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provinces (krais), regions (oblasts) and some autonomous districts (okrugs), each having equal rights.

The state powers are divided among the legislative, executive and judicial branches which are independent of one another.

The legislative power belongs to the Russian Parliament, called the Federal Assembly, consisting of two Chambers: the Council of the Federation (the Upper Chamber) and the State Duma (the Lower Chamber). Each Chamber is headed by the Speaker.

The executive power belongs to the President and our country Government (the Cabinet of Ministers) headed by the Prime Minister. The country Prime Minister is appointed by the President and approved by the State Duma.

The judicial power belongs to the system of courts: the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court, as well as federal and regional courts.

The state language of the Russian Federation is Russian. The national symbols of our country are the white-blue-red Flag (Tricolour) and the Golden Two-Headed (or Bicephalous) Eagle.

Russia is a multinational state. It is a unique country hosting a great variety (over 150) of nationalities, nations, ethnic groups, cultures and epochs. It ranks sixth in the world in population after China, India, the USA, Indonesia and Brazil. According to the last census, our country population is about 150 million. Our country has a multiparty system. The most influential and largest political parties are the United Russia, the Liberal Democratic, the Communist and some others.

The foreign policy of the Russian Federation is that of international cooperation, peace and friendship with all the nations of the Globe, irrespective of their political and social systems.

The role of the Russian Federation in the today’s world is great and extremely significant. Being the major source of raw materials for many countries of the Globe, Russia is also an important mechanism of developing these countries’ economies.

In addition, due to its immense territory, our unique country is a bridge connecting Europe and Asia. It is able to provide more than 7% of the world’s transport corridor to transit various cargoes from Europe to Asia and backwards.


3.Работая в группах, сделайте схему российского правительства.

4.* Переведите на английский.

1) Крупнейшая в мире страна; 2) общая площадь; 3) занимать часть Европы и Азии; 4) граничить со многими государствами;

5)мост, соединяющий Европу и Азию; 6) многонациональное государство; 7) различные климатические условия; 8) автономная республика/национальный округ/регион/город федерального значения; 9) столица государства; 10) высокоразвитая промышленная держава; 11) законодательная, исполнительная, судебная власть; 12) Совет Федерации/Государственная Дума; 13) Федеральная Ассамблея; 14) верхняя и нижняя палаты; 15) Верховный/Конституционный/федеральный суд; 16) многопартийная система; 17) черезвычайно важная роль; 18) влиятельные партии;

19)внешняя политика нашей страны; 20) национальные символы;

21)триколор; 22) золотой двуглавый орел; 23) назначать премь- ер-министра, одобрять; 24) основной источник сырья; 25) перевозить различные грузы; 26) обеспечить транспортный коридор; 27) важный механизм развития экономики многих стран.

5.Переведите следующие вопросы/несколько вопросов на английский и составьте с ними диалог.

1.Как называется наша страна официально?

2.Где она расположена?

3.Россия – самая большая страна в мире, не так ли?

4.С какими государствами она граничит?

5.Какие моря и океаны омывают нашу страну?

6.Назовите крупнейшие реки нашей страны.

7.Где находится самое глубокое озеро в мире?

8.Какими природными ресурсами богата Россия?

9.Россия – развитая промышленная и аграрная страна, не так


10.Расскажите о составе РФ.

11.Кто является главой государства?

12.Кому принадлежит законодательная, исполнительная и судебная власть?

13.Что вы знаете о партийной системе в нашей стране?


14.Расскажите о внешней политике нашего государства.

15.Какова роль России в мире сегодня?

II. Прочитайте новые слова и их перевод:

State – государство

Establishment – организация,

To be returned – быть возвращенным


To be situated – находиться,

Numerous – многочисленный


Remarkable– замечательный,

Bank – берег (реки)


Seat – зд. местонахождение

Variety – разнообразие

Light industry – легкая

Epoch – эпоха


Marvelous – изумительный,

Fatherland – отечество



Unforgettable – незабываемый


Monument – памятник

1.Посмотрите на новые слова в течение минуты, затем закройте их и попытайтесь вспомнить как можно больше слов с переводом.

