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self-, 313

symbols for, 300-302 Ellipsis, use in quotations, 45 Essay, 56-80

body, 56-57, 64-66, 115 concluding paragraph, 56-57, 72 conclusion, 56-57

introductory paragraph. See Introductory paragraphs

outlining, 75-76, 115 parts of, 56-58 patterns of organization

argumentative, 142-160

block organization, 95-97, 114-115, 122, 143-145

cause and effect, 94-110 chain organization, 98-100 chronological order, 81-93

comparison and contrast, 111-126 point-by-point organization, 113-114,

122, 143-145 process, 81-93

process, 81-93 review of, 77

transition signals between paragraphs, 69 Examples, as support, 12-13

Facts versus opinions, 39--40 Fragments. See Sentence fragments Freewriting, 268-269

Frequency clauses, 211, 214-215, 228, 293 Funnel introduction, 60

General statements, in paragraphs, 59-60

Idea generation, 266-269 clustering, 269 freewriting,268-269 journal writing, 266 listing, 266-267

If/whether clauses, 201-202, 207 Indented quotations, 46, 286 Independent clauses, 28, 163

in compound sentences, 165-171 in simple sentences, 164

Indirect quotations. See Quotations, indirect Inserters, use of comma with, 281 Introducers, comma used after, 280 Introduction. See Introductory paragraphs Introductory paragraphs, 56-57, 59-63

argumentative essay, 147-148 attention-getting, 61

funnel, 60

general statements in, 59-60

thesis statements in, 59-60, 63, 65-68 It, sentences beginning with, 196-197

Journal writing, 266

Key nouns

repetition of, 22, 23, 57 substitutes for, 23

Linking expressions, 69 Lists

colons before, 285-286

in idea generation, 266-267 of works cited, 42, 308-309

Logical division of ideas organization, 34 essay, 64-66

thesis statements for, 59-60, 63, 65-68,84,147-148

transition signals,...68-69 paragraph, 34, 36

topic sentence for, 4-10, 16, 271 transition signals, 25-32

Logical order

cause and effect, 94-11 0 chronological, 34, 81-93 coherence and, 34, 36

comparison and contrast, 34, 111-126 logical division of ideas, 34

review of, 36

Manner, distance, and frequency clauses, 211,214-215,228,293

Nonrestrictive participial phrases, 232 Nouns:;lauses, 194-209

complex sentences with, 172 defined, 194

if/whether clauses, 201-202, 207 punctuation of, 195

question clauses, 204, 207 review of, 206

sentences beginning with it, 196-197 sequence of tenses, 48, 198

subjunctive noun clauses, 199-200, 207 subordinating words, 295

that clauses, 195-197, 207 Nouns

repetition of key, 22, 23, 57 as transition signals, 29

Objects of prepositions, relative pronouns as, 240-241

Objects of sentences, relative pronouns as, 236


Opinions versus facts, 39-40 Outlining

essay, 75-76, 115 formal, 115, 272 rough, 271

in writing process, 271, 272 Outside sources. See References, using


Paired conjunctions. See Correlative conjunctions

Paragraph, 2-17 concluding, 56-57, 72

concluding sentence, 3-5, 13-15, 16 defined, 2

introductory, for essay. See Introductory paragraphs

linking signals, 69 logical order and, 34, 36 parts of, 3-4

review of, 16

supporting sentences, 3, 11-13, 16 topic sentence, 4-10, 16,271 transition signals, 25-32

unity, 18-19, 36, 57 Parallelism, 179-181

with coordinators, 180

with correlative conjunctions, 181 defined, 179

review of, 191-192 Paraphrasing, 127-135

plagiarism, avoiding, 128-129 review of, 141

as support, 135

writing good paraphrase, 129-130 Participial phrases, 250-264

from adjective clauses, 252, 262

from adverb clauses, 258-260, 262-263 defined, 251

general form -ed, 250,251,254,262 general form -ing, 250,251,253,261 perfect form, 255

position of, 252, 258 punctuation of, 252 review of, 261-263 writing style and, 257

