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Crop farming was … main occupation of … ancient Slavs. It was not easy to till … land, especially in forest zones. First, all the trees had to be destroyed. This was beyond … strength of …single person. …people in … encampment jointly cut …trees and burned them when they were dry. … ashes left behind by …forests fire fertilised …land. …next task was to remove … stumps. Land thus cleared was divided between families. …land was tilled with …hoes and …harvest gathered with …sickles. …ancient

Slavs owned cattle, but not

much, and it was very valuable. Animals provided people

with …food and …wool, out

of which they made their clothes. Food was also procured

by hunting and fishing.




to dwell = to live


excavation [ekskə 'vein]


manuscript ['mжnjuskript]


folklore ['fouklɔ:]

crop = harvest ['ha:vist] - урожай

to till - обрабатывать землю, возделывать

especially [is'pe∫əli] - особенно

This was beyond the strength of a single person. - Такое было не по

силам одному человеку.

encampment [in'kжmpmənt] - лагерь

to burn ['bə:n] – сжигать ashes - зола

to fertilise ['fə:tilaiz] –



to remove [ri'mu:v] –



stump - пень





hoe ['hou] - мотыга




sickle ['si:kl] - серп




to procure [prə 'kjuə] -



9. Read the text, entitle it and get its


main idea.





The ancient Slavs were industrious,













the Slavs

fought courageously

and skillfully.


military campaigns

every tribe elected


leader - the prince.



prince acquired an


whose main


became the use of arms.

The members of this


were called druzhinniki. The druzhinniki grew



constant struggle



nomads - first

the Pecheneges and later the

Polovtsi (Kipchak











industrious - трудолюбивый cordial - сердечный hospitable - гостеприимный

courageously [kə'reiʤəsli] - храбро skillfully - умело

to acquire [ə'kwaiə] - приобретать, получать entourage [əntu'ra:ʤ ] - окружение

to invade - вторгаться nomad ['nɔ:məd] - кочевник

10. Do the following two-way translation.

- Мне бы хотелось уточнить, когда впервые упоминаются скифы?

=Assyrian cuneiform texts of the first half of the 7th century B.C. mention the Scythians.

- Как вы считаете, какую роль скифы играли в истории?

=They played an important part in the history of Asia Minor. It has been established, that the Scythians had controlled Media for 28 years, that they had taken part in the storming of the Assyrian capital of Nineveh and in the final overthrow of Urartu.

- А когда они появляются в причерноморских степях?

=By the end of the 7th century B.C. the Scythians had gone back to their steppes. An eventful period in the ancient history of our country had begun, which was to last five hundred years and become known as the Scythian Period.

- А вы можете сказать, где они обитали?

= The frontiers of Scythia ran, according to "the father of history" Herodotus, along the Danube in the west, the Black Sea coast, the land of Tauri (i.e. the foothills and mountainous part of the Crimea) and the coast of the Palus Maeotis (Sea of Azov) in the south, and up the river Don in the east. The Northern boundary must have stretched roughly from the upper Dniester, across the upper reaches of the Bug, and, on to a point on the Dnieper about eleven day's sailing upstream from its estuary.

- Кто же населял Скифию?

= As to the tribes that inhabited Scythia, the land between the Bug and the Dnieper was


by the


Callipidae and Alazones. North of

the Alazones


"Scythian tillers of

the land

who sow corn not for eating but for selling". On the lower

reaches of the Dnieper lived "farming Scythians"

(Herodotus doubtlessly




to distinguish







and the


Scythians"). The steppes along the left bank




were inhabited





sow nothing

nor plough". Still farther east, as




Don, lay

the lands of the Royal Scythians, "who deem all other Scythians their slaves".


-Что еще известно о Скифах?

=The science of history owes to Herodotus much of its knowledge of the Scythians and their customs, way of life and the area of distribution of their tribes. The Greek historian described them as an "invincible and unapproachable" people, the might of whom frightened even the Egyptian pharaoh. Herodotus singles out the Scythians as the most advanced nation of the steppes of the Black Sea coast.

