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Lesson Twelve


B: As for me, I prefer summer sports, such as swimming and tennis. It’s too cold in winter.

N: It’s a pleasure to ski in the forest or in the fields in winter. Trees white with snow look so beautiful and the air is so fresh and clean. And the sun sometimes shines so brightly. I always enjoy such skiing trips. Join us next Sunday, if you like.

B: I am a poor skier, you know. I am afraid to be a long way behind you all the time.

N: Never mind. Let’s go. We are going to ski down the hills and to watch our sportsmen training for the competition.

B: All right. If you say it is so pleasant to ski in the country in winter, I am ready to try this kind of sport too. I am going with you next Sunday. What time do you meet?

N: At 10 o’clock as usual at the Sokol metro station. So long. B: See you tomorrow.

Упражнения для домашнего задания

1. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

to take part in sports competition, around the house, to accept an invitation, to hurry to the station, near the house, a big forest, to dance to music, to catch the train, the 4 o’clock train, cold weather, to visit an exhibition, beautiful scenery, a skiing trip, the rest of the group, in many different ways, in the dark sky, to be tired, to be hungry, to have a good time, behind the forest, to be behind, to ski down the hills, to go up the hill, as soon as

2. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. It was getting dark and a large bright moon appeared in the sky. 2. I prefer hot tea. 3. The way was very long and difficult. 4. Can you show me the shortest way to the station? 5. Please, tell me the way how you did it. 6. On the way home I met my friend. 7. You must go there by train, not by car. It takes less time. 8. You must hurry. The train starts in 10 minutes. 9. You can do it in many different ways. 10. This is different from what you said. 11. Which do you prefer — country life or city

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


life? 12. The sun is behind the clouds. 13. The sun appeared from behind the clouds. 14. We saw an aeroplane high up in the sky. 15. I saw him on the escalator: he was going down, I was going up. 16. Though he spoke French very fast, we understood everything he said.

3. Составьте 5 предложений по образцу, заменив выделенный член предло жения:

As I live near the office I walk there.

4. Составьте предложения, поставив глаголы правой колонки в Past Indefinite:

to be tired a little to be hungry a little

to be glad to see my friend

to have tea and cakes When I came home I to do my homework

to go to bed

to write a letter to my friend to begin to work at my report

5. Закончите следующие предложения по образцу:

As soon as the classes were over I went to the station.

1. As soon as it got dark ... 2. As soon as I came home ... 3. As

soon as I got the letter ... 4. As soon as the lecture was over ...

5.As soon as it began to rain ...

6.Скажите о том, какое действие вы рады выполнить, используя приводимые

словосочетания, по образцу:

I am glad to see you.

I am glad

to meet you, to spend the holidays in the country, to join your English circle, to get a letter from a friend of mine, to do my best to master English, to have a short rest, to come back home, to go for a walk in the forest, to accept your invitation, to join you for a skiing trip, to help you, to hear the news, to take part in the sports events

Lesson Twelve


7. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. In what way do you prefer to spend your days off? 2. Do you like to visit art exhibitions? 3. Where did you spend last week end? 4. Did you stay in town or did you leave for the country? 5. Did you go skating last Sunday? 6. Who invited Nick to the country? 7. Did he accept his sister’s invitation? 8. Who met him at the station? 9. Was Nick glad to see his sister? 10. What did they speak about on the way home? 11. What did they do in the evening? 12. Did they have a good time? 13. How long did they ski in the forest on Sunday? 14. Were they hungry and tired after the skiing trip? 15. By what train did Nick come back to Moscow? 16. What time did he go to bed? 17. Do you sometimes take part in sports competitions? 18. Do you sometimes go to see your friends? 19. What is your favourite kind of sport?

8. Поставьте вопросы к подлежащему:

1. We hurried to the station. 2. I had two English classes a week. 3. He met me at the station. 4. They started for Minsk last night. 5. We attended the meeting. 6. The lecture took place some days ago. 7. She did her best to meet you at the station.

9. Переведите следующие вопросы на английский язык:

а) Where did you go last night?

1. Где вы учились два года тому назад? 2. Где вы предпочитали проводить каникулы? 3. Где вы встретили свою мать? 4. Куда вы ездили летом? 5. Где вы катались на лыжах?

б) What book did you read?

1. В какой лес вы ходили гулять вчера? 2. Какая картина вам понравилась больше всего? 3. Какую книгу вы взяли в библиотеке? 4. Какую выставку вы посетили на прошлой не деле? 5. Какое приглашение вы приняли вчера?

в) Did you go to the cinema last night?

