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10 Steps to Creating

a Successful Public Relations Plan

Creating a public relations plan takes time, knowledge, and understanding of your company or client needs and wants. Here are some steps to ensure you capture those wants and needs in the plan creation process and that you create a plan that is relevant and useful to your company or client.

1.Know your company’s or client’s current situation. This is essential to knowing where the company now stands, where the company is able to go, what the company’s market/industry looks like, and what direction the company is headed. This helps to put things in perspective.

2.Know your resources. This can be a part of the first step, as it is a part of the situational analysis needed to understand where your company or client currently stands. This can help you better build your tactics and strategies while considering the budget, time, and other resource limitations the company or client may have.

3.Know your objectives and goals. Also essential to the PR plan having success, you must know where the company hopes to go. Like driving with no directions, a PR plan with no goals or objectives is an aimless action with no knowledge of what could come, or even what results are desired. Be sure that the PR plan’s objectives are in line with the rest of the company’s overall objectives, and ensure that they are clear to all involved.

4.Know and define your target audience(s). This means that you’ve defined your target buyer audiences and target media audiences. Each audience will need a different message and a different approach. Knowing these audiences will help you to frame your strategies and tactics so that you can effectively reach the people you hope to reach.


5.List messages and strategies you will use to reach the target audiences you defined. These should be in line with the goals and objectives listed earlier; if they are not, the plan is already off to a somewhat bad start. Know that your strategies and messages also need to relate to one another, otherwise there is some disconnect happening that needs to be addressed.

6.Define the tactics you will use to make the strategies you’ve listed a reality. These tactics will take the messages and strategies listed and make them happen. If, for example, a strategy is to enhance a company’s brand awareness, tactics could include community outreach, social media use,

press conferences, etc. There first needs to be a strategy defined before tactics can be addressed and assigned to a message.

7.Create a time-line for implementation. This needs to be realistic but also challenging. Remember that there should be no lapses in the PR plan where press releases are being sent out, events are taking place, or media are being engaged. There needs to be constant reminder to the public that the company is alive and well, and that can be done with constant information being sent out.

8.Delegate obligations and responsibilities to your team or your client’s team to ensure all parts of the PR plan are completed. This helps to ensure that everyone is on board and that everyone knows their own responsibilities and duties. This is crucial to seeing the PR plan come to fruition. This step should be done with everyone involved so that no one feels over-burdened, left out, or given too much responsibility. This can also help to give everyone the feeling of responsibility since the plan was created with everyone together and not just one person’s say.

9.Create measurements of results/success. To know if your plan is effective, create measurements and benchmarks for the tactics you implement. This is a place for the PR team to gauge the success of the plan and to see if goals were realistic. Creating measurements can also help to show what could have been done with the expertise and estimations of a PR firm or team.


10. Review the plan after implementation and conclusion of the plan.

This is the time when all who helped to create and carry-out the plan can come together and share their thoughts on what went well, what didn’t go so well, and what could be done differently in the future. This needs to be done to ensure that future plans have a chance of being successful. This step can help to encourage group members to continue working for the company’s success by giving everyone a chance to talk and contribute to the next planning.

The key to remember when creating a PR plan is that all plans are going to be unique and different for each company, and even within the same company, they will be different for each plan objective/goal. Do your homework before creating a plan, and be sure that you work closely with the company or client to make the plan a success.

by Ashley Wirthlin (http://saigon.titocovn.com/sites/default/files/Files/ 2013/06/w5/PublicRelationsBook_0.pdf)



10 Interview Skills that Will Help You Get Hired

Acing an interview is a science as much as it is an art, one that requires diligent preparation along with the ability to be at ease in the interview room, comfortable and confident in discussing why you are the best fit for a role.

Interviewing is a skill in and of itself, in which your ability to interact with the interviewer and articulate your thoughts are just as important factors in getting the job as the qualifications listed on your resume.

Here is a list of 10 interview skills that will help you get hired.

1. Preparation

Winging it is never worth it. Not only will your interviewer see right through it, but your answers (and your self-confidence) will seriously suffer if you neglect to properly prepare. You should dedicate an hour, at the minimum, to your preparation.

