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Мир перевода 2

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20. crypt — A: underground chamber. B: crucifix. C: ecclesiastical body. D: myth.

Answers (Part III)

1.acolyte — B: Attendant to priest at the altar; devoted follower, as, a holy man surrounded by his acolyles, Greekakolouthos (follower).

2.canticle — B: Hymn or song, such as the Magnificant or Nunc Dimitiis. Latin cantus (song).

3.celibate — D: Unmarried, especially one who has taken a religions vow of chastity. "Roman Catholic priests remaincelibate." Latin caelebs (unmarried).

4.conclave — C: Assembly of cardinals to elect the Pope; the meeting place for that purpose.

Latin con (together) andclavis (key).

5.doctrine — A: Teaching — religious, scientific or political; as, the doctrine of the divine right of kings. Latin doctrina(teaching).

6.ecumenical — B: Universal; representing the whole Christian world. 'The ecumenical movement embraces many denominations." Greek oikoumenikos (of the whole world).

7.episcopal — C: Relating to. or governed by, a bishop; thus the Church of the Province of South Africa is episcopalwhereas the Presbyterian Church (governed by elders) is not. Latin episcopus (bishop).

8.genuflect — C: To bend the knee in reverence. "Worshippers genuflect on approaching the altar." Latin genu (knee) and flectere (to bend).

9.homily — A: Sermon; religious address to a congregation. "The priest delivered a homily on charity." Greek homilia(discourse).

10.laity — B: All the people not included among the clergy.

11.icon — B: Religious portrait, usually of Christ, the Virgin Mary or a saint and traditionally painted in tempera on wood. Greek eikon (image).

12. parochial — D: Of a parish or narrow area. "The debate spread far beyond parochial boundaries." Latinparochialis (of the parish).

13.celestial — C: Heavenly or divine; relating to the sky. "The stars are often referred to as celestial bodies." Latincaelum (heaven).

14.prelate — C: Church dignitary of high rank, such as a bishop. Latin praelatus (preferred).

15.seminary — D: School; place of education, "A Roman Catholic seminary trains priests." Latin seminarium(seedplot).

16.synod — A: Ecclesiastical council; convention of the clergy and elders of a church; as, the General Synod, the highest governing body of the Dutch Reformed Church. Greek sunodos (meeting).

17.tonsure — B: Shaved part of a priest's or monk's head; the rite of shaving the heads of those entering priesthood or a monastic order. Latin tonsura (a shearing).

18.atheist— В: Someone who believes that there is no God. "Only an atheisi is certain there is no life after death." Greek a (not) and theos (God).

19.canonize — C: To declare someone a saint; as, Joan of Arc burned at the stake in 1431, was

finally canonized in 1920. Greek kanon (rule).

20. crypt — A: Underground chamber, usually beneath a church, used as a chapel or burial place. Greek krupte (vault).

"Reader's Digest"

Enrich Your Synonym Power

The interpreter should constantly be on the alert for more synonyms to expand his repertory and stylistic range. A few examples for such mindstretching (the key word is in bold type):

to herald/foreshadow/augur/bode/prefigure/be a harbinger of/be an omen of/point to — предвещатьkey/watershed/pivotal/historical/epoch-making/crucial— ключевой, важнейший

countless/myriad/numberless/infinite — бесчисленный to obey/abide by/observe/comply with/ live up to —повиноваться

essence/gist/crux/linchpin/heart/core/nub/point — суть it's common knowledge/open secret/hardly news/cat out of the bag — общеизвестно, как известно in line with/in tune with/consonant with/in accordance with — соответствовать,отвечать

allegedly/reportedly/said to be/supposedly — якобы emblem/stamp/imprint/mark/brand/label/insignia —

знак, отметка

to stress/underscore/emphasize/highlight/bring out/underline/give weight/importance to —

подчеркнуть, выделить,отметить

brave/gallant/courageous/valiant/fearless/stout-hearted — храбрый, отважный

main/foremost/paramount/key/number one/overriding/top/chief — главный, важнейший

drive/bid/quest campaign — стремление к ..., поиск

to hurt/hit/strike/be detrimental to/violate/encroach on— нанести вред

to lead/ignite/touch off/spark/trigger/prompt/engender/spawn — привести к, породить, вызвать

tо start/breed/give birth to/give rise to/set-off/launch/initiate/open — начать, положить начало

to cut/sever/break off/end — порвать

to ease/lighten/mitigate/allay — облегчить

to belittle/rundown/sell short/disparage/denigrate/cast aspersions on — приуменьшить to manipulate/juggle/play with/ pad — манипулировать

to weaken/fade/slip/ falter — ослабеть

to dog/plague/bedevil/beset/befall — преследовать

sparse/scant/paltry/meager/scantily/limited/restricted — малый, ограниченный (paltry sum —

