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XII. Find definitions to the terms given in the left column.



a) money gained in business



b) sums of money saved by economy and laid away



c) payment which must be but has not yet been paid



to somebody



d) a part of something that belongs to or is received



e) a sum of money lent at interest



f) state of being responsible according to law



g) owner

XIII. Choose the answer to each question on the basis of the information you have derived from the text.

1.Who sets the interest rate that influences most financial institutions?

a)the commercial banks;

b)the lending institutions;

c)the main finance houses;

d)the merchant banks;

e)the bank of England.

2.How would a business organization normally raise capital for its everyday use?

a)from money lenders;

b)from the directors;

c)from the commercial banks, as an overdraft;

d)bу raising a personal loan;

e)by selling some of its raw materials.

3.Which of the following kinds of account does not pay interest?

a)a Post Office savings account;

b)a building society account;

c)a commercial bank deposit account;

d)a commercial bank current account;

e)deposits made with financial institutions.

4.If you had a regular payment to make, for example, a monthly mortgage payment, which would be the most convenient way of paying it?

a)by sending cash to the building society;

b)by sending postal orders to the building society;

c)by banker's standing order;

d)by cheques to the building society;

e)by calling in to the building society every month and making a payment.


5.In what way are personal loans made to customers of banks repaid?

a)by making fixed payments every month;

b)by making payments which are convenient to the customer;

c)by making payments which are convenient to the bank;

d)by paying the interest first and the loan later;

e)by making arrangements with the bank manager to 'overdraw‟.

6.In what way is interest charged on an overdraft?

a)at the end of the month at a fixed rate;

b)only on the amount owed to the bank at the end of each financial period;

c)at an increasing monthly rate;

d)after a three year period.

7.Which of the following is a service supplied by most commercial banks?

a)arranging hire purchase finance;

b)issuing foreign currency and traveller's cheques;

c)sending a regular statement of share prices to every customer;

d)giving a good. commissions for regular investors;

e)arranging hotel accommodation for good customers.

XIV. Answer the questions using the information you have learnt from the


1. Who sets the interest rate in the country? 2. What are the two main types of account managed bу commercial banks? 3. Which type of account pays a fixed rate of interest? 4. Which type of account pays no interest at all?

XV. Here are ten questions which a bank manager asks someone who wants an overdraft. Write down or say each one preceding it with "He wanted to know".

Example: Why do you want an overdraft?

He wanted to know why I wanted an overdraft.

1.Do you have a regular income?

2.Would you prefer a personal loan?

3.Why do you need personal loan?

4.Are you in regular employment?

5.Have you any outstanding debts?

6.When do you propose to pay it back?

7.Would you rather have a personal loan?

8.Could you provide any security?

9.Would a bigger draft be more convenient?

10.Is your general financial position sound?


XVI. Act out the dialogue in pairs and then try to retell it in reported speech.

Miss Posit (M.P.) – bank manager

Mr. Moore (M.M.) – a customer

M.P.: Do sit down, Mr. Moore. M.M.: Thank you. (He sits down).

M.P.: Now Mr. Moore, the situation is like this. Your account is in the Red. M.M.: Pardon?

M.P.: In the Red.

M.M.: I‟m sorry. I don‟t understand. M.P.: In the Red. Overdrawn.

M.M.: Overdrawn. No, I am sorry. I‟ve never heard this word before in my life. M.P.: It‟s very simple, Mr. Moore. It means that you‟ve taken more money out

of the bank than you‟ve put in.

XVII. Solving problems through group discussion.

A.In pairs or small groups discuss how commercial banks make a profit and what they do with the profits which they make.

B.In pairs talk about main differences between the deposit account and the current account, and the main users of these two kinds of customer's cheques.


Grammar: Objective, Subjective Infinitive Constructions

1. Read and memorise the following words and word combinations.

to afford

- позволить (себе)

to affect

- наносить ущерб, влиять на кого-либо

to ascertain



to commence

- начинать(ся)


- рекламный проспект, посылаемый по домам




display stand

- демонстрационный (рекламный) стенд



скидка, процент скидки



опрос, исследование



существенный, важный

to exist


быть, существовать

free gift offer


выдача бесплатного подарка



рекламный листок



- заголовок, заглавие, рубрика


- щит для наклейки афиш и плакатов

mail order

- заказ на товар с доставкой по почте

mark up


повышение цены

marketing mix


комплекс маркетинга

medium (pl.media)

- средство (рекламы)




neon display


неоновая реклама



весь, вся



будущий, ожидаемый

to persuade














покупать, закупать




to satisfy






sales promotion


содействие в продаже, создание благоприятных условий



похожий, подобный

trade fair


торговая ярмарка

target market


целевой рынок

by word of mouth


устно, на словах

II. Make nouns by adding the suffix “-ness” and translate them: ready, attractive, useful, effective, expensive, sound.

III. Make adjectives by adding the suffix “-able” and translate them.

Value, reason, profit, to afford, transport, change, pay, to accept.