- На какое время приходится расцвет Скифии?

=Scythia reached the height of its greatness between the late fifth and the fourth centuries B.C., that is to say, the period when the Scythians created the first state to appear in Eastern Europe.

-Мне бы хотелось еще кое-что узнать о Скифах: об их правлении, о царском кладбище (the royal cemetery), о загадочной области Герр (the Gerrhi), об археологических находках, свидетельствующих о высоком культурном уровне.

= Unfortunately, I have no more time. Let's meet tomorrow and I'll be glad to give you some more information about these wonderful people.


Scythia [‘siрiə]

Scythian [‘siрiən]

Media [‘mi:diə]

Assyrian [ə‘siriən]

Nineveh [‘ninivi]

Urartu [u’ra:rtu]

Danube [‘dжnju:b]

Palus Maeolis [‘pжləs mei’ɔlis]

Callipidae [‘kжlipidə]

Alazones [‘жləzounz]

Egyptian [i’ʤip∫ən]

11 a) Look through the text (you are given 5 minutes) and be ready to fulfil the assignments.

The Stone Age

The Stone Age was a period of history which began in approximately 2 million B.C. and lasted until 3.000 B.C. Its name was derived from the stone tools and weapons that

modern scientists found. This period was divided


the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and

Neolithic Ages. During

the first period (2 million

to 8000 B.C.) the first hatchet and use

of fire

for heating

and cooking were

developed. As a result of the Ice Age, which

evolved about 1 million years into the

Paleolithic Age, people

were forced to seek


in caves, wear

clothing, and develop new tools.




During the

Mesolithic Age (8000 to 6000 B.C.)



crude pottery and the

first fish hooks,

took dogs hunting, and developed a bow and arrow, which was used until

the 14th century A.D.








The Neolithic Age (6000 to 3000 B.C.)



domesticating sheep, goats,


and cattle,

being less nomadic than in


eras, establishing permanent

settlements, and creating governments.


Paleolithic [,peiliou’liиk]

Mesolithic [,mezɔ‘liиik]

Neolithic [‘ni:ou ‘liиik]


1. Into how many periods was the Stone Age divided?

a) 2,

b) 3,

c) 4,

d) 5.

2.Which of the following was developed earliest?

a)the fish hook;

b)the fist hatchet;

c)the bow and arrow;


3.Which of the following developments is NOT related to the conditions of the Ice Age?



c)living indoors;

d)using fire.

4.Which period lasted longest?


b)Ice Age;



5.Which of the following periods saw people develop a more communal form of living?


b)Ice Age;



6.The author states that the Stone Age was so named because

a)it was very durable,

b)the tools and weapons were made of stone,

c)there was little vegetation,

d)the people lived in caves.

11 b) Read the text for the second time and do the following:

1.Give your own title to the text.

2.What are the characteristic features of each period of history?

3.What is the origin of the term "Stone Age"?

4.Compress the text into 5 sentences.

Vocabulary Study

12. Write out all the words from the texts grouping them under the headings: 'Periods of ancient history', 'Social structure', 'Tools', 'Occupations', 'Jewelry'.

Speech Practice

13.Choose one of the topics for a short talk to be given in class:

•The main features of primitive society.

•The main occupations of primitive people.

•The structure of government in primitive society.

•The character and manners of primitive people.

•Characteristic features of each period of ancient history.

14.Have a round-table discussion on one of the topics given above.


15. a) Compare in writing the way of life of American Indians and Ancient


b)Add any information you like about the Scythians.

c)Write a short definition of primitive society.


You have just read an article in “National Geographic” and would like to tell your friend about it.






Your friend







Say who are you and the reason why you are calling.

Say about the origin of the name.

Reply and mention Darwin’s theory of evolution.

Reply and describe them.