жалкая сумма денег)

delicate/tricky/sensitive/ ticklish — деликатный, щекотливый, сложный gross/blatant/glaring/flagrant/egregious — вопиющий, грубый

vague/hazy/muddy/ ill-defined/unclear/nebulous — неопределенный, туманный, неясный awkward/clumsy/gauche/inelegant — неловкий vicious/callous/heartless/ruthless/mean/brutal — злобный, жестокий demanding/stiff/stringent/exacting — требовательный stubborn/intransigent/intractable/persistent/unyielding/unbending/ /chronic — упрямый

terrible/appalling/loathsome/obnoxious/abominable/odious/vile/ /despicable/horrendous/inhumane —


to be shocked/appalled/aghast/dismayed/alarmed/put off/horrified/ /frightened/terrified —

быть в шоке, ужасе

fake/sham/bogus/rigged/trumped up/fabricated/contrived/falsified/ phoney/forged —

поддельный, ложный,сфабрикованный, «липовый» ordeal/plight/trials/travail— мучения, муки uproar/hullabaloo/ruckus/brouhaha/furor/outrage/riot — шумиха hoax/ruse/ploy/maneuver/gimmick/charade — уловка, маневр

From L.Visson "From Russian into English" (pp. 144-146)


Продолжите синонимический ряд на русском языке.

Найдите нейтральные (негативно или позитивно окрашенные) слова.

Чтение газет Moscow Times, Exclusive Personnel — ценный источник информации о политике, бизнесе и финансах, карьере и менеджменте, а также помощь в поиске работы.

Кунсткамера «ляпов»

How Other Nations Think in English

(for readers with nuts)

Here are some signs and notices written in English that were discovered throughout the world. You have to give the writers an 'E'for[18] Effort. We hope you enjoy them.

(V.Pertsel at Weizmann Institute of Science Computation Center)

In a Tokyo bar:

Special cocktails for the ladies with nuts. Two signs from a shop in Majorka:

English well speaking.

Here speeching American. In a Tokyo hotel:

Is forbidden to steal hotel towels please. If you are not a person to do such a thing is please not to read notis.

In a Bucharest hotel lobby:

The lift is being fixed for the next day. During that time we regret that you will be unbearable.

In Leipzig elevator:

Do not enter lift backwards, and only when lit up.

In Paris hotel elevator:

Please leave your values at the front desk.

In а Yugoslavian hotel:

The flattening of underwear with pleasure is the job of the chambermaid.

In a Japanese hotel:

You are invited to take advantage of the chambermaid.

In the lobby of a Moscow hotel across from an Orthodox monastery:

You are welcome to visit the cemetery where famous Russian and Soviet composers, artists, and writes are buried daily except Thursday.

In an Austrian hotel catering to skiers:

Not to perambulate the corridors during the hours of repose in boots of ascension.

On the menu of a Swiss restaurant:

Our wines leave you nothing to hope for.

Outside Hong Kong tailor shop:

Ladies may have a fit upstairs.

In Bangkok dry cleaners:

Drop your trousers here for best results.

In a Rhodes tailor shop (Greece):

Order you summers suit. Because is big rush we execute customers in strict rotation.

Л sign posted in Germany's Black Forest:

It is strictly forbidden on our black forest camping site that people of different sex, for instance, men and women, live together in one tent unless they are married with each other for that purpose.

In a Zurich hotel:

Because of the impropriety of entertaining guest of the opposite sex in the bedroom, it is suggested that the lobby be used for this purpose.

In a Rome laundry:

Ladies, leave your clothes here and spend the afternoon having a good time.

In a Czech tourist agency:

Take one of our horse-driven city tours — we guarantee no miscarriages.

Advertisement for donkey rides in Thailand:

Would you like to ride on your own ass?

In a Bangkok temple:

It is forbidden to enter a woman even a foreigner if dressed as a man.

In a Copenhagen airline ticket office:

We take your bags and send them in all directions.

In a Norwegian cocktail lounge:

Ladies are requested not to have children in the bar.

In a Budapest zoo:

Please do not feed the animals. If you have any suitable food, give it 10 the guard on duty.

In the office of a Roman doctor:

Specialist in women and other diseases.

In an Acapulco hotel:

The manager has personally passed all the water served here.

