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development of systems of medico economic standards and their use when determining the tariffs of reimbursement for health care services through CHI;

development and implementation of programs aimed at the re structuring of health care services;

development of the institute of general practice physicians;

transfer of the majority of the budget health care facilities into the form of autonomous institutions;

implementation of new forms of salary of medical workers related with results of their activity.

In the course of conducting these changes it is advisable to allow the regions certain opportunities for introducing changes into the im plemented innovations.

In the regions which can be rated as «average» (24 regions) it is possible to conduct pilot testing of certain types of new financing and management mechanisms, however it is advisable to implement changes on a large scale only after their pilot testing in the first two groups of regions. Possible variations of the implemented mechanisms should be clearly defined in advance.

In the lagging regions it is advisable to implement only those mechanisms which have already undergone successful pilot testing. The priority areas for implementation are the following:

the method of reimbursement for hospital care per completed case of treatment;

the method of reimbursement for primary health care services based on the per capita norms;

the forms of salary of medical workers related with results of their activity.

Здравоохранение в регионах Российской Федерации:

механизмы финансирования и управления

Корректор Е.Е. Андреева

Серия ИД № 05008 от 7.06.2001. Подписано к печати 27.03.2006. Формат 60х90 1/16. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Ньютон.

Печать офсетная.

Усл. печ. л. 16,81. Тираж 500 экз. Заказ № 7862.

Отпечатано в типографии «Поматур» Москва, ул. Неглинная, д. 29/14, стр. 3. Тел.: 739 5393.