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4.Дашдамирова И.В., Дроздова Н.П., Филатова Л.А. Практикум очтению и переводу текстов на английском языке по специализациям для студентов 2 курса СГАФКСТ. -Смоленск, 2014. - 52 с.

5.Филатова Л.А. Практическая грамматика английского языка. Учебное пособие. Смоленск, 2013. – 85 с.

6.Дроздова Н.П. Словообразование в спортивной лексике. Методические рекомендации для студентов СГАФКСТ. 2-ое издание, переработанное и исправленное / Н.П. Дроздова, Л.А. Филатова.

Смоленск, 2013. – 11 с.

7.Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 75 тыс. слов. – Москва, «Ладком», 2017 – 608 стр.

7.Оценочные средства для проведения промежуточной аттестации 7.1. Показатели и критерии оценивания компетенций на этапе

изучения дисциплины


Трудовые функции (при

Индикаторы достижения





Педагог - 01.001 А/01.6


– способен

Основы поликультурного

- основные понятия и

осуществлять поиск,


терминологию на иностранном

критический анализ

языке в области физической


и синтез


культуры и спорта, образования,



сферы профессиональной



деятельности в соответствии с

системный подход


направленностью ОПОП;

для решения


- правила словообразования

поставленных задач.


лексических единиц, правила их



сочетаемости и правила

- способен


употребления в иностранном






- правила воспроизведения

коммуникацию в


изучаемого материала в

устной и письменной


категориях основных

формах на


дидактических единицах

государственном и


иностранного языка в контексте



изучаемых тем;



- образование основных



грамматических конструкций



иностранного языка;



- нормативные клише



иностранного языка,



необходимые для письменной



речи профессионального



характера, основные языковые



формы и речевые формулы,



служащие для выражения



определенных видов намерений,



оценок, отношений в







Педагог - 01.001 А/01.6

-Владеть ИКТкомпетентностями.

-Использовать и апробировать специальные подходы к обучению в целях включения в образовательный процесс всех обучающихся, в том числе для которых русский язык не является родным

Педагог - 01.001 А/01.6

-Формирование навыков, связанных с информационнокоммуникационными технологиями (далее - ИКТ)

-Формирование универсальных учебных действий

профессиональной сфере;

-все основные виды чтения;


на иностранном языке:

-выражать различные коммуникативные намерения (запрос/сообщение информации);

-правильно и аргументировано сформулировать свою мысль в устной и письменной форме;

-пользоваться языковой и контекстуальной догадкой для раскрытия значения незнакомых слов;

-вести беседу, целенаправленно обмениваться информацией профессионального характера по определенной теме;

-получать общее представление о прочитанном тексте;

-определять и выделять основную информацию текста;

-обобщать изложенные в тексте факты, делать выводы по прочитанному тексту;

-определять важность (ценность) информации;

-переводить профессионально значимые тексты с иностранного языка на русский и с русского языка на иностранный язык;

Имеет опыт:

-деловой коммуникации, владения формами профессиональной речи, профессиональной терминологией на иностранном языке;

-публичной речи на иностранном языке (монологическое высказывание по общебытовой и профессиональной тематике: сообщение, доклад, диалогическое высказывание, дискуссия).

7.2. Типовые контрольные задания или иные материалы

7.2.1. Формы текущего, промежуточного и итогового контроля

Текущий контроль осуществляется в виде:

-устного опроса, чтения и перевода текстов, пересказа темы;

-проверки выполнения заданий;


-вопросно-ответных упражнений;

-контрольных переводов и контрольных работ;

-тестирования по грамматике;

-письменного перевода текста по специальности.

Промежуточный контроль- зачет (2 семестр), контрольная работа (3 семестр)

Итоговый контроль – экзамен (5 семестр)

Содержание контрольной работы



When people speak about higher education in Great Britain they usually think of university education. There are 48 universities in Great Britain 36 in England, 8 in Scotland, 1 in Wales and 2 in Northern Ireland.