In a Tokyo shop:

Our nylons (зд. колготки) cost more than common, but you'll find they are best in the long run.


Комический эффект, помимо воли незадачливых авторов, достигается из-за многозначности английских слов и неправильного их употребления, не говоря уже о «просто» ошибках, «кальках» с родного языка и элементарной неграмотности.

Last But Not Least

Уважаемые читатели!

Перед вами очередное переиздание второй книги серии «Мир перевода». Хочется верить, что и эта книга была небесполезной для читателя и оправдала ваши личные инвестиции в нее

good value for your money важный фактор по нынешним временам.

Эта и другие книги серии способствуют преодолению разрыва между теорией перевода и его практикой: ведь теория без практики мертва, а практика без теории — слепа.

Итак, продолжим учиться и самосовершенствоваться по книгам серии «Мир перевода» (а их теперь восемь, в том числе и аудио-курс и учебник «Последовательный перевод»), а также по другим учебным пособиям издательства «Р.Валент» (си. каталог), посвященным проблемам устного перевода и подготовке переводчиков.

А напоследок — анекдот на тему адекватности и «прагматического аспекта» перевода.

«В далекой сибирской тайге упал и разбился самолет, перевозивший крупную сумму денег. Опергруппа, прибывшая на место падения, денег не обнаружила, но следы в снегу

привели ее к хижине местного жителя, который, как оказалось, ни слова по-русски не понимает. В ближайшем селе нашли переводчика. "Спроси его,— приказывают оперативники,— где деньги?" Переводчик переводит. "Не знаю",— отвечает абориген. "Он не знает",— следует перевод. Старший опергруппы достает пистолет. "Переведи ему: если он сию минуту не признается, где деньги, мы его расстреляем". Допрашиваемый, услышав перевод, тут же раскалывается: "Деньги зарыты у большой сосны, в двадцати шагах на север от моего дома". Переводчик переводит: "Он говорит — стреляйте, потому что все равно не скажет, где деньги"».

Цитируется по газете «Известия».

P.S. Если и у вас есть экспонаты для «Кунсткамеры ляпов» или забавные и поучительные истории,

то обязательно поделитесь ими с нами www.apchuzhakin.narod.ru, www.rvalent.ru,


rvalent@online.ru. info@rvalent.ru




(Selected Western Literature)

Anderson, R.Bruce W.

"Interpreter Roles and Interpretation Situations: Cross-cutting


Typologies." Language Interpretation and


Communication.Ed.D.Gerver and H.Wallace Sinaiko. New York


and London: Plenum Press, 1978, pp. 217-230. "Perspectives on the


Role of Interpreter."Translation: Application and Research. Ed.


Richard W.Brislin. New York: Gardner Press.

Bank, Henri C.

"A Description of Various Types оf Omissions. Additions and


Errors of Translation Encountered in Simultaneous Interpretation."


Meta, 16 (1971), 119-128. A Study of Simultaneous


Interpretation. Diss. in Experimental Psychology. University of


North Carolina at Chapel Hill, !969. "Interpreters Talk a Lot,


Among Other Things." Babel, XXVIII, No.l (1972). "Simultaneous


Interpretation: Temporal and Quantitative Data." Language and


Speech, 18 (1975), 272-297. "Simultaneous Interpretation:


Temporal and Quantitative Data." Language and Speech,16 (1973),



Belloc, Hillaire.

On Translation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1931.

Brislin, Richard W, ed.

Translation: Application and Research. New York: Gardner


Press, 1976.

Brower, Reuben

ed. On Translation. New York: Oxford University Press, 1966.



Coughlin, Josette.

"Interpreters' Training: Learning to Control the Bilingual Switch


Mechanisms." Babel, XXXI, No.l (1985), 20-27.

Ekvall, Robert E

Faithful Echo. New York: Twayne, I960.

Fuller, Frederic.

The Translator's Handbook. University Park: Pennsylvania


University Press, 1984.

Garretson, Deborah A.

"A Psychological Approach to Consecutive Interpretation."


Meta, 26,No.3 (1981), 244-254.

Hendrickx, P.

Simultaneous Interpreting: A Practice Book. London: 1971.

Hendry, J.F.

"Your Future in Translating and Interpreting". New York:


Richard Rosen Press, 1969.

Herbert, Jean, ed.

Conference Terminology. 2-nd ed., rev. Amsterdam: Elsevier


Publishing Company, 1962. The Interpreter's Handbook. Geneva:


Georg, 1952. 2-nd ed. Geneva: Librairie de I'Université, 1968.