IV. Translate the groups of words of the same root.

To advertise – advertiser – advertisement – advertising; to ascertain – ascertainment; to compete – competitor – competition; to pack – packaging – package; to promote – promotion – promoter; prospect – prospective; to create – creation; to describe – description – descriptive; to persuade – persuasion – persuasive.

V. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words from the active vocabulary.

1. Packaging can make a product more convenient to use. 2. Persuasive advertising tries to persuade people in a special quality and usefulness of this or


that product. 3. Advertising by word of mouth is the recommendation of the product by a satisfied customer to a potential customer. 4. If the right price of the product is not set the overall profitability will be affected. 5. A market research inquiry is essential before a manufacturer commences to develop a new product. 6. Sales promotion may involve use of coupons, samples, catalogues, etc. 7. It is very difficult for advertiser to ascertain the effective advertisement or method of advertising.

VI. Read international words and guess their meanings:

neon, technical journal, method, recommendation, potential, normal, to specialize, to analyze, to transport.

VII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Objective In-

finitive Construction.

1.We know advertising to bе used for creating interest in a product and increasing the sale of that product.

2.We are friends and I naturally should like him to be perfectly frank with me.

3.The Director General wants us to compare all these advertisements and say what we think of them.

4.Why do you expect the forthcoming fair to attract many people?

5.We believe the time and date of meeting of the representatives of two commercial banks to be convenient for everybody.

6.I consider the cost reduction in manufacturing to have put us in a strong position in the market.

7.We know commerce to be the process concerned with the production and distribution of goods and providing of services.

VIII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Subjective Infinitive Construction.

1.Inflation is known to be caused by too many goods being produced and too much money circulating in the economy.

2.Insurance is sure to be a financial protection against an event which may happen.

3.The constant rise in the interest rate is supposed to have made the economy more stagnant.

4.Any organization is known to have advantages or disadvantages whether it is a one man business with unlimited liabilities or a limited company with limited liabilities.

5.The government is sure to have raised the interest rate to combat inflation.

6.Such an enormous sum was not expected to be offered for the picture at the auction.


7.Transport advertising for example, inside and outside the buses, trains and other kinds of public transport appeared to be not too effective.

IX. Choose the proper form of the Infinitive.

1.Известно, что основная задача опThe principal task of the wholesaler is

тового торговца – складировать тоknown (to store, to have stored) the

вары в большом количестве и разgoods in large quantities and in many



2. Все знают, что телевизионная рек-

Everybody knows television advertising

лама – самая дорогая реклама с

(to have been, to be) the most expensive

момента еѐ появления

kind of advertising since its appearance.

3.Известно, что рекламы-щиты устаHoarding advertisements are known (to

навливаются на видном месте по have been put up, to be put up) in eye


обочинам дорог.

catching positions at the side of the road.


Утверждают, что спрос на это из-

The demand for this product is stated (to


делие очень упал.

fall, to have fallen) greatly.


По-видимому, этот коммерческий

This commercial bank appears (to rise,


банк сильно повысил процентную

to have risen) greatly the interest rate.




X. Transform the sentences according to the pattern.

Pattern: We know most marketing managers to accept branding. Most marketing managers are known to accept branding.

1.We know branding (снабжение товара торговой маркой) to mean the use of a name or symbol to identify a product.

2.We know a trademark to be legally registered for use by a single company.

3.We think the main value of branding to customers to be a guarantee of quality.

4.We assume the use of this trade mark to lead to increasing purchasing.

5.We suppose the battle of brands to be the competition between dealer brands (торговая марка посредника) and manufacturer brands (марка производителя).




Advertising is used to create consumer interest in a product and also to increase the sales of that product. It may be described under three headings:

a)descriptive advertising;

b)persuasive advertising;

c)both descriptive and persuasive advertising together.