1. Хорошо вы провели время в воскресенье? 2. Вы успели на поезд вчера? 3. Вы катались на лыжах в прошлый выходной день? 4. Вы навестили своих друзей вчера вечером? 5. Вы приняли участие в спортивных соревнованиях на прошлой

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


неделе? 6. Вы ездили за город в прошлое воскресенье? 7. Они приняли ваше приглашение вчера с удовольствием?

10. Поставьте предлоги и наречия, где необходимо:

1. On Sunday we got ... later than usual. 2. ... breakfast we started ... a skiing trip. 3. He hurried ... the station to meet

... his sister. 4. We went skiing ... the forest. 5. I am fond ...

skating. 6. I always take part ... sports events. 7. The sun went ...

the clouds, that’s why it became so dark. 8. We danced ... music. 9. Such weather isn’t good ... skating. 10. It’s a pleasure to ski

... the fields. 11. ... the way home we met an old man. 12. There is a forest near ... the house. 13. I accepted his invitation ...

pleasure. 14. I prefer to spend my days off ... town.

11. Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания:

что касается меня, спортивные соревнования, принять при глашение с удовольствием, навещать родителей, выходной день, по разному (различными способами), тренироваться, около леса, рядом с рекой, пятичасовой поезд, успевать на по езд, по пути в институт, хорошо провести время, возвращать ся домой, быть усталым, хотеть есть (быть голодным), позже чем обычно, как обычно, отправляться на лыжную прогулку

12. Расскажите о ситуации или воспроизведите предложение, в котором были употреблены следующие слова и словосочетания:

1. in different ways; 2. to prefer; 3. to accept an invitation; 4. as for me; 5. as soon as; 6. on the way; 7. to go for a walk; 8. the moon; 9. to spend the rest of the evening ...; 10. later than usual; 11. to enjoy the beautiful scenery; 12. to be hungry; 13. to go to bed as usual

13. Расскажите, как вы провели свой прошлый выходной день, или переска жите содержание текста.

Lesson Twelve


Упражнения для устной работы в аудитории

1. Скажите, что вчера было также выполнено действие, о котором идет речь:

T.: She always prepares her lessons at home.

St.: Yesterday she prepared her lessons at home too.

1.We often go skating. 2. He leaves home at 9 o’clock. 3. Mary comes home late. 4. Nick often takes part in sports events.

5.Sometimes we visit art exhibitions. 6. Meetings usually begin at 3 o’clock. 7. She enjoys skiing in the forest. 8. I get up early.

9.It is snowing. 10. It often rains in autumn. 11. She finds time to play with the children. 12. He does his best to write the test.

2.Выразите удивление, поставив предложение в вопросительную форму

и употребив really, по образцу:

T.: Ann got a letter yesterday.

St.: Did she really get a letter yesterday?

1. My sister wrote the letter a week ago. 2. Mother got up late. 3. Classes were over at 3 o’clock. 4. It took me an hour to get to the station. 5. We were glad to see each other. 6. It snowed a little yesterday. 7. He took part in our work. 8. She met him at the station. 9. They spoke about the article. 10. Ann attended classes in physical culture last month. 11. She was tired when she came home. 12. I was very hungry and tired.

3. Спросите, когда произошло действие:

T.: He went to the country in the morning.

St.: When did he go to the country?

1. He went skiing last night. 2. Last year he spent his holidays in Kiev. 3. The day before yesterday he came back home later than usual. 4. Last Sunday we had a very good time in the country. 5. Yesterday we had supper at home. 6. My brother left for England last night. 7. When he came home he was hungry and tired. 8. They listened to music the whole evening. 9. The train started at 3 o’clock.

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


4. Спросите, кто совершил действие:

T.: My friend spoke at the meeting.

St.: Who spoke at the meeting?

(Используйте предложения упражнения 3.)

5. Прочтите и перескажите по английски:

Jokes 1

Servant: I’m sorry but she asked to tell you ‘she isn’t at home’. Visitor: Oh, that’s all right, just tell her that I’m glad I didn’t



The Painter and the Banker

A rich man asked a well known painter to do a little thing for his album. The painter did it and asked for one hundred pounds.

“Why,” cried the banker, “It took you only five minutes to do it!”

“Yes,” answered the painter, “but it took me twenty years to learn how to do it in five minutes.”

Additional Material for Oral Speech Practice. Speech Patterns and Flashes

of Conversation

1. Прочтите следующие диалоги и постарайтесь воспроизвести каждый из них по памяти, не глядя в книгу:


What’s the matter with you? You look so tired.

Yes, we are. Let’s have a break.