Lee, Irving J.

"Why Discussions Go Astray." The Use and Misuse of


Language.Ed.S.I.Hayakawa, 29-40. Conference


Interpreting. London: Putnam, 1968. The Spoken Word and the


Word of Interpretation. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania

Longley, P. Tcdlock,

Press. 1983. "Getting the Message Across: The Simultaneous


Interpreter." Spacehridges: Television and US-Soviet


Dialogue. Ed.Michael Brainerd. London and New York; Citizens


Exchange Council and University Press of America, 1989, 72-80.


"Syntactical Problems for the Russian-English Interpreter." No

Visson, Lynn.

Uncertain Terms, FBIS, vol.4, No.2, 1989, 2-8. "The Interpretation


of Politics: Some Problems in Russian-English Interpretation." New


Studies in Russian Language and Literature. Ed. Anna Lisa Crone


and Catherine V. Chvany. Columbus, Ohio: Slavica, 1987, 271-278.


"The Interpretation of Politics: Some Problems in Russian-English


Interpretation." Russian Language Journal, XL, No. 135 (1986),


195-202. "From Russian into English: An introduction to


Simultaneous Interpretation." Ann Arbor: Michigan, Ardis, 1991.

[1] Подробнее см. А.Чужакин, П.Палажченко «Мир перевода-1». –М.: «Р.Валент», 2002.

1 См. А.Чужакин, П.Палажченко «Мир-перевода-1». –М.: «Р.Валент», 2004

[2]Подробнее см. Линн Виссон «Синхронный перевод с русского на английский (пер. с

англ.) –М.: «Р.Валент», 2001.

[3]Примеры КР см. также в Приложении «Кунсткамералянов».

[4]См. ее книгу “From Russian into English”, Ardis, NY, 1991, pp. 44-45.

[5]Из книги L.Visson. “From Russian into English”, Ardis, NY, 1991, pp. 148-150.

[6]Подробнее см. А.Чужакин, П.Палажченко «Мир перевода-1», -М.: «Р.Валент», 2004.

[7]Из кн. L.Visson. "From Russian into English".

[8]Представитель службы спасения — e.g. МЧС, Красный Крест, etc.

[9]полн. The Federal Reserve System — Федеральная резервная система (Центральный банк США).

1 Вариант — «страна-инвалид».

1Сравните со значением слова «культура» в русском языке.

2colloquialisms — разговорные обороты (просторечия).

1 Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN).

1 Торгово-промышленная палата — Chamber of Commerce and Indusiry.

1 Brazil's new national currency (previously cruseiro).

1 Компрессия — сжатие (отсечение) избыточной информации.

1 also "principal".

1зд. руководитель, директор.

2Министерство (in the US and UK).

1 An allusion to a widely-publicised story of a UK company which could have been saved from bankruptcy by a huge order which remained unanswered as no one in the firm knew foreign languages.

1 The leading British science magazine.

1 Вообще-то "with deep sympathy" означает "с искренним сочувствием".

1 "...is a dangerous thing" (English proverb).

1 P. Palazchenko My Years With Gorbachev and Shevardnadze. Penn University Press. N.Y. 1997.

1 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

1 Международная организация трудя (МОТ), a UN specialized agency – специализированная организация ООН.

1 Control and supervision bodies (in banking, securities, insurance, etc.) – cp. supervision

1 Обратите внимание на перевод прилагательного dramatic в зависимости от контекста (см. раздел «О ложных друзьях переводчика»), а также различные значения as.

[10]Brooks Brothers – expensive and prestigious men's fashion store.

[11]Hugo Boss – trendy German clothes manufacturer.

1 "Политый поливальщик", the first comedy film.

1 Полоска бумаги, пропитанная ароматом духов, одеколона.

2 The Smithsonian Institute - Natural history museum in New York.

1George Orwell. British author (The Animal Farm", "1984").

2Author of the famous child-care book (died in 1998).

[12]Chrysler's Chief executive officer (CEO), famous for saving the company from bankruptcy.

[13]Подробнее см. кн. L.Visson "From Russian into English," Ardis, NY. 1991, p. 156.

[14]Текст может быть использован пля перевода с листа.

[15]Curriculum vitae (лат.) — описание жизни.

[16]Force majeur (фр.) — обстоятельства непреодолимой силы.

[17]Текст можно использовать для перевода с листа.

[18]Allusion to Western grade system: A ≈ отл., В ≈ хор., С ≈ уд., D ≈ неуд.