2.Прочитайте текст и скажите, чем примечательна наша столица.


The capital of the Russian Federation is Moscow. It is the main city of our Motherland, its political, cultural and economic center. And it is also one of the largest and most beautiful cities on the Globe.

Moscow is over 850 years old. It was founded in 1147 by the Russian Prince Yuri Dolgoruky and in the XVI century it became the capital of our state.

In 1712 Peter the Great moved the capital of our country to St. Petersburg. However after the October Revolution Moscow was returned its status as the state capital. In fact, it has always been the heart of our land.

At present Moscow is a large modern city. It is situated on the banks of the river Moskva. More than 12 million people live in it now. Moscow is the seat of the Russian Federation Government and the center of our country political life. The President of our state lives and works here.


Moscow is the largest industrial center of Russia. Its major industries are automobile, engineering, textile, light, chemical and some others.

The city is also the largest scientific and educational center of our Fatherland. Having got over 100 higher educational establishments, Moscow is known as the city of students. It is also one of the biggest publishing centers in the world.

Moscow is famous for its wonderful theatres, with the Bolshoi, the Maly and the Arts theatres included. Its numerous museums and galleries are remarkable for the greatest variety of styles, historic epochs and national art schools: the Museum of Moscow History, the Tretyakov Gallery, Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Andrey Rublev Museum of Early Russian Arts and many others, over 80 museums all together.

The city is also known as one of the biggest centers of the world cinema industry due to its famous Film Studios and International Film festivals.

Every day Moscow attracts millions of tourists from all over the world. They are eager to visit the capital’s places of interest: the Red Square and St. Basil’s Cathedral, the ancient Kremlin with marvelous Cathedrals, unique Tsar-Cannon and Tsar-Bell, unforgettable Russian churches, museums and galleries, the Exhibition of Achievements and numerous monuments.

3.Перечитайте текст и скажите, верны ли следующие утверждения. Приведите доказательства из текста.

1.Moscow is the heart of our state.

2.It is a rather young city.

3.The city was founded in the XIX century.

4.Moscow became the capital of our Motherland in the XX century.

5.At present Moscow is one of the largest and most beautiful cities in the world.

6.More than 10 million people live in the city now.

7.Moscow is the largest political, economic, cultural and industrial center of the Russian Federation.

8.The President of our state lives and works in St. Petersburg.

9.The latter is also the seat of the country Government.


10.Today Moscow is the largest cultural, scientific and educational center of our land.

11.It is one of the biggest publishing centers in the world too.

12.Moscow lacks several museums and galleries.

13.The city is famous for its numerous places of interest.

14.The tourists from all over the world are eager to visit the Russian capital.

4.В группах, подготовьте презентацию о Новосибирске, о его истории, достопримечательностях и известных людях. Вы можете воспользоваться как примером предложениями из текста Moscow.

Part 3. English-Speaking Countries

Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia, Canada, Ireland and New Zealand are large English-speaking countries. They are situated in various parts of the Globe and differ in many ways.

Each country has its own history, national holidays, traditions and customs. But they have a common language, English, the language of the people who left Britain to settle in new countries.

From the British Isles the English language spread all over the world, that’s why we can say that the UK is the major Englishspeaking country.

I. Прочитайте новые слова и их перевод:

Densely – густо, плотно

House of Commons – Палата общин

Majority – большинство

(нижняя палата британского

Separate – отделять


Lowlands – низменность, низина

House of Lords – Палата лордов

Gulf Stream – Гольфстрим (тёплое

(верхняя палата британского

течение в северной части


Атлантического океана)

Monarch – монарх

Goods – товары, товар

Responsible – ответственный

Oil – нефть

Tory – тори (английская

Navigation – навигация

политическая партия, возникла в

Equipment – оборудование

XVII в., в XIX в. была

Vital – (жизненно) важный,

преобразована в Консервативную



Welsh – валлийский; уэльский

Whigs – виги (британская

Scottish – шотландский

политическая партия, возникшая в

Gaelic – гэльский, гаэльский

XVII в.; в середине XIX в.


