shell-fish)

wínfæt [] n (-es/-fatu) wine-vessel, wine-vat

wíngál2 [] adj flushed or intoxicated with wine

wíngeard [] m (-es/-as) vineyard; vine

wíngeardbóg [] m (-es/-as) vine-tendril

wíngeardhóc [] m (-es/-as) vine-tendril

wíngeardhring [] m (-es/-as) cluster of fruit; vine tendrils

wíngeardseax [] n (-es/-) vine pruning-knife

wíngeardwealh [] m (-wéales/-wéalas) worker in a vineyard

wíngedrinc [] n (-es/-) 2 wine-drinking, drinking bout; wine

wínháte [] f (-an/-an) invitation to wine

wínhréafetian [] wv/t2 to gather grapes

wínhús [] n (-es/-) wine-house, tavern

wínian [] wv/t2 to pluck (grapes)

wining [] m (-es/-as) leg-band, garter

wínland [] n (-es/-) wine-growing country

wínléaf [] n (-es/-) vine-leaf

wínlic [] adj vinous, like wine

wínmere [] m (-es/-as) wine-vat

winn1 [] n (-es/-) toil, labor, trouble, hardship; profit, gain; conflict, strife, war

winna1 [] m (-n/-n) enemy, adversary

winnan [] sv/t3 3rd pres winð past wann/wunnon ptp gewunnen to labor, toil, trouble oneself; resist, oppose, contradict; fight, strive, struggle, rage; on ~ attack; ge~ conquer, obtain, gain; endure, bear, suffer; be ill

winnend [] m (-es/-) fighter

winnendlic [] adj fighting

winnstów1 [] f (-e/-a) wrestling place

wínréafetian [] wv/t2 to gather grapes

wínreced2 [] n (-es/-) wine hall

wínrepan [] sv/t5 3rd pres wínripð past wínræp/wínrǽpon ptp wínrepen to gather in the vintage

wínsæd [] adj satiated with ‘wine’

wínsæl [] n (-es/-salu) wine-hall

wínsele2 [] m (-es/-as) wine-hall

wínsester [] m (-es/-as) wine-vessel [L]

winstre [] 1. adj left; ~ hand left hand; 2. f (-an/-an) left hand

wíntæppere [] m (-es/-as) wine-tapster, tavern-keeper

winter [] m (-a/-a), n (-es/-u, -) winter; pl years (in computing time) [number + wintre]

winterbiter2 [] adj bitterly cold

winterburna [] m (-n/-n) winter-torrent

winterceald2 [] adj wintry-cold

wintercearig [] adj winter-sad, sad with years?

winterdæg [] m (-es/-dagas) winter day

winterdún [] f (-e/-a) hill on which sheep were kept in winter?

winterfeorm [] f (-e/-a) Christmas feast

Winterfylleð [] m (-es/-as) October

wintergegang [] m (-es/-as) fate

wintergerím2 [] n (-es/-) number of years

wintergetæl [] n (-es/-u, -teolu) number of years

wintergewǽde [] n (-es/-u) garment of winter, snow

wintergeweorp [] n (-es/-) snowstorm

wintergeworp [] n (-es/-) snowstorm

winterhús [] n (-es/-) winter-house

winterlǽcan [] irreg wv/i1b to grow wintry

winterlic [] adj wintry, winter

winterrǽdingbóc [] f (-béc/-béc) lectionary for the winter; [gen ~béc/~bóce; dat ~béc; acc ~bóc; nom/acc pl ~béc; gen pl ~bóca; dat pl ~bócum]

winterscúr [] m (-es/-as) winter-shower

wintersetl [] n (-es/-) winter-quarters

wintersteal [] m (-es/-as) stallion a year old

winterstund [] f (-e/-a) winter-hour, short time, year?

wintersufel [] n (-es/-) food for winter

wintertíd [] f (-e/-e) winter-time

wíntíber [] n (-tíbres/-) wine-offering, libation

wíntredde [] f (-an/-an) winepress

wíntréow [] n (-es/-) vine

wintrig [] adj wintry

wíntrog [] m (-es/-as) wine-vessel

wíntunne [] f (-an/-an) wine-cask; [or ? wíntún wine-house]

wíntwig [] n (-es/-u, -tweogu) vine-twig

wínþegu2 [] f (-e/-a) banquet of wine

wínwyrcend [] m (-es/-) vine-dresser

wínwringe [] f (-an/-an) winepress

wiorþegend [] m (-es/-) worshipper

wípian [] wv/t2 to wipe, cleanse

wír [] 1. 2 m (-es/-as) wire, metal thread, wire-ornament; 2. m (-es/-as) myrtle

wírboga [] m (-n/-n) twisted wire?