The leading universities in England are Oxford, Cambridge and London. English universities differ greatly from each other. They differ in the date of foundation, history, traditions, general organization, methods of teaching, way of students' life,etc .Each university has its own problems.

The oldest and most famous universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. They were founded in the Middle Ages. Apart from lectures teaching is carried out by tutorial system, for which these two universities have always been famous. This is a system of individual teaching. Every student has a tutor, who plans his students' work. Each student goes to his tutor once a week to discuss the work which the student has prepared.

Sport is very popular among students. Rowing in fours or eights occupies a leading place in the sporting life of universities. The annual race between Oxford and Cambridge teams has become almost a national festival.


Apart from lectures - кроме лекции

Carry out - осуществлять

Tutorial system - система прикрепления студентов к отдельным консультантам




1.Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, учитывая изменения значений слов it, that, one в зависимости от выполнения ими грамматических функций:

It is necessary to train regularly. That coach was a student


of our institute. The book that I am reading is very interesting. Our trainer is an experienced one, he is a Master of Sport.

2. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, учитывая различные значения глаголов (модальное, смысловое, вспомогательное):

I am a student. I have the first degree in track-and-field. We have taken part in many competitions. We have to study English.

3. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, подчеркните сказуемое и определите его временную форму и залог:

Образец: We have already translated the text. have translated - Present Perfect, Active

I have been a member of the institute team. The finals for Russia Cup were played last Sunday. The biathlon has been cultivated in our country only since 1965. Who will be included in the team which is to represent our country? The national gymnastics championship is being held in Moscow now. Football is played by two teams of 11 players each. We had had our training by 8 o'clock in the evening.

4. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимание на функции и перевод Participle I,

Participle II:

The leading sportsmen of our country have taken part in this contest. The first gold medal won by the Russian sportsmen was a surprise. We shall be training at 6 o'clock tomorrow. Now a new sport complex is being built in our country. This famous sportsman has been awarded with the order.



1. Where do you study? - I study at the Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. 2. Where is the Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism situated? - The Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism is situated in Gagarin Avenue. 3. When did you enter the Academy? - I entered the Academy in 2008.4. When will you graduate from the Academy? - I'll graduate from the Academy in 2013. 5. What faculty do you study in? - I am a student of the extramural faculty. 6. Who is the Dean of the extra-mural faculty? - Comrade S. is the Dean of the extra-mural faculty. 7. What year student are you? -I am a second-year-student. 8. What subjects do you study this term? - I study biochemistry, physiology, philosophy, a foreign language and others. 9. What sport facilities are there at the Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism? - There are different sport facilities at the Academy gymnasiums, sports grounds and a stadium. 10. Are there many Masters of Sport among the students of the academy? – Yes, there are. 11. There are many Masters of Sport among the students of the Academy. 12. Where do the graduates of the Academy work? - The graduates of the Academy work at schools in different


parts of the country. 13. What specialists does the Academy train? - The Academy trains the teachers of physical culture and coaches.

Содержание зачета

До зачета выполнить тест соответствующего семестра. Зачет получают студенты, не имеющие задолженностей по учебному материалу семестра.

Итоговый контроль – экзамен

Содержание экзамена

1. Письменный перевод со словарем с иностранного языка на русский язык спортивного текста по специальности, объемом 1000 – 1500 печатных знаков.

2. Пересказ одной из пройденным устных тем.

К сдаче экзамена допускаются студенты, не имеющие задолженностей по текущей успеваемости и сдавшие все зачеты.

