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Кудинова Практическиы курс англиыского языка для студентов международник Ч.4 2014

10.38 Mб

10.современники Моэма

11.Наушники могут быть элегантными?

12.Его выставка произвела большое впечатление на публику (= публика нашла его выставку...)

13.Она точно в хорошем настроении?

14.Моя новость обязательно поднимет тебе настроение.

15.Ты опять не в духе?

16.отказаться от повышения

17.остановить свой выбор на более практичном варианте

18.Когда это случилось?

19.Тебе не приходило в голову, что он придумал эту историю? 20.поговорить без свидетелей 21.я не хочу передавать тебе такие огромные деньги прилюдно 22.неумение хранить секреты 23.Оставь кота в покое!

24.Я хочу побыть один.

25.И с тех пор он жил один.

26.подходящая одежда

27.быть всегда в отличной физической форме

28.Эти шкафы не влезают в нишу

Ex. 2. Supply synonyms to these words and word combinations:

1.rude manners

2.Since then they’ve been going out.

3.This watch is just like yours.

4.to give sb the right to do sth

5.modern art

6.a beautiful lady

7.a ghost

8.to decline an invitation

9.to happen

10.Then an idea came to him, that he could avoid seeing the lawyers.

11.Finally he chose tiles, not paint.

12.Could I talk to you tet-a-tet?


14.to be edible


Ex. 3. Translate into English using the active vocabulary:

1.Персонал фирмы подал в суд на ее владельца за использование грубых выражений.

2.С тех пор все найденные часы несли Марле, но ни одни не были ее.

3.Наполнив флакон фальшивыми духами, Майк положил его в коробку. Именно упаковка, похожая на оригинальную, позволяла ему продавать


свой товар как настоящий.

4.Я на всякий случай поддерживаю отношения с бывшими коллегами.

5.Современники отмечали невероятное жизнелюбие этой утонченной художницы.

6.Ну, как дела, как настроение? – Я не в настроении, найди себе другого собеседника.

7.Поднять тебе настроение? – Попробуй, но предупреждаю, оно у меня уже отличное.

8.Давай остановимся на этом варианте, оформим доставку и начнем надеяться, что с нашей покупкой ничего не случится во время перелета.

9.Винсу никогда не приходило в голову, что его пение может быть комуто неприятно и он часто пел на публике.

10.Твоя неспособность скрывать эмоции вынуждает меня разговаривать с тобой исключительно без свидетелей.

11.Этот закон позволяет не помогать тонущему человеку. Согласно китайскому законодательству, такого человека следует оставить в покое, т.к. нельзя вмешиваться в чужую судьбу.

12.Кира работала самостоятельно, и ее проект произвел на всех огромное впечатление.

13.Эта комната непригодна для того, чтобы тут жили дети.

14.Эта одежда тебе не по размеру. – Да, надо бы вернуться в форму.

15.Это место идеально для встречи, оно в центре и подойдет всем.

Answers to the lateral thinking test (p.40).

1)= in the dark

2)= on the outside

3)= if they are tinned tomatoes

4)= in the ground

5)= a leg (also a snail)

6)= one

7)= his horse was called Friday

Answers to the inventions quiz.





– 1910’s


– 1970’s


– 1990’s


– 1950’s


– 1900’s


– 1920’s


– 1930’s


– 1940’s




– 1960’s


– 1980’s




Unit Eleven. Advertising, the media, cinema

Speaking and Listening: Advertising

1. In pairs. Discuss the following:

What’s your favourite advertisement at the moment? What’s it for? Does it have a story?

Talk about an advertisement from a newspaper or magazine. What’s it for?

Why do you like it?

2. Listen to six radio advertisements and answer the questions. Which


... is advertising a football match?

... is selling a chocolate bar?

... is selling soap powder?

... is for a new car with free insurance?

... is for car insurance for women?

... is advertising a shop’s opening hours?

