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M. W. Parsons and S. M. Davis

step would be to use PI/DWI to select patients for tPA in the 3- to 6-h window in a phase III placebocontrolled RCT with primary clinical endpoints.

Future Stroke Patient Management: A Potential Thrombolysis Algorithm

Although ongoing trials may modify the following treatment algorithm, a possible role of combined PI and DWI as part of a multimodal MRI protocol in the near future for the selection of acute ischaemic stroke patient for thrombolysis is presented below. Indeed, many centres do use stroke MRI to select patients for thrombolysis beyond 3 h (Schellinger et al. 2003). At present, as the evidence is not conclusive, we prefer to randomise post-3-h patients to thrombolytic trials.

The thrombolysis algorithm is based on the assumption that the hypotheses discussed above are proven to be correct. That is, primarily: (1) the presence of significant perfusion-diffusion mismatch (qualitatively +/– quantitatively assessed) predicts treatment response, and (2) a ‘large’ DWI lesion (qualitatively > ½ MCA territory, and/or quantitatively > 100 cm3) predicts haemorrhagic transformation. Patients excluded from thrombolysis because of extensive DWI lesions with or without perfusion-dif- fusion mismatch may be considered for more aggressive measures such as hypothermia or decompressive hemicraniectomy (Schwab et al. 1998, 2001).

A further possible scenario (particularly when thrombolysis later than 3 h after symptom onset is being considered) is that PI/DWI and MRA might be used to decide on the dose of tPA. This postulate is based on the early dose-finding tPA studies that smaller doses of tPA appeared to have significant efficacy, and possibly also a lesser risk of haemorrhage (Brott et al. 1992; Haley et al. 1992). Furthermore, our work, and angiographic studies, demonstrate that more proximal sites of occlusion are less likely to recanalize with thrombolysis (Alexandrov et al. 2001; Furlan et al. 1999; Parsons et al. 2002a). Therefore, a smaller dose of tPA might be as efficacious for distal vessel occlusions, and for more proximal occlusions (ICA, MCA stem) a higher dose of IV tPA, or (where available) a combined IV/IA approach might be used (Ernst et al. 2000). The risk of a higher dose of IV tPA (1.1 mg/kg as used in ECASS I) could be justified on two counts, patients with large baseline DWI lesions would be excluded, and the natural history of untreated proximal vessel occlusion is very

poor (Hacke et al. 1995). New thrombolytic agents, or combined lower dose tPA and a platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor (e.g., abciximab) might be alternative treatment arms (Abciximab in Ischemic Stroke Investigators 2000).

It is predicted that EPITHET will provide more information regarding the site of vessel occlusion and response to tPA. Should this trial confirm a lower rate of major reperfusion (and correspondingly greater infarct expansion and lower penumbral salvage) with intravenous tPA for proximal occlusions, then trials of more aggressive reperfusion strategies would be indicated. A safety proof of concept study using PI/DWI (and MRA) both to select patients and for surrogate measures of outcome, would be ideal for this purpose. In such a study, patients without large pre-treatment DWI lesions and perfusion-diffusion mismatch might, for example, be randomised to 0.9 mg/kg or 1.1 mg/kg IV tPA in a blinded manner. Rates of recanalization, major reperfusion, and ICH would be important outcome measures.

Pending safety confirmation of the higher tPA dose, the following thrombolysis algorithm could be also be tested in a randomised controlled trial, again using MRI surrogate outcomes, in the 3- to 6-h window (see below). The control group would probably receive standard dose tPA. It is envisaged that the following treatment algorithm might equally apply to ischaemic stroke patients presenting within 3 h of symptom onset. However, some might argue that




Large DWI lesion (>1/2 MCA territory)

No tPA

















Perfusion-Diffusion mismatch

No tPA










Site of MRA vessel occlusion

ICA/proximal M1

Distal M1/M2

No visible occlusion

1.1 mg/kg IV


0.9 mg/kg IV


0.6 mg/kg IV

or 0.6 mg/kg





followed by IA










Potential future thrombolysis treatment algorithm using PI/ DWI and MRA

Therapeutic Impact of MRI in Acute Stroke


clinically eligible patients presenting within 3 h do not need MRI to make a decision regarding thrombolysis. At the other end of the spectrum, if patients presenting after 6 h still have significant perfusion-diffusion mismatch without a large DWI lesion, it might also be reasonable to treat these patients as below. After all, the rationale for PI/DWI in acute stroke is to image ischaemic pathophysiology. Thus, treatment should be based on a ‘tissue clock’ rather than a time clock (Kidwell et al. 2000) (see Fig. 3.3).