7.2.2. Тестовые задания по дисциплине

Тест № 1(1 семестр)

Дроздова Н.П., Филатова Л.А. Методические рекомендации по английскому языку для проведения тестов со студентами 1-2 курсов СГАФКСТ. Смоленск, 2015

стр. 4, упр. 1, 2, 5 стр. 5, упр. 1, 2, 4, 5

Тест № 2 (4 семестр)

Дроздова Н.П., Филатова Л.А. Методические рекомендации по английскому языку для проведения тестов со студентами 1-2 курсов СГАФКСТ. Смоленск, 2015

стр. 8-9, упр. 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9

стр. 11-12, (чтение и перевод текста «Москва-столица Олимпиады-


Тест № 3(55 семестр)

Дроздова Н.П., Филатова Л.А. Методические рекомендации по английскому языку для проведения тестов со студентами 1-2 курсов СГАФКСТ. Смоленск, 2015

стр. 9, упр. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6

стр. 12-13, (чтение и перевод текста «Пушкин и спорт»

7.2.3. Вопросы к экзамену

Вопрос 1

Прочитайте и переведите письменно со словарем один из текстов: “Football in Russia”, “Cycling”, “Rugby”, “Active Tourism”, “Three London Olympics”, Biathlon”, “Boxing”, ”Gymnastics”, “Volleyball”, “Tennis”, “Swimming”, “Football in Great Britain”, “American Football”, “Fencing in Japan”, “Training in Ice Hockey”.

Вопрос 2

Расскажите: о себе и своей семье; что вы знаете о нашем вузе; что вы знаете о Смоленске, или расскажите о своем родном городе; что вы знаете о Великобритании; о своей специализации; что вы знаете о спорте в нашей стране, что вы знаете об Олимпийских играх.


Экзаменационные тексты

Training in Ice Hockey

The most important thing is planning by coach beforehand. Plan your training before you arrive at the skating-rink and write the plan down. This simple but important step will do much to ensure a successful training.

It is a good idea to discuss training with your players and the coach should arrive 15 minutes or so earlier but it will make your ice time more effective and the players will perform better because they know what is coming next.

The coach must keep as many players as possible active during the workout. This begins with the planning of practice sessions, continued on the ice. The most common problem is waste of too much time giving coaching instructions on the ice. Explain in the dressing room1 (using chalk and a board) and use ice time to practice. Use the variety of interesting drills2. Your players not be bored on the ice.

Warm up the players` muscles, especially as they get older, to avoid muscles injuries. It is particularly important when it is cold.

It is best to work on the skills at the beginning of the training when the ice is in good condition. Remember the importance of planning these drills so as many players as possible are working at a given time. Be sure your most important player – goalkeeper – is doing something all the time. Skating is the most important of all skills, that’s why 25-50% of your training time should be devoted to skating.

Be sure that each work-out is fun for the players and for you.


1.dressing room - раздевалка

2.drill – упражнение

American Football

Walter Camp (1859-1925), American football player and coach, is called the “father of American football”. He made most of the basic rules. There are 11 players in a team. The game is played on a grass field with an oval leather ball. A game usually lasts two and a quarter hours or more.

Football in the USA dates back as1 1609, when the colonists from England were kicking an air-filled bladder2 as they did in Britain. It was a rough form of football. In 1880 the development of the American game began. The game had become so brutal, with many injuries that there were protests across the country and demands for the ban of the game. Football was becoming so rough and dangerous that it came under heavy criticism. The rules of the game were revised in 1894 and the duration of the game was cut from 90 to 70 minutes.

But the brutal game continued. 1905 was one of the worst seasons resulting in 18 deaths and 159 other injuries. There was such a storm of protest that president Theodore Roosevelt3 demanded that the brutality and foul play must be eliminated. After the First World War important games attracted great attention in the press. Football has become great business.



1.as far back as – относится, восходит

2.bladder - камера

3.Theodore Roosevelt – Теодор Рузвельт

Football in Great Britain

Football is one of the most popular games all over the world. In old Japan1 and China2 a game like football was very popular. Football in England was widely spread among peasants. The game was cruel and dangerous, that is why football was officially banned by King Edward II. In spite of royal orders football remained the game of English common people.

