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книги / English for Electrical Engineers

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Before you read text 24

Write down your ideas about making the building intelligent.

Which elements are the most crucial in making the system work?


The concept of an ‘Intelligent Building’ encompasses various automation systems for Building Control, Office, Communications, Security and Fire. An IB project generally covers three key elements.

Communications Network and Office Automation.Building.

Management System.

Integrated Services Infrastructure.

The System includes office administration, Property Management, and Business Intelligence Systems that reduce heavy workloads and human error to enhance efficiency, quality and the working environment as a whole. Voice, Data, Video and Multimedia Information Services, such as Video Conferencing, Email and Electronic Data Exchange, are provided via the building’s high-speed backbone network to the benefit of each office.

Building Management System(BMS) provides automatic monitoring, interaction and management for electricity, ventilation, water supply, security and fire control to the building. BMS manages the following systems: Building Automation System (BAS) Security Automation System (SAS) & Fire Automation System (FAS):

The Building Automation System(BAS) centralizes the remote monitoring and control of all building facilities – including electricity, lighting, plumbing, ventilation and airconditioning, water supply and drainage and environmental control systems – at a single control center. Seamless monitoring of all these systems ensures a reliable working or living environment for tenants as well as optimized human resources allocation for the Property Manager.

Security Automation System (SAS)is critical for providing a secure environment and protecting the safety of tenants. Elements include: Anti-theft Security and Alarm System , Electronic Control System, Access Control System, Closed-Circuit TV Surveillance System.

The Fire Automation System (FAS)is supported by independent network and cabling systems to ensure operation continues nonstop, even during an emergency. When linked to the building’s centralised control room, a second level of monitoring is provided; and in case of fire, various systems can interact directly to optimise all necessary building facilities.

For many years, voice and data systems were cabled separately. Now it is standard practice to use a common platform for both of these systems. Like the Voice and Data Systems of the past, the traditional construction process separately installs each of the BMS disciplines under various divisions of a specification.

This means that multiple cabling systems and pathways are installed during the various stages of construction, which establishes one of the primary reasons for ELV Systems Integration i.e. (Integrated Cabling and pathways instead of individual systems). Also, the BMS vendors have now started to use Data Networking and LAN architectures which allow them to communicate over a Standard Ethernet LAN using the same TCP / IP protocol used by computers.

As you read

Find out as much as possible in additional source word-combinations which contain the word “intelligent”

Make a plan of the text and retell it.

Think of the 3 questions which can be asked to the author of the text. http://xinca.com/elements-intelligent-buildings-2734.html



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Electronic Resources

1.Уолдон Дж.К. Библия деловых писем, факс-сообщений и E-Mail на английском языке [электронный ресурс]. – URL: http: // www. kodges.ru.

2.EMERALD: Engineering; Enterprise and Innovation [Electronic resource] : [the weekly international journals of engineering]: [полнотекстовая база данных : свыше 10 000 статей на англ. яз.] / Ltd Emerald. – Cambridge, 1994–2013. – URL: http: // www. emeraldsight.com/products/eng/database/htm.

3.Oxford Journals [Electronic resource]: [полнотекстовая база данных : 262 электрон. журн. по всем отраслям знания на англ. яз.] / Oxford University Press. – Oxford, 1996–2013. – URL: http: // www.Oxfordjournals.org/.

4.Science Direct – Engineering Collection [Electronic resource] : a leading full text scientific data base : more than 2,500 journals and almost 20, 000 books :


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5.Springer [Electronic resource] : [полнотекстовая база данных : 2633 электрон.

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6.Kleyman Bill. Cloud Computing Driving Data Center Automation [Электронный ресурс] / Bill Kleyman. – URL: http://www.datacenterknowledge.com/archives/ 2013/06/06/cloud-computing-drives-data-center-automation.

7.Mobility in wireless communication networks [электронный ресурс] / Ronan Skehill, Padraig Scully, Eduardo Cano, Joseph Johnson, Sean Mcgrath, John Nelson. – URL: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/suppl/10.1142/7208/suppl_file/7208_chap01.pdf

8.Complex objects need complex security [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: http://www.alarmautomatika.com/en/complex-objects-need-complex-protection/38.

9.Steinberg Scott. 10 Ways to Keep IT Systems Secure [Электронный ресурс] / Scott Steinberg. – URL: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/219954.

10.Mattes David Trusted computing for industrial control systems and infrastructure [Электронный ресурс] / David Mattes. – URL: http://www.computerweekly.com/ opinion/Trusted-computing-for-industrial-control-systems-and-infrastructure.


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БАРИНОВА Ирина Александровна КИСЕЛЁВА Екатерина Николаевна КОНДРАШИНА Татьяна Валерьевна


for Electrical Engineers

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Редактор и корректор И.Н. Жеганина

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