Potential future thrombolysis treatment algorithm using PI/DWI and MRA for patients with unknown time of stroke onset or being admitted after 3 h.

Improving Acute Stroke Trial Design Using MRI

Patient Selection Using MRI

In the last few years, many unsuccessful acute stroke trials have been reported. Trials of intravenous tPA initiated up to 6 h from symptom onset have failed to demonstrate efficacy in patients without imaging confirmation of the diagnosis or pathophysiologic features most amenable to treatment (Albers and Clark 1999; Hacke et al. 1995, 1998). To demonstrate efficacy in stroke trials with a treatment time window greater than 3 h (including neuroprotective agents), trial design needs to be improved (Davis and Donnan 2002).

A number of factors may predict tissue response and clinical efficacy in stroke trials. Clearly, time is an important factor (Marler et al. 2000). However, the amount of ischaemic tissue at risk of infarction that is still potentially salvageable (the ischaemic penumbra) is another factor that is highly likely to predict clinical response. Much of the data presented above: (1) demonstrates that PI/DWI can identify such tissue at-risk, and (2) establishes that the ischaemic penumbra is a prime locus of ischaemic injury and a key target for acute stroke therapies. For example, we have shown that patients with significant perfusion-diffusion mismatch treated with thrombolysis have a significant degree of reperfusion and tissue salvage compared to similar controls (Parsons et al. 2002a). This also translated into a statistically significant clinical response (Parsons et al. 2002a). The sample size of this study (albeit not a randomised, placebo-controlled trial) was markedly smaller than that needed to show clinical benefit in the NINDS trial, which did not

Fig. 3.12. Patient (top) with acute perfusion-diffusion mismatch and an acute blood glucose level of 12.3 mmol/l. Despite major reperfusion, much of the at-risk mismatch tissue progressed to infarction. In contrast, the bottom patient with an acute blood glucose of 5.3 mmol/l and a large area of mismatch, had major penumbral (mismatch) salvage on follow-up imaging

select an homogenous sample of patients based on imaging of pathology (The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke rt-PA Stroke Study Group 1995).

It is important to note that MRI selection of patients does not just apply to thrombolytic trials. In fact, selecting patients with an ischaemic penumbra may be critically important for trials of neuroprotective drugs, and other therapies such as manip-


M. W. Parsons and S. M. Davis

ulation of physiologic variables (blood glucose, hypothermia) and decompressive hemicraniectomy (Fisher and Brott 2003). For example, our group has found that the adverse effect of acute hyperglycaemia on stroke outcome was seen predominantly in patients with an MR-defined ischaemic penumbra (Fig. 3.12). Acute hyperglycaemia in patients with perfusion-diffusion mismatch increased the progression of this at-risk tissue to infarction and was associated with worse clinical outcome, compared to normoglycaemic patients with mismatch (Parsons et al. 2002b). These results suggest that a trial of acute, aggressive glycaemic control in stroke might be optimised by using PI/DWI to select patients with salvageable at-risk tissue (Baird et al. 2003; Parsons et al. 2002b).

In a similar vein, decompressive hemicraniectomy has been shown to reduce mortality after malignant MCA infarction (Schwab et al. 1998). It appears the earlier the surgery is performed, the better the outcome. MRI is promising in predicting the likelihood of this complication within 6 h of stroke onset (Thomalla et al. 2003). An extensive DWI lesion predicts malignant MCA infarct very accurately, allowing ultra-early decompressive surgery. As suggested in the above thrombolysis treatment algorithm, patients with extensive acute DWI lesions would be excluded from thrombolytic treatment. However, such patients may still have perfusion-diffusion mismatch and other aggressive experimental treatments such as early decompression or hypothermia may salvage remaining at risk tissue (Schwab et al. 1998, 2001). This area deserves further study.