Union Jack – «Юнион Джек»

объединилась с др. группировками и

(государственный флаг

образовала Либеральную партию)


Labour party – Лейбористская партия

1.Выберите любые 5 слов. Составьте предложения/текст с


Пример: Elisabeth II is the monarch of the United Kingdom.

2.Ответьте на вопрос: Do you know the difference between The United Kingdom, Great Britain and England? Прочитайте текст и проверьте правильность вашего ответа.

Great Britain

The official name of this country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK – for short). It is situated on the British Islands and comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The population of Great Britain is over 60 million. The United Kingdom is one of the most densely populated countries on the Globe. The majority of the UK population (almost 92 %) lives in cities and towns.

The country is washed by the North and Irish seas and by the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. The English Channel (La Mansh) separates the country from the European continent. North and West of the country are highlands, South and East – lowlands. The highest mountain of the country, Ben Nevis, is in Scotland.

Britain has several rivers, but they are not very long. The longest river is the Severn, but the deepest and the most important one is the Thames.

The country climate is mild due to the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf Stream’ warm waters and the mountains. The country weather often changes.

The UK is one of the most highly developed industrial powers in the world. The country isn’t rich in mineral resources. That’s why it has to import some goods, raw materials, gas and oil.

Great Britain is known now as one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of electronics and machinery, chemicals and textile, various aircraft and navigation equipment. The main industrial


branches comprise coal mining, metallurgical, automobile, aircraft, ship-building, textile, chemical and some others.

The sea is vital to the British trade. Fishing plays an important role. Agriculture is highly mechanized and is one of the most important sectors of the country national economy.

The capital of the country is London. Among the largest cities of the UK there are also Glasgow, Liverpool, Leeds, Birmingham, Belfast, Manchester, Cardiff and Edinburgh.

Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs. The official languages of the state are English, Welsh, Scottish and Gaelic. The national symbol of the country is the Union Jack – the National Flag having 3 red and white crosses on the dark blue field.

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. Officially the head of the state is the Queen, but her power is not absolute, it is limited by the Parliament.

The British Parliament consists of 2 chambers: the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

The British monarch appoints the leader of the party, having the majority in the House of Commons, as the country Prime Minister. The Prime Minister forms his / her Cabinet and is responsible for the policy conducted by the British Parliament.

There are several political parties in the country. The largest and most influencial of them are the Conservative (the Tory), the Liberal (the Whigs) and the Labour parties.

3.* Закончите предложения:

1.The official name of Great Britain is ...

2.The United Kingdom comprises ...

3.It is a constitutional ...

4.The official head of the state is ...

5.The House of Commons and the House of Lords are ...

6.The British Prime Minister is ...

7.English is ... of the state.

8.London is ...

9.Great Britain is one of the world’s ...


4. Переведите на английский:

1) конституционная монархия; 2) высокоразвитая промышленная держава; 3) густонаселенная страна; 4) страна богатых культурных традиций и обычаев; 5) официальный язык государства; 6) ограничивать власть монарха/королевы; 7) отвечать за политику, проводимую парламентом; 8) крупнейший в мире производитель различного оборудования; 9) символизировать власть и могущество; 10) иметь большинство в палате общин; 11) назначать премьер-министра; 12) партия либералов/лейбористов/консерваторов.