Answer the telephone call and say your name.

Express interest in this article.

Ask where and when they were found.

Express surprise and ask about the origins of the Neandertals.

Thank your friend and ask the article for reading.


Found by miners near Dusseldorf, Germany, 1856, the first recognized Neandertal fossils took their name from the picturesque Neanderthal, or Neander Valley, where they were found. (The silent “h” in thal has been dropped in modern German.) The valley – featured in 19th-century travel guides – has been largely destroyed for its limestone, but the controversy surrounding its famed fossils endures. One early scientist dismissed them as the remains of “some poor idiot or hermit.” Another, citing the Neandertal’s heavy, bowed legs, declared the skeleton’s owner to be a Mongolian cavalryman who had suffered from rickets. Eventually the

Neandertal bones would play a key role in supporting the most radical new scientific idea of the time – Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Though Neandertals have been intensely studied for nearly 150 years, much about them still sparks debate.

Cannibalism. Cut marks on a skull from Krapina Cave in Croatia suggest to some that Neandertals had a taste for human flesh. Others believe the marks are ceremonial.

Mystery provokes controversy, which the Neandertals have caused since the discovery of the remains of a Neandertal in the Neander Valley of Germany in 1856.

The original Neandertal man was proclaimed by some to be the missing link between apes and human. Others argued that this odd speciman with the apelike brows was simply a misshapen freak from the Middle Ages. But soon more bones with the same strange features were unearthed in Belgium, France, and other parts of Europe. Then, at the turn of the century, the bones of as many as 80 Neandertals

were discovered in a cave in the Croatian village of Krapina. By then it was clear: These people were not modern humans.

The origins of the Neandertals are uncertain, but scientists suspect that they share a common ancestor with modern humans: a tall, slender species known as Homo erectus, which migrated into Europe probably from Africa through western

Asia between 700,00 and a million years ago.


controversy [‘kɔntrəvə: si] – prolonged argument fossil [‘fɔsl] – recognizable prehistoric animal

hermit [‘hə:mit] – man in early Christian times, living alone rickets [‘rikits] – disease of childhood

to spark [a:] – to lead to be the immediate cause of freak [ i:]– person, that is abnormal in form

Neanderthal [ni’ жndəta:l]

Mongolian [mɔn’gouljən] Darwin [‘da:win]

Cannibalism [‘kжnibəlizəm]

Croatia [krou’ei∫ə]



Before you start:

What ancient civilizations do you know? Which of them are the oldest?

Which of them flourished on the territory of your country (your native place)?

1. Read and translate the text, paying attention to the translation of passive constructions.

The Civilizations of Ancient Mexico

Many ruins, the remnants of ancient cities and villages, are scattered over nearly all the present-day Mexico. Sculptures, great monoliths, small terracotta masks and idols have constantly been ploughed up in some parts of the country. These, as well as arms, jewels, and many other objects discovered there, are proofs of a great degree of culture attained by the native people. The study of ancient Indian civilizations, the problems, which are connected with the origin of these peoples, their languages and scripts have agitated scholars for centuries.

The Spaniards were the first to arrive in America. The first conquest in the West Indies during last years of the 15th century was a failure for the Spanish adventurers in search of riches. Then a rumour began to spread that beyond the mountains there lived the emperor of the people called the Aztecs. It was said that he lived in a gold castle, slept in a gold bed and ate from gold plates.

In 1519, six hundred Spaniards led by Hernando Cortez landed at the Mexican coast. In two years and five months they conquered the capital of the "Aztec Empire".

The Aztec Empire flourished on the territory of present Mexico at the time of the Spanish conquest. The Aztecs and other highly civilized peoples inhabited the central and southern parts of the country. One hundred and twenty five languages were spoken throughout the area. A system of writing and an efficient numerical system were widely used. They had a calendar of their own which was based in part on the solar year. The Aztecs raised maize, beans and other aboriginal crops. Trade was highly developed. They had an organized government and a priesthood which administered their elaborate religion.

