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16.Children ... (love) to play with sand.

17.My friend ... (keep) on urging me to visit Italy. 18.I... (enjoy) every minute of my stay here.

19.... (you, notice) any change in him? 20.I... (want) a dozen good cigars, please.

21.I hope you ... (have) a good time at your friend's.

22.She ... (appear) in the new play at the Regal The­


23.Your story ... (certainly, appear) to be true.

24.Good gracious! Those two buses ... (run) into each other.

25.Shakespeare, I ... (think), ... (say) that men are foolish.

26.What... (bears, do) in winter?

27.I... (perpetually, get) colds, it is most annoying. 28.I... (tell) you that man is not to be trusted.

29.What... (this sentence, mean)?

30.He ... (give) us a lesson every morning at 9.30.

Упражнение 16. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя Present Indefinite и Present Continuous.

1. Мы приближаемся к реке. 2. Дождь все еще идет. 3. Почему они так смотрят на нас. 4. Он гово­ рит слишком быстро, и я плохо понимаю его. 5. Что вы хотите послушать? 6. Я никогда не принимаю ванну по утрам. 7. Он всегда ждет здесь свою сестру после работы. 8. Сколько часов в день вы работаете? 9. Почему они здесь ходят? 10. Семестр начинается первого сентября.

Упражнение 17. Поставьте глаголы в Present Indefi­ nite или в Present Continuous.

Today more and more high school graduates [1] (go) on to college. Most young people [2] (choose) their



course of studies for themselves, rather than have their parents tell them what career to choose.

For example, Jack's father [3] (to practice) medicine. Even though he [4] (to want) his son also to become a doctor, he doesn't insist that Jack study medicine when he [5] (to leave) high school. He [6] (to think) that Jack must make up his own mind about what he [7] (to want) to be. His wife, on the other hand, [8] (to disagree) with him. She [9] (to think) that Jack should become a doctor so he can become a partner with his father.

Jack isn't sure what he [10] (to want) to study in college. One day he [11] (to feel) that he'd like to become an engineer. However, the next day he [12] (to feel) that perhaps he should study business management. Right now he [13] (to study) chemistry, biology, and physics, all of which will be useful if he [14] (to decide) to study medicine in college. Jack [15] (to need) these courses so he [16] (to work) hard every night. At the moment he [17] (to tail) both chemistry and biology, but unfortunately he [18] (not to pass) physics. Eventually he [19] (to hope) to pass the course, but he [20] (to have) no chances. He [21] (to take) private lessons from a college friend. Jack [22] (to like) his father's attitude, and he is grateful that his father [23] (not to force) him to become a doctor too. In some countries parents often [24] to (decide) what careers their children will follow — especially their sons. Sometimes this [25] (to occur) in the United States. For example, Jack's high school friend, Tom, has parents with a different point of view. They [26] (to refuse) to pay for Tom's college education if he doesn't study accounting. They [27] (to want) him to become an accountant so he can help in the family business. But Tom [28] (to hate) mathematics; he [29] (to want) to be-



come a commercial artist. At the present time, he [30] (to take) special art lessons in the evening, and he [31] (to work) in the graphics studio of an advertising agency. Tom's parents [32] (to tell) him that he [33] (to spend) too much time on his art and too little time on his accounting.

Both boys are probably going to be successful in whatever they [34] (to choose) to do because they [35] (to do) what they themselves most want to do in life.

Future Indefinite Tense

(действие будет совершаться в будущем)

Типичные обстоятельства для Future Indefi­ nite: next month, next week, next year, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow: Future Indefinite выра­ жает действие, которое произойдет в будущем.




Упражнение 18. Поставьте предложения в вопро­ сительную и отрицательную форму.

1. My sister will graduate from the University next year. 2.I shall go to the cinema tomorrow. 3. They will play tennis on Saturday. 4. We shall translate this text the day after tomorrow. 5. He will write a letter to his sister tomorrow. 6. My parents will go to the South next year. 7. I shall finish this work in a week. 8. He will come back on Friday. 9. We shall meet our friends tomorrow.

Упражнение 19. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Indefinite.