II. Прочитайте новые слова и их перевод:

The Globe – Земля

Residence – местожительство,

Ancient – древний


Cosmopolitan – многонациональный

Judicial – судебный

West End – Уэст-Энд (западная,

Abbey – аббатство, монастырь

аристократическая часть Лондона)

To be crowned – быть коронованным

East End – Ист-Энд (восточная часть

Outstanding – выдающийся,

Лондона, в прошлом – рабочие



To be buried – быть похороненным

A few – немного, некоторое

Fashionable – модный


Square – площадь

Within – в, внутри

Plant – завод, фабрика

Rebuild – отстроить заново,

Block of flats – многоквартирный

восстановить, реконструировать


Fortress – крепость

Inhabited – заселенный

Royal – королевский

Dock – пристань, причал; док

Palace – дворец

Attract – привлекать; притягивать

Mint – монетный двор

Understandable – понятный, ясный

Prison – тюрьма

Worth +Ving – стоит + делать что-

Involve – вовлекать; касаться,




1.* Выберите любые 5 слов и, пользуясь словарям, найдите к ним синонимы. Пример: Plant – factory

2. Ответьте на вопросы: Can you name any places of interest of London? What are they famous for? Прочитайте текст и скажите, какую новую информацию вы узнали.



The capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is London. It is situated in England on the banks of the Thames.

London is not only the main city of the country, its political, economic, cultural, commercial and industrial center. It is also one of the largest cities on the Globe and one of the three largest sea ports in the world. London is an ancient city. It is more than 2000 years old.

The UK capital is a cosmopolitan city. People of different races and nationalities live here. The population of London is over 10 million.

Traditionally London is divided into four main parts: the City, the West End, Westminster and the East End. The parts differ from each other in many ways.

The City is the oldest part of the British capital. It is the major financial and business center of the country. Different firms and offices, numerous companies and banks are situated here. Every day many people come to the City to work and only a few of them live here.

Within the City you can see the famous Tower of London, built by Julius Caesar and later rebuilt by William the Conqueror. At first it was a fortress, then– a royal palace, later – a mint, a prison and now it is a museum. St. Paul’s Cathedral – the greatest of the English Churches, built by the famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren, is also here.

Westminster is the official and historic part of London. It involves the Houses of the British Parliament (Westminster Palace) with the country’s main and biggest clock Big Ben, the Buckingham Palace (the official London residence of the UK Queen) and the Westminster Abbey – the royal church where many British kings and queens were crowned and where many outstanding people of the nation are buried.

The West End is the most beautiful and richest part of the UK capital. It is full of grand hotels and numerous clubs, famous theatres and museums, fashionable shops, beautiful squares and houses. As a rule, only rich people live here. The Trafalgar Square with the Nelson’s Column (the geographical center of London), the National


Gallery and one of the world’s largest museums – the British Museum also belong to this part of London.

The East End is quite different. It is the region of plants and factories, small shops and cheap blocks of flats, mainly inhabited by the working class families. The Port of London and the Docks (often called the Docklands or the Pool of London) are also here.

Characterizing the main parts of London, people often say that the City is «the money» of London, the West End — «the goods» of London and the East End – «the hands» of London.

Every day the UK capital attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world. And it is quite understandable – London is worth visiting.

3.* Игра «Экскурсия по Лондону»:

Вы должны подготовить игру «Экскурсия по Лондону». Один студент – гид, остальные – туристы. Используйте фразы, приведенные ниже:

Guide: Dear Friends, welcome to ... I’d like to suggest you a bus tour about the city. That’s OK./Yes, with pleasure. As you know/I’d like to remind you ... Now, we are coming to/You are now at ...

Please, sit down here. You’ll listen to ... Do you have any questions about ... ? On the left you can see .../Now, please, turn to the right. Our tour is over. I hope you’ve enjoyed it. What places of interest did you like most of all? Thank you, good bye.

Tourists: We’d like to see famous sights of your city. Excuse me, could I ask you a question? Would you be so kind as to ... ? May we take some photos here? Where could I buy any film/photos of…? What do/does ... symbolize?/And what about this? Would you tell us about ... ? Thanks a lot./Thank you very much. We’ve enjoyed a tour very much. It is unforgettable. We’ve learned a great deal. Thank you. Good bye.

III.* Прочитайте новые слова и их перевод:

To reach – достигать

Means of transport – транспортные

Underground – метро


Charter flight – чартерный рейс

Double-decker – двухэтажный автобус

Steamer – пароход

Shilling – шиллинг

Ferry-boat – паром

Shape – форма

To overtake – обгонять



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