The conquerors were greatly impressed by the wealth of the native rulers and the advanced culture of the priests. But they were more ruthless in trampling out the "heathen" civilizations of the American Indians and a decade later all the beautiful towns were churned to rubble, the manuscripts reduced to ashes and most of the people destroyed or enslaved.


remnant -остаток

to scatter [s'kжtə] - разбрасывать idol ['aidl]

to plough [p'lau] - пахать arms pl. - оружие

jewels ['ʤ u:əlz] - драгоценности proof [p'ru:f]-доказательство

to attain - достигать script -зд. письменность to arrive = to come

to conquer ['kɔnkə] - завоевывать conqueror ['kɔnkərə] -завоеватель conquest ['kɔnkwest] - завоевание failure ['feiljə] - неудача, провал

adventurer [ d'ventʧərə] - искатель приключений search [sə:ʧ ] - поиск

rumour ['ru:mə] - слух, молва to spread - распространяться

Aztec ['жztek] Spaniard ['spжnjəd]

Hernando Cortez [er'na:ndou 'kɔ:rtez]

to flourish ['flʌriʃ] - процветать to raise ['reiz] -выращивать priest ['pri:st] -священник

priesthood ['pri:sthud] - священство, жречество elaborate [i'lжbərit ] - тщательно разработанный

advanced [əd'va:nst] -передовой ruthless -безжалостный trampling - попирание

heathen [hi:dn] -зд. языческий

to churn to rubble [ʧ’ə:n tə rʌbl] -сжигать дотла to reduce [ri'dju:s] - зд. превращать

ashes [жʃiz] pl. - пепел, зола

to destroy [dis'trɔi] -разрушать to enslave - порабощать

2.Consult the text and find the words

a)close in meaning to: area, precious stone, weapons, evidence, to grow (crops), to manage, commerce;

b)opposite in meaning to: foreign, success, decay, inefficient;

c)the English equivalents of: достичь высокой степени цивилизации; выращивать различные культуры; распространять слухи; производить сильное впечатление на; управлять делами государства; коренное население;

таинственная маска; сжигать дотла; в поисках богатств.

3. Express agreement or disagreement with the following. Begin your answer with: "I think it's true". "I'm afraid I can't agree to that". "I think it's wrong".

1.Remnants of civilization of Ancient Mexico are proofs of a great degree of culture attained by the native people.

2.Ancient Indian civilizations present no riddles to solve.

3.The first Europeans to arrive in America came from Britain in search of riches.

4.A rumour began to spread that the Aztecs were wild people, dangerous to deal with.

5.Spaniards led by Cortez landed at the Mexican coast in 1519.

6.The Aztec Empire is known to have perished long before the Spaniards landed in America.

7.The conquerors were greatly impressed by the advanced culture of the American Indians.

4.Render the text in detail using the following plan:

1.The Aztec civilization of ancient Mexico.

2.The discovery of the American continent by the Europeans.

3.The conquest of the Aztec state by the Spanish adventurers.

4.The end of the civilizations of the American Indians.

5.Remnants of the ancient Indian civilizations found in present Mexico.

5 a) Read the text, put in the right article, and define its general idea and character (scientific, popular science or fiction).

The Mayas

... Mayas are one of ... most important aboriginal peoples of ... America.

On the basis of the dates of ... Mayan inscriptions it is considered that there existed ...

Maya Old Empire. It flourished for about 450 years in ... Southern Yucatan. ... most probable date of ... beginning of Maya Old Empire civilization is ... first century of ...

Christian Era. The Old Empire period was ... golden age of Mayan art and culture. Great cities rose up and flourished on ... territory of ... Empire. The mathematical and astronomical science attained high degree of development. Their calendar was even more accurate than the Julian calendar. Their system of writing presents ... remarkable stage of advancement. Their art was highly developed.