There seems little doubt that trials of neuroprotective drugs, of which there have been many negative results to date, might be more likely to succeed if patients with an ischaemic penumbra were selected using perfusion-diffusion mismatch (Lees et al. 2000; Muir and Lees 1995; Yamaguchi et al. 1998). This has a rational basis, as neuroprotective drugs are targeted at ‘preserving’ the penumbra (Davis and Donnan 2002; Fisher and Brott 2003).

PI/DWI as Surrogate Markers of Treatment Response

– ‘Proof of Concept’

As well as using PI/DWI to select an ‘ideal’ patient population to optimise the chances of efficacy of a therapeutic agent, PI/DWI may also have a role in the monitoring of ischaemic lesion evolution and therapeutic response in acute stroke trials. Reducing

the functional disability associated with cerebral infarction is the clinical goal of acute stroke therapy. Therefore, reduction of infarct volume is the biological objective. A relative reduction in infarct volume in animal models is required to advance a drug into clinical trials. Replicating these observations in a clinical sample is the next logical step. However, this has often been bypassed in favour of very expensive, large clinical endpoint trials that have failed for treatments given beyond the 3-h window. Pilot ‘proof-of-concept’ studies using a biologically meaningful outcome variable, similar to EPITHET, may provide an important bridge between animal studies and the large phase III trials (Barber et al. 2004; Davis and Donnan 2002).

Although it seems intuitive, the surrogate outcome measures used in such proof-of-concept trials must have a tight correlation with clinical outcome. The first randomised-controlled trial of PI/DWI for outcome assessment did not definitively demonstrate efficacy of the experimental agent, but it did show a clear association between infarct expansion and poorer clinical outcome (Warach et al. 1999). The results of our case-control tPA series strengthen the case for using PI/DWI as biologically meaningful outcome measures (Parsons et al. 2002a). In the comparison between tPA treated patients and untreated controls; baseline to outcome infarct expansion, reperfusion, and penumbral salvage all had strong correlations with clinically meaningful improvement. These correlations were independent of treatment group, although a higher proportion of tPA treated patients had better MRI and clinical outcomes.

Other studies have also demonstrated the potential value of using PI/DWI in proof concept studies. Our group has shown, based on statistical modelling from a natural history stroke cohort with serial PI/DWI, that a therapy postulated to reduce infarct expansion by 50% would need 100 patients in each group to show a significant difference between treatment and placebo groups (Barber et al. 2004). Similarly, a therapy postulated to increase the chances of major reperfusion from acute to subacute PI by 50% would only need 50 patients in each group to demonstrate a significant difference between active treatment and placebo (Barber et al. 2004). Others have shown that the presence of recanalization (on MRA) or reperfusion (on PI) after thrombolysis are powerful predictors of eventual clinical outcome (Chalela et al. 2003, 2004; Schellinger et al. 2000). In fact, extent of reperfusion from preto post thrombolysis PI was a more sensitive predictor

Therapeutic Impact of MRI in Acute Stroke

of excellent outcome than MRA recanalization, and appears to be the ideal surrogate outcome for testing new reperfusion therapies (Chalela et al. 2004).

3.5 Conclusions

MRI is being increasingly used as a selection tool and an outcome measure in stroke trials, reflecting the growing evidence that direct pathophysiologic imaging may provide a more rational approach to acute stroke therapy than clinical diagnosis (and non-contrast CT scanning) alone. Stroke MRI is practical and feasible. Perfusion-diffusion mismatch provides a reliable estimation of the ischaemic penumbra. The future holds great promise. It is only a matter of time before MRI routinely assists the stroke clinician in making individual therapeutic decisions, and guides stroke researchers in identifying effective therapies that can be delivered well beyond the current 3-h window.