Here’s a sample formula outlining a 60-minute preparation exercise:

5 minutes re-reading and analyzing the job description, focusing on the essential requirements and responsibilities, in order to tailor your answers to focus on the most important aspects of the job.

5 minutes re-reading your resume and cover letter, to review how you pitched yourself in the first place.

15 minutes researching potential interview questions specific to the position, and the industry.

20 minutes practicing answers to these questions, and recalling specific examples from your work experience, such as major accomplishments, challenges or milestones that will serve as anecdotes to strengthen your responses to situational and behavioral-based interview questions.

15 minutes researching the company, looking into their history, mission and values, and recent projects.

Indeed, practice makes perfect. In addition to practicing these steps on


your own, ask a friend or family member to pose as an interviewer, so you can get used to answering questions in real time.

2. Punctuality

There are very few (if any) excuses that will redeem a late arrival. Do whatever you need to do to get there ten to 15 minutes in advance of your interview time, whether it’s planning your outfit and packing your bag the night before, setting five alarms or asking a friend to give you a wake-up call, or leaving extra early to account for potential transportation obstacles.

3. Thinking Before You Speak

A well thought-out answer is always better than a rushed one. Of course, you don’t want to sit there in silence for 5 minutes as you come up with an answer, but it is acceptable to take several seconds to think before you speak.

Avoid the “ums” and “uhs” and buy yourself time by repeating the interviewer’s question back to them, or using a phrase like “That’s an interesting question!” or “I was actually just thinking about that when I read an article on a similar topic, and…”

If you’re really stumped, you can say, “What a great question. I’ve actually never been asked this before; let me just take a second to think about this.” Finally, know what to do if you really can’t answer a question.

4. Speaking Clearly, Cohesively, and Calmly

Nerves can get you talking a mile a minute, and so can the simple desire to convey as much valuable information about yourself as possible.

However, talking too fast can make you look rushed, flustered or anxious. Make a conscious effort to slow down and speak calmly and clearly. It will help you avoid interview stress.

5. Being Confident, Not Arrogant

Although you should be willing and able to promote yourself, your experience and accomplishments, make sure you don’t come across as arrogant, narcissistic or self-important. No matter how good you are at your job, you’re

going to run into countless obstacles if you lack the emotional intelligence to


work on a team and get along with managers, co-workers or clients.

Focus on exuding a kind and balanced sense of confidence, and when you discuss your achievements, be sure to give credit where credit is due in order to show that you’re a team player.

6. (Actually) Listening

Anyone can nod, smile and say “Right” or “Exactly” over and over, but how many people actually listen?

Interviews are especially tricky because you do need to be listening to your interviewer’s question, while mentally preparing your answer. However, if you don’t listen well in the first place, you might miss the entire point of the question, and as a result, your answer will fall totally flat.

Stay in the moment and don’t let yourself zone out, even if it feels like the interviewer is endlessly blabbing on. Preparation will help tremendously (so you have material ready to discuss, and don’t have to come up with it all on the spot) but good listening skills and the ability to stay focused are key.

7.Expressing Optimism, With Your Words and Your Body Language

No company wants to hire someone with a bad attitude. No matter how difficult your situation is, don’t bring any baggage into the interview room. That means don’t bad-mouth your former employer or any other companies you’ve been associated with, or complain about your personal circumstances.

Be natural, expressing reasonable perspectives through a lens of optimism. For example, if you have to talk about a challenging situation, you should include a mention of how you may have helped solve it, and what you learned that made you a better employee. Remember, your body language does matter as much as your words. Walk in with a smile on your face, offer a firm handshake, and sit up tall at the table, leaning slightly forward to engage in the conversation.

8.Showing Interest, Without Desperation

Sometimes, it can be helpful to think of an interview as a (professional) first date. An air of disinterest, apathy, or monotony will likely turn off an interviewer, as will overenthusiastic desperation. No matter how much you


want or need the job, refrain from acting desperate; pleading or begging has no place in a job interview. The key is to express earnest interest in the role and in the company, and passion for the work you do. Keep in the back of your mind that you are a valuable asset as an employee.