1. I (to think) about this information. 2 According to the forecast it (to be) raining tomorrow. 3. We (to come) to see you on Monday. 4.I (to prepare) to my ex­ aminations next week. 5. You (to show) me your new picture? 6. I think he (not to come) tomorrow. 7. I don't think she (to answer) all the questions. 8. We (to work) in our garden tomorrow. 9. How you (to pack) your things? 10. Her mother (to buy) her a silver chain for her birthday.

Упражнение 20. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя Future Indefinite.

1. Я уверен, что вы решите эту проблему. 2. Она не зайдет к нам в воскресенье. 3. Я не буду учить эту поэму завтра, я буду писать сочинение. 4. Мы навес­ тим нашу маму в больнице послезавтра. 5. Я полечу в Великобританию самолетом. 6. Этот врач будет лечить вашего отца. 7. Наши друзья приедут вече­ ром. 8. Не волнуйся! Я достану тебе билеты. 9. Они будут ждать нас в холле. 10. Они поедут в Крым в августе.



Упражнение 21. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Fu­ ture Indefinite.

1.I... (be) twenty-eight tomorrow.

2.I think it... (rain) heavily soon.

3. ... (you, bring) me my socks, please?

4.Your train ... (arrive) there at 6 a.m. tomorrow.

5.What... (I, do) about it?

6.You ... (get) a good caning, you rascal.

7.Who ... (lend) me a pound?

8. "The enemy ... (not, pass)," swore the soldiers.


(repay) it next week.


(do) it whether they like it or not.

11. You ... (do) it, even if you loathe doing it.


(meet) you here at seven o'clock tomorrow.

13.What... (we, do) to save our souls?

14.... (I, bring) you a cup of coffee?

15.What do you think Father ... (say) to that?

16.Do you know of anything that ... (cure) my


17.The swallows ... (fly) away at the end of the sum­


18.... (you, never, learn) to behave properly?

19.What... (I, do) with this old coat of yours?

20."I ... (never, return) to this ungrateful land", shouted the prophet.

21.When ... (you, go) to see the Fun Fair?

22."... (I, receive) a reward?" asked the finder of the treasure.

23.I expect your friend ... (return) soon.

24."... (you, kindly, open) the door for me?" he


25.What... (I, do) with these papers?

26.Do you think the world ... (end) in the Year Two Thousand?



27."We ... (be) as quiet as mice?," promised the children.

28.At what time ... (the tide, start) to ebb?

29."Hands up or I ... (shoot) you!" cried the high­ wayman.

30."Come back," he shouted, "or the wolf ... (catch)


31."Yes, I... (marry) you," she said at once.

32.I... (not, receive) that fellow in my house!

33."They ... (receive) a free pardon," said the gener­ ous monarch.

34."I ... (not, consent) to the marriage," said the irate father.

35.Albert... (come) of age in a couple of years.

36."You ... (pay) back every penny, you swindler," shouted the enraged shareholder.

37."I ... (love) you for ever," he declared emphati­


38."What ... (we, do) with the drunken sailor?" asked the policeman.

39."I ... (help) you find the house," said the post­


40."Who ... (help) me?" "We ... (help) you!" shouted the children.

В придаточных предложениях времени и ус­ ловия после союзов if, when, as, soon as till before after, while Future Indefinite заменяется на Present Indefinite.













Упражнение 22. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Fu­ ture Indefinite и Present Indefinite.

1.I (to go) away until my wife (to come). 2. You (to send) me some money as soon as I (to get) there. 3. We



(to set) to work when the holiday (to be) over. 4. I (to do) it as soon as I (to get) balk. 5. When you (to see) Mr. Smith ask him to call immediately. 6. If the rain (hot to stop) there (to be) a flood. 7. Don't leave before you (to get) our message. 8. It all (to go) well we shall land to­ night. 9. Take care of my luggage while I (to get) my ticket. 10. Tomorrow if the weather (to be) good we (to go) to the country. 11. We (to stay) in the waiting room while Robert (to look) for a porter. 12.1 (to make) you a nice cup of tea as soon as the water (to boil). 13. If you (to come) past six o'clock you (not to find) him waiting.

14.I think I (to wait) here until your bus (to come).

15.If you (to be) so excited you hardly (be able) to think.

Упражнение 23. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Fu­ ture Indefinite и Present Indefinite.