Participles, 250-251 defined,250 general form

active voice, 250, 251, 253, 261 passive voice, 250, 251, 254, 262

past, 250, 251, 254, 258-260 past perfect, 251, 255

present, 250, 251, 253, 258-260, 261

present perfect, 251, 255 review of, 261-263

Passive voice

in noun clauses, 206

in past participles, 250, 251, 254, 262 Past participles, 250,251,254,258-260 Past perfect participles, 251, 255 Patterns of essay organization. See Essay,

patterns of organization Peer editing

defined, 313

scoring rubrics for, 314 tips for, 313-314


in direct quotations, 45 with noun clauses, 195


participial. See Participial phrases of quantity and quality, relative pronouns in, 243

reporting, 43-44,47-48, 198 Place clauses

adjective, 244-245 adverb,21l,213, 228, 292


avoiding, 41, 128-129 defined, 128

Planning stage of writing, 271-272 Point-by-point organization, 113-114, 122,


Polishing stage of writing, 273-275 Possessive adjective clauses, 238-239 Prepositions, as transition signals, 29 Present participles, 250, 251, 253,


Present perfect participles, 251, 255 Prewriting, 265-270

Process essay, 81-93 chronological order in, 81-93 review of, 88

thesis statements, 84 transition signals in, 86-87

Process of writing, 265-279 audience, purpose, tone, 265 step 1: prewIiting, 265-270

step 2: planning (outlining), 271-272 step 3: writing, 272

step 4: polishing, 273-275 Pronouns

consistent, 24

relative pronouns. See Adjective clauses; Relative pronouns

sequence of tenses and, 48, 198 Proofreading, 275-277, 300-302


Punctuation, 280-290

of adjective clauses, 232 of adverb clauses, 211 brackets, in quotations, 46 of business letters, 287 colon. See Colon

comma. See Comma

of direct quotations, 45-46 ellipsis, in quotations, 45

of in-text citations, 306-308

of list of works cited, 42, 308-309 of noun clauses, 195

of participial phrases, 252 period

in direct quotations, 45 with noun clauses, 195

quotation marks, 45-46, 286, 288-289 semicolon. See Semicolon

Purpose, of writing, 265

Purpose clauses, 211, 220, 228, 293

Question clauses, 204, 207 Quotation marks, 288-289

around direct quotations, 45-46, 280, 286,288

around titles of short works, 289 around unusual words, 288

Quotations, 42-48 direct, 42-46, 54

changing to indirect quotations, 47 long quotations, 46, 286 puncrnating,45-46,280, 286,288 reporting verbs and phrases Witll,

43-44,47-48,198 review of, 54

indirect, 47-48

changing direct quotations to, 47 puncrnating, 280

reporting verbs and phrases in, 43-44, 47-48, 198

review of, 54

sequence of tenses, 48, 198

special verb tenses in that clauses, 198

Reason clauses, 216, 228, 293

References, using outside, 41-48. See also Documenting sources of information

evaluating sources, 304-305 paraphrasing, 127-135 plagiarism, avoiding, 41, 128-129 quotations and, 42-48

direct, 42-46 indirect, 47-48

review of, 54

summarizing, 127, 136-137, 141 types of sources, 303-304

Relative adverbs, 231-232. See also Adjective clauses

chart of, 248, 294

Relative clauses. See Adjective clauses Relative pronouns, 231-247, 294. See also

Adjective clauses

Repetition of key nouns, 22, 23, 57 Reported speech (indirect quotations),


Restrictive clauses and phrases, 232 Result clauses, 119,211,218,228,293 Revising. See Drafts, writing and revising Run-on sentences, 188, 192