wírgrǽfe? [] f (-an/-an) myrtle-grove

wírtréow [] n (-es/-) myrtle

wírtréowen [] adj myrtle

wís [] 1. adj wise, learned; sagacious, cunning; sane; prudent, discreet, experienced; noun wise man; 2. see wíse 1

wísa2 [] m (-n/-n) leader, director

wísbóc [] f (-béc/-béc) book of wisdom, instructive book?; [gen ~béc/~bóce; dat ~béc; acc ~bóc; nom/acc pl ~béc; gen pl ~bóca; dat pl ~bócum]

wisce [] n (-es/-u) meadow liable to floods

wischere [] m (-es/-as) diviner?

wísdóm [] m (-es/-as) wisdom, knowledge, learning; experience

wíse [] 1. f (-an/-an) wise, way, fashion, custom, habit, manner; testamentary disposition; business, affair, thing, matter; condition, state, circumstance; reason, cause; direction; melody; idiom; 2. adv wisely; 3. f (-an/-an) sprout, stalk

wísfæst [] adj wise, sagacious, discreet, learned, intelligent

wísfæstlic [] adj wise, sagacious, discreet, learned, intelligent

wíshycgende [] adj wise, sagacious

wíshýdig2 [] adj wise, discreet, sagacious

wísian1 [] wv/t2 w.d. or w.a. to direct, instruct, guide, lead; point out, show

wislic [] adj certain, sure, true; adv ~líce1 certainly, truly; moreover

wíslic [] adj wise, sagacious, prudent; adv ~líce

wísnes [] f (-se/-sa) teaching, wisdom; ge~ understanding

wisnian [] wv/t2 to dry up, wither, waste away; [weornian]

wíssefa [] m (-n/-n) wise-souled man

wissian1 [] wv/t2 to direct, instruct, guide; point out, show

wissiend [] m (-es/-) governor, director; driver (of chariot)

wissigend [] m (-es/-) governor, director; driver (of chariot)

wissum [] adv altogether, completely; tó ~

wissung1 [] f (-e/-a) showing, instruction, guidance; certainty; rule, regulation, government

wist [] f (-e/-e) being, existence; well-being, abundance, plenty; provision, nourishment, subsistence, food, meal, feast, delicacy; wenian1 tó ~e to feast, entertain

wistful [] adj productive

wistfulgend1 [] m (-es/-) banqueter

wistfullian [] wv/t2 to feast

wistfullíce [] adv luxuriously

wistfullnes [] f (-se/-sa) good cheer

wistfullung1 [] f (-e/-a) feasting

wistfyllu [] f (-e/-a) fill of food

wistgiefende [] adj fertile

wistmete [] m (-mettes/-mettas) sustenance

wíswylle [] adj wise in purpose

wíswyrdan [] wv/i1b to be wise in speech

wíswyrde [] adj prudent in speech

wit [] 1. dual 1st pers pron we two; gen uncer; dat unc; acc uncit; ~ Æthered Æthered and I; 2. ~1 see witt

wita1 [] m (-n/-n) sage, philosopher, wise man, adviser, councilor, elder, senator; witness; accomplice; [witan]

witan [] irreg v/t to be aware of or conscious of, know, understand; observe, perceive; ge~ ascertain, learn; andan ~ dislike; incan ~ () to have a grudge (against); ege ~ to fear; dón tó ~ne to cause to know, inform; myne ~ to love

wítan1 [] 1. sv/i1 3rd pres wíteð past wát/witon ptp gewiten to guard, keep; look after; 2. to impute or ascribe to, accuse, reproach, blame; 3. ptp is gewiten to depart, go, go out; leave off; pass away, die (oft forð~)

wíte [] n (-es/-u) punishment, torture, plague, injury; penalty, fine; contribution, in money or food, to sustenance of king or his officers; woe, misery, distress; wyrcan tó ~ to contrive as a punishment

wítebend2 [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) bonds of torture or punishment