The history of modern football began in the 19th century, when in 1863 the Football Association was formed in London. A week later new rules were accepted. Those rules were changed and many times.

Football is probably the most popular sport in Great Britain. Most boys are born with the ability to play football. They play it at school, in public parks. As adults they play as members of amateur teams or as professionals in teams competing in football leagues.

Professional football, which every week provides entertainment3 for hundreds of thousands of people in England, is as much a business as it is a sport. In addition to it League games the Football Association holds an annual Cup competition. The Cup final match is played at Wembley4 stadium in northwest London on the first Saturday of May and is a national event attended by the Queen (or King) who presents the Cup to the captain of the winning team.


1.Japan - Япония

2.China - Китай

3.entertainment - развлечение

4.Wembley – Уэмбли


It may seem strange that swimming was not included in ancient Olympic games though people had known it long ago. Both in ancient Greece and Rome swimming was as important as reading. Soldiers often sailed to other lands and fought on seas too. They were taught swimming for life saving.

As a sport swimming was practiced in Japan. There swimming contests were before the new era. Since the 17th century it was taught at schools. But the Japanese did not let foreigners into their country. That is why it were Europeans who developed swimming and made it a sport.

One of the earliest swimming competitions in Europe was held in 1515 in Venice1. First swimming schools began to appear at the end of the 18th century. Swimmers trained and contested mostly in rivers and lakes, which was possible only in summer. In the 19th century indoor swimming pools appeared and swimming became very popular.

Many countries organized national swimming championships, and the first European championship was held in 1890. Six years later swimming became the Olympic sport and in 1908 the International Swimming federation


was formed. But the first world championship was held only in 1973, or 65 years later!

Swimming was not popular in Russia. Trainings were possible only in summer and sportsmen could not achieve good results.


1. Venice - Венеция


Tennis is the kind of sport played all over the world. It is a very beautiful game and people willingly practice it. Playing tennis is one of the best means for developing and strengthening the health of our youth. The game develops many good qualities, such as strength, agility, stamina, willpower. Tennis is played with a small ball and rackets on a court. Court surface are different according to the climate. Experienced tennis players must use different tactics against every rival. Experts say that a tennis player`s style reflects his character.

Tennis is one of the favourite games all over the world and the number of people, who play it, is great. The tournament, held at Wimbledon1 for two weeks at the end of June and the beginning of July, is a great international festival held every summer. The Wimbledon Cup for men and women is the most important tennis event.

There are special landmaerks2 in the history of every sport. In Russian tennis one can point out3 1958, the year when our players took part in the traditional competition for the first time. The debut of our tennis players was made in Britain, and foreign experts were surprised by their performance. More and more people of all ages were attracted by the game and the number of participants in our country increased. Our players have steadily gained international experience, and regularly took part in international events.


1.Wimbledon - Уимблдон

2.landmark - веха

3.point out – выделить


Volleyball originated in America. The game was developed as a modification of tennis. For some time, people didn`t show any great interest in this game. But after the first exhibition of the game in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1896 volleyball had become popular.

In the beginning the game had a few simple rules. The first complete set of rules1 was formulated in 1917 and since then volleyball has seen many additions and modifications as the game developed and became more specialized. Volleyball has spread to far off land2 and it is played all over the world. The International Volleyball Association was formed in 1947. In 1957 volleyball was officially recognized as an Olympic event.

People of all ages easily master volleyball. It is a simple but interesting game which doesn`t require any special equipment or long training. Volleyball has a good effect upon the health of people. It develops many good qualities, such as quick thinking, will-power, fast reaction, a feeling of comradeship, etc.


As volleyball can be played both indoors and outdoors, it is an all-season sport3. The game is adopted4 to schools and universities since it provides5 for varying amount of players.

Volleyball is played not only as a recreative sport but also as a competitive sport. It is annually making tremendous progress in many countries and today it is one of the leading sports.