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Insights from Experimental Studies


4Insights from Experimental Studies

Tobias Back


4.1Basic Pathophysiology 41

4.1.1 Dimensions of Injury 41

4.1.2Infarct Maturation 43

4.1.3 Thresholds of Cerebral Blood Flow 44

4.1.4Cerebrovascular Reactivity and Functional Activation 46


Mechanisms of Injury 47


Evolution of Ischemic Lesions 49

4.2.1Global Ischemia 49

4.2.2Focal Ischemia 51

Comparison of Diffusion Imaging with Changes


in Relaxation Times 51

Correlation Between Changes in Diffusion,


Cerebral Metabolites and Tissue Injury


Composition of Focal Ischemic Lesions


Transient Occlusion: Reversibility of Changes 57


Treatment of Focal Cerebral Ischemia



Recanalizing Strategies and Risk of Hemorrhage 59

4.3.2Neuroprotective Strategies 62


Delayed Effects After Cerebral Ischemia 63


Effects on Functional Activation 64


Brain Plasticity and Stem Cell Implantation 65


Outlook on Future Research 66


References 67


Basic Pathophysiology

Our insight into the development, evolution and the mechanisms of damage in cerebral ischemia is mainly based on animal studies. A large variety of experimental models have been developed that imitate conditions of stroke and cardiac arrest (Hossmann 1991). In the past, experiments had to be terminated at certain timepoints to obtain invasive measurements of lesion size, blood flow, metabolism or other markers of injury. Therefore, longitudinal observations required large animal numbers and the inter-individual differences complicated the analysis of results. The advent of MR techniques of imaging

T. Back, MD

Department of Neurology, University Hospital Mannheim,

Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg, Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer

1–3, 68167 Mannheim, Germany

(MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) has enabled us to perform longitudinal studies that document intraindividual disease progression and provide excellent contrast between normal and injured tissue, even in small animals such as rodents (Hoehn-Berlage 1995; Le Bihan et al. 1986; Moseley et al. 1990).

Especially the development of diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DWI) has triggered many investigations of cerebrovascular disease because ischemic lesions could be clearly delineated already in the hyperacute phase of ischemia (Moseley et al. 1990) when conventional staining methods are unable to display clearcut tissue changes (Garcia et al. 1993). It is, therefore, conceivable that MRI has been widely applied to diagnose and study brain ischemia not only in animal experiments, but also in the clinical environment (Moseley et al. 1995; Warach et al. 1992, 1995) where it is now going to replace conventional CT scanning in many instances. The fact that ischemic brain lesions can be measured repeatedly by non-invasive MR techniques can be used not only to observe the natural course of stroke (Baird et al. 1997) or anoxic ischemia after cardiac arrest (Arbelaez et al. 1999), but also to detect treatment effects, e.g., by recanalizing interventions like thrombolytic therapy in stroke patients (Parsons et al. 2002). In the future, possibly only one complex MR investigation may provide information on all of the following: the morphology, perfusion state and metabolic condition of ischemic tissue as well as the functional status of perilesional brain. It may also enable us to distinguish old from new lesions, estimate the age of the latter and provide information on the prognosis of different tissue compartments in terms of viability. But this knowledge is largely, not exclusively, based on experimental studies that will be reviewed in this chapter.


Dimensions of Injury

It has been believed that ischemic lesions are basically static in nature unless reperfusion is rapidly initiated, and that it would be difficult to treat them


T. Back

because the process of irreversible tissue damage evolves within several minutes. We know today that brain ischemia behaves differently in a very dynamic manner with regard to its spatial and temporal patterns of evolution. This notion is particularly true for territorial infarcts, i.e., ischemia occurring in the territory of a major cerebral artery that is obstructed by a thrombus or embolus. However, our current knowledge is limited for other types of focal ischemia such as lacunar infarcts or hemodynamic infarction in which other patterns of lesion evolution might be seen. Repeated DWI combined with metabolic and blood flow imaging could show that territorial infarcts expand early over the initial 6–8 h (Gyngell et al. 1995; Kohno et al. 1995b). Similar observations were made in a cat model of middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion (Heiss et al. 1994) and patients with hemispheric stroke (Heiss et al. 1992) by using sequential multitracer positron emission tomography (PET).