wítebróga [] m (-n/-n) tormenting dread

wítecyll [] f (-e/-a) sack in which parricides were put to death

wítedómlic [] adj prophetic

wítefæst [] adj penally enslaved

wítega [] m (-n/-n) wise man; lawyer; prophet, soothsayer; prophecy; [witan] (1)

wítegdóm [] m (-es/-as) prophecy, prediction; divination

wítegeard? [] m (-es/-as) amphitheater

wítegestre [] f (-an/-an) prophetess

wítegian1 [] wv/t2 to prophecy, predict

wítegung [] f (-e/-a) prophecy, divination

wítegungbóc [] f (-béc/-béc) book of prophecy; [gen ~béc/~bóce; dat ~béc; acc ~bóc; nom/acc pl ~béc; gen pl ~bóca; dat pl ~bócum]

wítehrægl [] n (-es/-) penitential garb, sackcloth

wítehús [] n (-es/-) torture-house, prison, hell; amphitheater (as a place of torture and martyrdom)

wítelác2 [] n (-es/-) punishment

wíteléas [] adj without punishment or fine; adv ~líce with impunity

wíteléast [] f (-e/-a) freedom from punishment or fine

wítelic [] adj toilsome, carking; penal

witenagemót [] n (-es/-) meeting of the wise men, national council; [wita]

wíterǽden [] f (-ne/-na) punishment, fine

wítern [] n (-es/-) prison; [ærn]

wítescræf [] n (-es/-scrafu) pit of torment, hell

wítesteng [] m (-es/-as) pole used for torture

wítestów [] f (-e/-a) place of torment or execution

wíteswinge [] f (-an/-an) scourging, punishment

wíteþéow [] adj, m (-es/-as) man reduced to slavery by the law

wítewyrðe [] adj punishable

wítga [] m (-n/-n) wise man; lawyer; prophet, soothsayer; prophecy; [witan] (2)

wítiga [] m (-n/-n) wise man; lawyer; prophet, soothsayer; prophecy; [witan] (3)

wítigendlic [] adj prophetic

wítiglic [] adj punitive, of punishment

witléas1 [] adj foolish, mad

witléasnes [] f (-se/-sa) want of intelligence, folly

witléast1 [] f (-e/-a) folly, madness; [witt]

witmæreswyrt [] f (-e/-e) spoonwort?

wítnere [] m (-es/-as) tormenter, torturer

witnes1 [] f (-se/-sa) knowledge, witness, testimony; a witness; níwa ge~ the New Testament

witnesmann [] m (-es/-menn) witness

wítnian1 [] wv/t2 to punish, chastise, torture, afflict

wítnigend [] m (-es/-) punisher

wítnung [] f (-e/-a) torment, torture, punishment, purgatory

wítnungstów [] f (-e/-a) place of punishment, purgatory

witodlic [] adj certain, sure; adv, conj ~líce, ge~líce truly, for, verily, certainly, undoubtedly, indeed, thus, but, and, therefore, wherefore; [witan]

witolnes [] f (-se/-sa) wisdom; [witan]

witséoc1 [] adj possessed, insane

wítsteng [] m (-es/-as) pole used for torture

witt1 [] n (-es/-) understanding, intellect, sense; knowledge, consciousness; conscience

wíttendlic [] adj prophetic

witter [] adj wise, prudent; [ON vitr]

wíttiendlic [] adj prophetic

wittig12 [] adj wise; sagacious, reasonable; skillful; conscious, in one’s right mind

wittignes [] f (-se/-sa) intelligence

wituma [] m (-n/-n) dowry

witumbora [] m (-n/-n) bridesman, paranymph

wítword [] n (-es/-) written evidence, will, covenant

wið [] 1. prep w.a. with, by, near, against, beside, at, through; w.d. from (separation), with (opposition), for, in return for, on condition of, beside, near, opposite; w.g. towards, to, at, against; ~ éastan a. adv to the east; b. prep w.d.a. east of; ~ úp upwards, above; ~ þán þe because, in consideration of, provided that; ~…weard prep w.a. towards; 2. conj until; átellan ~ balance against; settan1 ~ to compare

wiðæftan [] 1. adv from behind, behind, after; 2. prep w.d. behind, at

wiðbláwan [] sv/t7 3rd pres wiðblǽwð past wiðbléow/on ptp wiðbláwen to blow away

wiðbregdan [] sv/t3 3rd pres wiðbrigdeð past wiðbrægd/wiðbrugdon ptp wiðbrogden to withhold, retrain, withstand, oppose; take away

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