By ... time of ... Spanish conquest ... Maya Empire had already come to ... end. ...

reason of its end is uncertain. It is to be hoped that future investigation will find ... real solution of this and other problems.


Southern Yucatan ['sʌрən ju:kə'tən] accurate ['жkjurit] - точный

Julian ['ʤ u:liən]

investigation - научное исследование

5 b) Listen to the statements and answer which of them are not true to fact. Correct them.

1.Maya Old Empire flourished only for one hundred years.

2.It began to exist in the 1st century A.D.

3.There were only villages on its territory.

4.Science was highly developed.

5.There is a definite reason for the end of the Maya Empire.

5 c) Give the main points of the text in a few sentences.

6 a) Listen to the text and answer the question: In what connection are the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs mentioned in this text?

MYSTERIES OF THE MAYA /A question of class/

In the great epoch of Maya civilization, there was a profound cultural dichotomy. On one hand, you find the elite - a small group of priests and chiefs charged with preserving knowledge. They understood astronomy, architecture, engineering, art. They alone knew how to plan the building of the great monuments. They alone knew the meaning of

everything in the temples. They could predict eclipses and cast horoscopes. In return, they led splendid lives.

It was the function of the rest of the population to provide luxuries for the lords, as well as to meet all their everyday needs. So the common people farmed, cut wood, hunted, and then brought the fruits of their labour to the ceremonial centres. When the elite traveled, it was even the duty of the people to carry them in litters on their shoulders.

Among the ruins of Palenque there is the somber, awesome tomb of Pacal, the powerful ruler who died A.D.694, and who is buried deep in the heart of a pyramid called the

Temple of the Inscriptions, the most elaborate pyramid tomb in the New World. The similarities between this tomb and the crypts of the Egyptian pharaohs who ruled earlier beside the Nile are striking. In each instance, pyramids rose above the burial sites, and the builders took elaborate precautions to conceal the entries; inside the tombs, grave goods accompanied the corpse into the afterlife; the sarcophagus top bore the likeness of the dead king. Yet the burial tomb of Pacal is more barbarious. Six youthful victims were slaughtered outside this ruler's door to serve him in the hereafter.


profound [prə‘faund] - глубокий

dichotomy [di’kɔ:təmi] – дихотомия (последовательное деление на две части) elite [‘eilit]

to charge with – вменять в обязанность, возлагать ответственность eclipse [i’klips] - затмение

cast horoscope [‘hɔrəskoup] – составлять гороскоп

luxury [‘lʌkʃəri] - роскошь litters - носилки

somber - мрачный

awesome [‘ɔ:səm] – внушающий благоговение crypt - склеп

precaution [prə‘kɔ:ʃn] - предостережение to conceal [kən’si:l] – скрытьб утаить

sarcophagus [sə‘kɔfəgəs]

bear (bore, born) – зд. нести изображение slaughter [‘slɔ:tə] – убить

6 b) Look through the text (you are given 2 minutes) and find the places where it is said about:

1) class division; 2) the duties of each class; 3) the striking similarities between Mexican and Egyptian pyramid tombs; 4) more barbarious character of Pacal's burial.

6 c) Tell your classmates the gist of the text.

7a) Read the text to get its general idea. Entitle it.

Most Mayanists advance uncertain theories for the sudden collapse of the Classic culture. A failure of trade, overtaxing of agricultural means, earthquake, hurricane, invasion and disease are cited. Sir Thompson has written that peasant revolt played a key role in the collapse. Professor Barrera agrees. "The gap between the elite and the peasantry grew wider with the passage of time," he says. "At a certain point, the everincreasing demands of the aristocracy became unbearable. The people rebelled. Their only weapon was their overwhelming numbers. They probably strangled most of their overlords with their bare hands".

/Today, only the ruins remain. But they possess a power of their own - an immortality compounded of stone, silence and solitude. Overhead, the constellations, so familiar to