1.the complete set of rules

2.to far of land – полный список правил

3.an all-season sport – отдаленные уголки

4.is adopted - применима

5.provides for – предусматривает


Gymnastics originally meant “Physical exercises”. The term was first used in ancient Greece and it applied to all forms of athletic exercises such as running, jumping, javelin throwing, and wrestling. In Greece young people were taught different exercises and the basic principles were written in ancient books. Ancient Romans1 developed Greek exercises and added new apparatuses such as horses.

Gymnastics had its beginning in Germany early in the 19th century and soon spread in Europe. It was taught at schools and armed forces. Many gymnastics clubs were organized. But gymnastics was known only in some big cities. Nowadays gymnastics is one of the most popular kinds of sport in our country. We can`t imagine an educational establishment without a gym.

Gymnastic exercises are a compulsory element of training in many kinds of sport. They develop the human body harmoniously. Gymnastics develops good body coordination, grace strength, courage.

Gymnastics is regarded as one of the best means of physical training. It includes several forms; each has its own specific tasks. Remedial gymnastics3 is widely used at medical institutions. It is a medical treatment and prophylactic of diseases by means of physical culture.


1.Roman - римлянин

2.apparatuses – снаряд (гимн.)

3.remedial gymnastics – лечебная гимнастика


Fist fighting or boxing is known for a very long time. It was popular in ancient Greece where boxers were very strong. Their bouts lasted for many hours. Historians wrote about boxers, whose punch could kill a bull. The only protection of the boxer was a light bronze helmet on his head. And of course his strength to stand1 the terrible hits they exchanged. Winners were those who could stand through the bout and make2 the other fall.

In old Russia fist fighting was widely spread. They were held during fairs3 and holidays. In winter a vast area was marked on the Moskva River ice with thick ropes to keep the public off4. Russian tzars were often present there and


watched the fights. Twi fighters usually began the competitions which often ended in mass “wall-to-wall” fights.

Boxing in its modern form originated from Great Britain. In the course of time5 English boxing became a sport. Boxing rules were written at the end of the 19th century. After public performances boxing spread rapidly and won international recognition. First international boxing matches took place in 1902 and in 1908 boxing was included in the programme of the Olympic Games. Boxing is very popular in our country. Many our boxers became world and Olympic champions.


1.to stand - выдерживать

2.make - заставить

3.fair - ярмарка

4.to keep the public off – держать публику в отдалении

5.in the course of time – с течением времени


Biathlon is one of the popular winter sports. It is a combined sport event of cross-country skiing and rifle1 shooting. Biathlon appeared in the north of Europe in the 18th century. Ski races were held in deserted areas where the danger of wolves and bears was quite obvious. That`s why many sportsmen took shotguns2 or rifles. Many skiers brought home prizes for sport competitions.

All this suggested the idea of holding ski races combined with target shooting during the race. At the beginning of the 20th century military patrol ski races became popular in Norway, Finland, Sweden and other countries. This military patrol race was shown as a demonstration event in the 1928 Olympic games. Programme and remained there till 1948. In 1948 the International Union of modern pentathlon and biathlon was organized, which held the first world championship in biathlon in 1958. Two years later it was included in the winter Olympics programme. World championships are held every year. Shooting is conducted with small rifles. A competitor may have only one pair of marked skis and one marked rifle. Every competitor fires3 over a distance of 50 m at mechanical targets.

In our country biathlon is practiced since 1957 when the first national championship was held.


1.rifle - винтовка

2.shotgun - ружье

3.fire – стрелять

Three London Olympics

London hosted its first Olympic Games (the 4th Olympic Games) by accident in 1908. They were to be held in Rome1, but the eruption of Vesuvius2 required large sums of money for rebuilding3. So it was London where the tradition of the opening ceremony began, the tug-of-war4 made its first, and last, Olympic appearance.


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