Based on those and other investigations it has been suggested that primary ischemic damage (occurring within 8-12 h after onset of ischemia) should be differentiated from secondary damage that appears at later stages of infarct maturation. The search for mechanisms of damage has revealed that early injury is probably in large parts due to excitotoxic

processes related to excessive glutamate release and calcium overload of cells whereas molecular and cellular responses like inflammation and the occurrence of pro-apoptotic gene products typically occur at later stages of the disease process. The obstruction of a major cerebral vessel causes a blood flow gradient that declines towards the center of the territory affected. The high vulnerability of neurons, that also shows a topical preference, leads to a similar gradient of neuronal loss: whereas in the periphery of ischemic regions neurons are selectively injured with normal appearing neuropil and astroglia (socalled scattered neuronal injury), the regions with dense ischemia suffer cell loss of all brain structures including neurons, glial cells and blood vessels also named pan-necrosis. Figure 4.1 shows frequency maps of complete and incomplete (scattered neuronal) infarction in a rat model of MCA occlusion to illustrate the spatial heterogeneity of tissue changes that may also change over time resulting in a small rim of selective neuronal damage that in the subacute phase may account for about 15% of the total lesion (Back et al. 1996). Figure 4.2 demonstrates histological sections that were obtained 6 h post embolic MCA occlusion in a rat: the clot obstruction of the MCA is visualized as well as the selective neuronal cell loss occurring in the infarct borderzone.

Frequency maps of ischemic damage

Complete infarction

Scattered neuronal injury


# of rats


Fig. 4.1. Frequency maps of two types of ischemic damage: complete infarction (left) and scattered neuronal injury (right). Histology was obtained 24 h after left MCA occlusion in rats. Total number of animals was 9. Pseudocolor representation denotes the number of animals that showed the respective type of injury at this pixel. Note the widespread distribution of incomplete infarction over the affected left hemisphere. [Adapted from Alexis et al. (1996)]

Insights from Experimental Studies









Fig. 4.2a-d. Histological staining with cresyl violet 6 h after embolic stroke in rats. Coronal section of the right temporobasal region (affected side, a) shows a fibrin-rich thrombus in the middle cerebral artery, MCA (b). Within the infarct borderzone of the same animal, selective neuronal loss is seen (condensed dark neurons with surrounding vacuoles) in the presence of preserved neurons and intact neuropil (c, higher magnification in d). This histological picture is typical for the ischemic penumbra of brain infarcts

Especially in models of transient cerebral ischemia, apoptotic cell death has been observed after 3–7 days post insult in selected brain regions in which basal energy metabolism has been preserved (Chen et al. 1997; Du et al. 1996). In the meantime, molecular “switches” have been identified that gate different populations of neurons with regard to the type of cell death they eventually undergo (Nicotera 2003). However, there is little doubt that in animal stroke the vast majority of cells would die from necrosis or, alternatively, secondary energy failure even in the presence of a pro-apop- totic genetic balance. The concept of thresholds of cerebral blood flow (CBF) for various functions of brain parenchyma (see below) explains why the infarct core suffers from pan-necrosis whereas the periinfarct border in which function is suppressed, but structure initially preserved (the so-called ischemic penumbra), may show apoptotic cell death or a combination of both.


Infarct Maturation

In focal brain ischemia, the evolution of lesions has been investigated by using histopathological methods (Dereski et al. 1993; Garcia et al. 1993). These studies were able to demonstrate the phenomenon of infarct maturation, i.e., that there is time needed for the macroscopic and microscopic changes to appear on histological sections of the brain. At least 2-3 h following ischemia are necessary for cells to show distinct ischemic changes such as generalized swelling, shrinkage and scalloping of neurons and the formation of vacuoles in dendrites (Garcia et al. 1993). During the initial hours of ischemia, it is difficult to assess the lesion size by using histological means because the ischemic changes are sparse and in the more peripheral regions not well demarcated. Initial evidence of cell loss can be obtained as early as 1 h post occlusion (stria-