1. We (to begin) as soon as Tom (to be ready). 2. I (stay) here until it (to get) warmer. Mother (to bring) us cakes when she (to go) out. 3. If he (to have) time he (to come) to us. 4. Don't leave until I (to send) you a message. 5. She (to be) very happy if you (to take) her to the theatre. 6. We (to go) swimming as soon as school (be) over. 7. She (to be) a good actress if she (to work) hard. 8. I (to open) the door when father (to ring). 9.I (to see) him again if he (not to come) today.

10.I (to notify) you as soon as I (to hear) from her.

11.You (not to go) until I (to know) the truth. 12. He (to come) every day to help you with your work while I (be) away. 13. You (to have) a chocolate if you (to be) good. 14. (to give) Tom this letter as soon as you (to see) him.



Past Indefinite (действие совершалось в прошлом)

Правильные глаголы. Неправильные глаголы.

Типичные обстоятельства для Past Indefinite — last week, last month, last year, yesterday, the day before yesterday, in 1987 (прошедшая дата).

Past Indefinite выражает действие, которое совершилось в прошлом.



Упражнение 24. Поставьте предложения в вопро­ сительную и отрицательную форму.

1. She worked at the library last year. 2. He spent his winter vacation in Moscow. 3. She brought me three magazines yesterday. 4. My sister studied French at school. 5. My pupils asked me a lot of ques­ tions at the last lesson. 6. My mother bought a new suit last week. 7. My father left for St. Petersburg yester­ day. 8. He got up at ten o'clock yesterday. 9. My uncle taught me to swim in my childhood.



Упражнение 25. Поставьте предложения в Past In­ definite.

1. I understand the article well. 2. I listen to this music. 3. I find many good stories in this book. 4. The students spend must time in the library. 5. She makes many mistakes in her test. 6. They read many English books.

Упражнение 26. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite.

1. She (to make) tea for her guests. 2. We (to know) everything about that event. 3. He (to think) much about this problem. 4.I (to be) wrong and apologized to him. 5. He (not to realize) his mistakes. 6. When you (to speak) to him? — I (to speak) to him only yesterday.

7.She (not to get) letters from her son last month.

8.He (to go) to the airport to meet his brother. 9. What you (to do) yesterday evening? — Nothing in particu­ lar. We (to watch) TV and (to look) through newspa­ pers.

Упражнение 27. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя Past Indefinite.

1. Ей понравилось представление. 2. Было очень холодно на прошлой неделе. 3. Я встретил их у мое­ го друга дома. 4. Кто-нибудь звонил мне пока меня не было? 5. Мы не получили ее ответ вчера. 6. Я от­ правил вчера письма моим друзьям. 7. У меня не было времени делать эту работу. 8. Я читал этот журнал вчера. 9. Ему не понравился фильм. 10. Он звонил тебе вчера? 11. Они провели каникулы в Лондоне. 12. Он сдал экзамен по английскому в понедельник. 13. Я навестил бубушку и дедушку на



прошлой неделе. 14. Я разговаривал с ним вчера. 15. Я починил свою машину в воскресенье. 16. Анна не пошла в школу, так как она простудилась. 17. Почему она сказала об этом только вчера? 18. Он часто перебивал меня. 19. Она выиграла соревно­ вание. 20. Вчера мы вернулись домой поздно. 21 . Я получил отличную оценку за контрольную. 22. Том и Джон учились в одном институте. 23. Мы рабо­ тали вместе несколько лет. 24. Когда он уезжает домой?

Упражнение 28. Переведите на английский язык, используя Past Indefinite.

1. Мы нашли много интересных книг в его библиотеке. 2. Она вспомнила его номер телефона. 3. После представления они спели очень красивую песню. 4. После лекции мы ответили на все вопро­ сы. 5. Мы оплатили этот счет вчера. 6. После обеда он рассказал нам прекрасную сказку. 7. Вчера ребе­ нок проснулся очень рано. 8. Вчера вечером он вы­ глядел очень усталым. 9. Машина ехала очень бы­ стро. 10. Мы ушли от него 5 часов назад. 11. Она по­ благодарила его за доброту, когда он пришел. 12. Она ничего не слышала. 13. Вы боялись прийти сюда ночью. 14. Прошлым летом он учил детей пла­ вать. 15. Вчера в кинотеатре он сердечно смеялся. 16. Мы сели и попросили чашку кофе. 17. Папа по­ слал ее на почту час назад. 18. На прошлой неделе он упал и повредил колено.