Salutations, puncrnation of, 287 Self-editing, 313

Semicolon, 283-284 __

in compound-complex sentences, 174 in compound sentences, 168, 171 before connectors, 283

between items in series, 284 between sentences, 283

Sentence fragments, 163, 183-184, 192 Sentence problems, 183-192

choppy sentences, 185-186, 192 comma splices, 188, 192 parallelism, lack of, 180

review of, 192

run-on sentences, 188, 192

sentence fragments, 163, 183-184, 192 stringy sentences, 190-191, 192

Sentences, types of, 164-175 complex, 172 compound,165-171 compound-complex, 174 review of, 178

simple, 164

writing style and, 175 Sequence of tenses, 48, 198

Series, puncrnation of items in, 284 Simple sentences, 164


reporting verbs and phrases willi, 43-44 as supporting information, 51, 54

Stringy sentences, 190-191, 192 Structure vocabulary

cause and effect, 101-102 chronological order, 86-87

comparison and contrast, 116-120,294 Subjects of sentences, relative pronouns

as, 234-235

Subjunctive noun clauses, 199-200, 207



Sublists, in writing process, 271 Subordinating conjunctions

in adjective clauses, 294

in adverb clauses, 212, 213, 214, 292-294 in dependent clauses, 163

list of, 163

in noun clauses, 295 punctuation with, 29

as transition signals, 27, 29, 87, 101, 117,119,120,147,297-299

Subordinators. See Subordinating conjunctions

Subtitles, colons before, 286 Surrunarizing, 127, 136-137

review of, 141

writing good spmmary, 137 Supporting detaiis, 39-54

examples, 12-13

facts versus opinions, 39-40 outside sources, 41-48, 54 paraphrasing and, 135 quotations, 42-48

direct quotations, 42-46, 54 indirect quotations, 43-44, 47-48,

54, 198 statistics, 51, 54

Supporting sentences, 3, 11-13 examples in, 12-13

review of, 16

Tag commas, 281 Tenses

sequence of, 48, 198 special, in that clauses, 198

That clauses, 195-197,207 adjective, 232, 235

sentences beginning with it versus, 196-197

special verb tenses in, 198

Thesis statements, 59-60, 63, 65-68 for argumentative essay, 147-148 pitfalls of, 67-68

for process essay, 84 subtopics in, 65-66

Time clauses adjective, 244-245

adverb, 210,211-212,228, 292 Time of day, colons in, 287


short work, quotation marks around, 289 subtitles, colons before, 286

Tone, of writing, 265

Topic selection, in writing process, 265-266

Topic sentences, 4-10 controlling idea in, 3,4,9 defined, 3

position of, 5-6 recognizing, 4-5 review of, 16 topic in, 3,4,9 two parts of, 3, 9 writing, 10,271

Transition signals, 25-32, 57, 297-299. See also Structure vocabulary

for argumentative essay, 147-148 for cause and effect, 101-1 02 charts of, for general use, 27, 68,


for chronological order, 86-87

for comparison and contrast, 117, 119, 120,294

for logical division of ideas, 68-69 overuse, avoiding, 32

between paragraphs, 69 punctuation with, 26, 283 review of, 36

types of

conjunctive adverbs, 26-28 coordinators, 27, 28, 68, 101, 102,

117,119,120,291,297-299 other types, 27, 29, 68, 87, 101, 102,

117,119,120,297-299 subordinators, 27, 29, 87, 101, 117,

119, 120, 147,297-299 transition words and phrases, 26-28

uses of, 297-299

Transitions between paragraphs, 69

Unity, 18-19,57 defined, 18 review of, 36


agreement, in adjective clauses, 231 reporting verbs, 43-44, 47-48, 198 sequence of tenses, 48, 198

as transition signals, 29

Which clauses, 232, 235

Words, unusual, quotation marks around, 288

Works cited, list of, 42, 308-309 Writing process. See Process of writing Writing style

participial phrases and, 257 sentence types and, 175

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