Descriptive advertising

This type of advertising gives the most important facts about the product. It is the cheapest form of advertising and is used a lot by the small trader selling through the local paper. It will usually say:

a)what the product is;

b)how much it will cost;

c)where it may be obtained.

Persuasive advertising

This type of advertising tries to persuade people that the product, which is being advertised, has a special quality or usefulness which makes it much better than other similar products. It is used a lot in television advertising where consumers are persuaded to think if they buy that product they will become very popular or very happy.

Example: 1983 Ford Capri £2000 – good condition – low mileage, a bargain, first to see will buy this attractive car.

Advertising media



Advertising media include:














neon display;




technical journals;



10) trade fairs and shows.

It is very difficult for advertisers to tell whether a particular advertisement or method of advertising has been effective, but there is no doubt that without advertising the customer would never hear of some products. Perhaps the most effective advertising of all is the recommendation of the product by a satisfied customer to a potential customer – advertising by word of mouth.

Market Research

Most manufacturers will carry out a market research inquiry before they commence to manufacture a new product and before they modify an existing poroduct. Good scientifically constructed market research is essential if the manu-


facturer is to be able to produce goods that the customer will buy and at a price that he can afford. The normal procedure is for a sample to be taken of the prospective market. These people will be asked a number of questions about whether they would be likely to buy a new product and how much they would pay. The research may be carried out by the company itself or by a market research company who specializes in this work.

The results of the research are analyzed and the company will then be reasonably sure what to manufacture, how to pack it, where to sell it, and what price to charge the customer.


The following are very important in the marketing of a product:


2)method of selling;


4)sales promotion.

Figure 4. The marketing research process

The price must be set at a level where the firm is able to make a reasonable profit. Obviously if the firm has an efficient production process then it will


probably be able to offer its products at a lower price than those being charged by its competitors. If the price is set too high, then sales may be low and the overall profitability affected (fig. 4).

The method of selling must be ascertained and choices may have to be made between the normal wholesaler-retailer method or mail order or direct selling, etc. The packaging is important and must be attractive and easy to transport. Sales promotion depends on advertising, price reductions for quantity purchases, free gift offers, after-sales service, display stands, and the use of specially trained sales and service staff, etc.

XI. Find which of the words and word combinations on the right is closest in meaning to the words on the left.


To set a price (line)

a) to choose a price



b) to determine a price



c) to fix a price


Reasonable profits

a) considerable profits



b) sufficient profits



c) large profits



a) possibly



b) eventually



c) essentially


To carry out market research

a) to conduct market research



a) to provide market research



c) to expand market research


To affect profitability

a) to increase profitability



b) to influence profitability



c) to reduce profitability


Market research inquiry

a) market research needs



a) market survey



c) market research company


To afford a purchase

a) to allow oneself a purchase



b) to have an opportunity for purchasing



c) to do purchasing

XII. Complete the following statements using the information of the text.

1.Advertising is used to create c… interest in a p... and to increase the s… of that product.

2.D... advertising gives facts about the product.


3.Descriptive advertising says w... it is, how much it will c... and w... it may be obtained.

4.Descriptive advertising is the ch... type of advertising and brings g... results.

5.Most advertisements are both d... and p... .

6.Technical journals and trade fairs are used mostly by in... firms to advertise their p... .

7.Some examples of advertising media are t…, n…, r…, h…, c…, n… d…, and t… f… .

XIII. Choose the answer on the basis of the information you derived from


the text.



Which of the following would be the most effective way for a small busi-


ness to advertise?



by hoardings;

c) by national newspapers;


by local newspapers;

d) by national television.

2. What do we call the advertisement which describes the quality of a prod-





a television advertising;

c) technical advertising;


persuasive advertising;

d) trade fair advertising.

3. What will radio and television manufacturer use if it wishes to advertise


its products to the wholesale trade?




c) technical journals;



d) television advertising.

4. Which of the following would indicate that advertising had been success-





more people made inquiries about

c) more goods were sold bу you to

your goods;

the consumer;


more representatives called at our

d) you decided to acquire new pre-

factory to see you about the goods;


5. What is an excellent way of making sure that the name of your product is


always in the mind of the consumer?



using neon displays;

c) using a brand name;


using hoardings;

d) always advertising on the same day.


Which is the most expensive kind of advertising?


local newspapers;

c) radio;



d) television.

XIV. Answer the following questions using the information you have derived from the text.

1. Why do firms use advertising? 2. What is descriptive advertising? Give an example if you can. 3. What is „persuasive advertising‟? 4. What is the best way


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