9. Knowing More Than Your Elevator Pitch

Although you should be able to give an elevator pitch in which you introduce yourself, recap your experience and promote your most valuable professional assets, make sure you’re comfortable talking about yourself beyond that. Know how to discuss both your strengths and weaknesses, and emphasize your best qualities and greatest skills, while putting a positive spin on your areas of improvement.

You should also be able to exert some level of control over the conversation. For example, if an interviewer tries to trip you up with you a tricky question like “Have you ever had a bad experience with an employer?” or “Tell me about a time a coworker was unhappy with you,” you should be able to answer their question while bridging your response into a positive: an idea or example that shows how you learned or grew from the situation. You should also have questions of your own to ask the interviewer.

10. Expressing Gratitude

Don’t underestimate the importance of saying “thank you.” As soon as your interview concludes, you should thank your interviewers for their time, and for the opportunity to learn more about the position. When you get home, you should always follow up with a thank you email. Otherwise, the interviewer may take your silence as a sign that you aren’t really interested in the position.

By Alison Doyle (https://www.thebalance.com/job- interview-skills-to-get-hired-4138625)



Tips for Avoiding PR Mistakes

In PR or business, like with anything in life, mistakes are bound to happen. However it’s what you learn from those mistakes that is important.

Some smaller mistakes can be avoided by being aware of best practices in PR and by learning what not to do when communicating with the media.

Here are some of our top tips to help you avoid common PR mistakes.

Always be prepared

Whether it’s for a media interview, sending out a media pitch or just a regular day in the office, your business needs to be prepared for any PR opportunities that may arise. This involves having an appropriate spokesperson that has had media training and is ready to conduct media interviews on short notice.

Don’t start PR activities too late

If you want media coverage for a particular event, project or campaign, you need to start your PR activities well in advance. Many print magazines start putting together their next issue three months before it is published. This means you will need to contact these journalists at least three months before your event or project.

Other factors can affect how fast you are able to gain media coverage for your event or project such as whether the journalist is available, how much space is available in the publication and whether the journalist is interested in your story. You may also need to leave some time to readjust your PR strategy if the current one is not producing the best results. A long-term approach to PR is then more effective.

Make sure content is approved

Before sending any content, such as articles, to a journalist make sure it


has been approved by the appropriate people. For example, if you work in a PR agency you will need to make sure your client approves any content before sending it out. If you are conducting PR activities for your business make sure your supervisor is happy with the content before sending it out.

If something is published that is inaccurate it could damage the business’ reputation as well as damage your reputation with the journalist.

Avoid sending out mass media pitches

Sending out a mass media release or media pitch to any and every journalist or publication is not a good PR tactic. A better tactic is to research the publications and key journalists who would be interested in your story. For example, find out what topics the journalist normally covers, the audience of the publication and whether they would be interested in your story. You can then send your media release to these key journalists because it is relevant to them. This will give you a better chance of gaining a media opportunity and you won’t annoy journalists with irrelevant media pitches.

Do your research

Before contacting a journalist make sure you do your research and find out as much information about them as possible. You could be at risk of damaging your relationship with a journalist if you call them the wrong name, forget their publication name, don’t know when their publication is published or hassle them when they are on deadline.

Don’t ignore social media

Social media is a great channel to help you directly communicate with your target audience and engage them in conversations. If you don’t have a presence on social media you could be missing out on many opportunities to build your brand awareness, attract new customers to the business and create a valuable relationship with customers.

Do have a PR strategy

A PR strategy will help you organise your PR activities and make


strategic decisions on the best way to communicate. An effective PR strategy will help you to use the stories in your business to draw in your target audience as well as increase your profile and build brand awareness.

By implementing these tips you can hopefully avoid some common PR mistakes. If you do make a mistake, manage the issue, learn from it and move on.

(https://publicrelationssydney.com.au/ tips-for-avoiding-pr-mistakes/)


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