All right. It’s time to have a break.

Must we open the windows to air the classroom?

Yes, please.

Lesson Twelve



Excuse me, who is that lady over there?

It’s Mrs. [ misiz]´ Green, my boss. She is a very nice person. It’s easy and pleasant to work with her.


How do you do, Mr. Trent? I’m here to meet you. My name is Lavrov.

How do you do, Mr. Lavrov. I’m glad to meet you1.

We are waiting for you2. This way, please3. Follow me.4


What are you going to do tomorrow?

I don’t know. I want to go swimming but I’m afraid that the weather is going to change for the worse.

Really? What’s the forecast (прогноз погоды)?

The radio says it’s going to rain.

But according to the newspaper5 it is going to be sunny.


A.: Hallow, are you here for the conference? B.: Yes, I am.

A.: That’s nice. I am Andrew Smith. B.: Glad to meet you.


N.: Hallow, Andrew. A.: Hallow, Nick.

N.: Were you at the conference last night? A.: Yes, I was.

N.: How was the conference?

A.: Very interesting. This afternoon, it’s going to be even more interesting.

N.: Yes, and Ann is going to make her report. A.: Let’s hurry then.

1Glad to meet you. Рад с вами познакомиться.

2to wait for ждать кого либо

3This way, please. Сюда, пожалуйста.

4Follow me. Следуйте за мной.

5according to (newspapers) согласно (газетам)

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


2. Начиная с приветствия, спросите собеседника:

кто он по специальности

откуда он приехал

когда он приехал

где он остановился

какая у него семья

как долго он пробудет здесь

как ему здесь нравится

был ли он на конференции

с какими людьми он встречался

с кем еще он собирается встретиться

какой доклад ему больше всего понравился

о чем был доклад

3. Переведите на английский язык:

1. — Познакомьтесь с моим другом Николаем. — Рад по знакомиться с вами. Меня зовут Вилли. 2. Давайте устроим 5 минутный перерыв. 3. Пора сделать перерыв. 4. Она прият ная женщина, с ней легко работать. 5. Мы ждем вас, мистер Грин, идите сюда, следуйте за мной. 6. Какой прогноз пого ды на завтра? 7. Стоит хорошая погода. 8. Согласно газетам, делегация приехала вчера. 9. Здравствуйте, я рада с вами по знакомиться.

Lesson Thirteen (13)

The thirteenth lesson


Суффиксы прилагательных -al, -ic


music — musical



politics — political



industry — industrial



patriot — patriotic



academy — academic



poet — poetic


Суффикс существительных -ssion [ʃn]


to impress — impression






to express — expression



to discuss — discussion


1. Назовите существительные, от которых образованы следующие прилага тельные:

monumental, central, experimental, patriotic, historical, inter esting, wonderful, successful, beautiful, hopeful

2. Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных:

especial, social, bad, bright, successful, historical, great, good

3. Образуйте прилагательные от следующих существительных с помощью суффикса -ful. Переведите полученные прилагательные на русский язык:

success, beauty, art, rest, hope, forget

4. Подчеркните словообразовательные суффиксы в следующих словах и ука жите, какой частью речи являются эти слова:

economic, historical, social, oppression, impression, admira tion, revolution, situation, maker, forgetful, expression, wind less, definition, forceless, assumption, closely, chemical, struc ture, texture, omission, profession, submission

Основной курс. Часть первая. Part One


Грамматика и лексика

Step 68

Будущее неопределенное время — Future Indefinite (Simple) Tense (§ 64)


I shall read.

We shall read.


He/She will read.

You will read.


It will read.

They will read.





I shall not read.

We shall not read.


He/She will not read.

You will not read.


It will not read.

They will not read.




shan’t [ʃ nt] = shall not won’t [wəυnt] = will not

Примечание. В современном разговорном языке существует тенденция употреблять глагол will в 1 м лице ед. и мн. числа: I will, we will.

В устной речи также часто используются сокращенные фор мы I’ll, he’ll, we’ll и т. д.

Наречия и обстоятельства, часто употребляемые с будущим временем

tomorrow — завтра tomorrow morning — завтра


tomorrow afternoon — завтра днем

tomorrow evening — завтра вечером

the day after tomorrow — по слезавтра

next month — в следующем месяце

next year — в будущем году next week — на следующей


in an hour — через час in a week — через неделю soon — скоро

1. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

а) 1. I shall become an engineer in two years. 2. I shall not stay in town on Sunday. 3. We shall invite them to the theatre tomor row. 4. Next year we shall start for the Far East. 5. Tomorrow I

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