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Ад дыктатуры да дэмакратыі - Джын Шарп

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A Note About Translations and Reprinting of this Publication (Примечания о переводе и перепечатке настоящей публикации, англ.)

To facilitate dissemination of this publication it has been placed in the public domain. That means that anyone is free to reproduce it or disseminate it.

The author, however, does have several requests that he would like to make, although individuals are under no legal obligation to follow such requests.

The author requests that no changes be made in the text, either additions or deletions, if it is reproduced.

The author requests notification from individuals who intend to reproduce this document. Notification can be given to the Albert Einstein Institution (contact information appears in the beginning of this publication immediately before the Table of Contents).

The author requests that if this document is going to be translated, great care must be taken to preserve the original meaning of the text. Some of the terms in this publication will not translate readily into other languages, as direct equivalents for "nonviolent struggle” and related terms may not be available. Thus, careful consideration must be given to how these terms and concepts are to be translated so as to be understood accurately by new readers.

For individuals and groups that wish to translate this work, the Albert Einstein Institution has developed a standard set of translation procedures that may assist them. They are as follows:

A selection process takes place to select a translator. Candidates are evaluated on their fluency in both English and the language into which the work will be translated. Candidates are also evaluated on their general knowledge surrounding the subject area and their understanding of the terms and concepts present in the text.

An evaluator is selected by a similar process. The evaluator’s job is to thoroughly review the translation and to provide feedback and criticism to the translator. It is often better if the translator and evaluator do not know the identities of each other.

Once the translator and evaluator are selected, the translator submits a sample translation of two or three pages of the text, as well as a list of a number of significant key terms that are present in the text.

The evaluator evaluates this sample translation and presents feedback to the translator.

If major problems exist between the translator’s sample translation and the evaluator’s evaluation of that translation, then either the translator or evaluator may be replaced, depending upon the judgment of the individual or group that is sponsoring the translation. If minor problems exist, the translator proceeds


Джин Шарп

with the full translation of the text, keeping in mind the comments of the evaluator.

Once the entire text is translated, the evaluator evaluates the entire text and gives feedback to the translator.

Once the translator has considered this feedback and made any necessary changes, the final version of the text is complete and translated book is ready to be printed and distributed.