3. Complete the chart.

Name of the product

Characters involved

Setting / place







Before you listen make sure you know these words: 1) a play shirt, fluffy, the dirt builds up, ground in dirt, 2) to whack sth, a GTI, a bloke, a tight space, a parking offence, car insurance, reduction, 3) It’s no use doing sth, 4) to be sb’s age, Miss Smartypants, 5) to be keen on sb / sth, within reason, it’s personality

that counts, Not that you shouldn’t do lunch, 6) to nod, Leave it!, I’m outa here.


4.What is the selling point for each advert?

5.Answer the questions about each advert.

1.Describe Sarah’s play shirt. What’s special about this washing powder?

2.What do the men think of the woman driver? Why and how do they change their minds?

3.What has the daughter done that she’s so proud of? Why is her father so horrible to her?

4.How can the daughter afford a new car? In what ways does she make fun of her father?

5.What does the man want to invite Sue to do? In what ways does he say the wrong thing?

6.How does the vicar try to hurry up the wedding? Why is he in a hurry?

6.Devise a radio or television advert. Choose a product or service of your own, or one of the following.

a BMW sports car

a bank for students

Bonzo dog food

a restaurant in town

Dazzle washing-up liquid

a computer

Blue Mountain coffee


Reading and Speaking: Sister Wendy, TV Star

1.What do you think the life of a nun is like? What do they always do, sometimes do, and never do?

2.Which of the following do you think are important to nuns?
















3.Look at the pictures of Sister Wendy.

What does she look like?

What is she doing in the pictures?

4.Now read the text. Which of the things from ex.2 does she mention?

Sister Wendy, TV Star

Sister Wendy Beckett has been a nun for nearly 50 years, since she was 16. Most of the time she lives in solitary confinement in a caravan in the grounds of a Carmelite monastery in Norfolk, often not speaking to anyone for 22 hours a day. But every few months she leaves her caravan and travels round Europe, staying in international hotels and eating in famous restaurants. Why is she leading this double life? How does a nun who has devoted her life to solitude and prayer become a visitor to the Ritz?

Sister Wendy has a remarkable other life. She writes and presents an arts programme for BBC television called ‘Sister


Wendy's Grand Tour’. In it, she visits European art capitals and gives her personal opinions on some of the world's most famous works of art. She begins

each programme with these words: ‘For over 20 years I lived in solitude. Now I'm seeing Europe for the first time. I'm visiting the world's most famous art treasures.’

She speaks clearly and plainly, with none of the academic verbosity of art historians. TV viewers love her common-sense wisdom, and are fascinated to watch a kind, elderly, bespectacled, nun who is so obviously delighted by all she sees. They are infected by her enthusiasm. Sister Wendy believes that although God wants her to have a life of prayer and solitary contemplation, He has also given her a mission to explain art in a simple manner to ordinary people. She says: ‘I think God has been very good to me. Really I am a disaster as a person. Solitude is

right for me because I'm not good at being with other people. But of course I enjoy going on tour. I have a comfortable bed, a luxurious bath and good meals, but the joy is mild compared with the joy of solitude and silent prayer. I always rush back to my caravan. People find this hard to understand. I have never wanted anything else; I am a blissfully happy woman.’

Sister Wendy's love of God and art is matched only by her love of good food and wine. She takes delight in poring over menus, choosing a good wine and wondering whether the steak is tender enough for her to eat because she has no back teeth. However, she is not delighted by her performance on television.

‘I can't bear to watch myself on television. I feel that I look so silly – a ridiculous black-clothed figure. Thank God we don't have a television at the monastery. I suppose I am famous in a way, but as 95% of my time is spent alone in my caravan, it really doesn't affect me. I'm unimportant.’

Sister Wendy earned £1,200 for the first series. The success of this resulted in an increase for the second series. The money is being used to provide new shower rooms for the Carmelite monastery.

5.In the text find equivalents to these: монастырь, фургончик, вести двойную жизнь, молитва, программа об искусстве, мнение о чем-либо, искусствовед, заражать энтузиазмом, обычные люди, роскошный, выступление, одетый в черное.

6.Find these words, translate them and say in your own words how they were used in the text: nearly, solitary confinement, to devote sth to sb / sth,


remarkable, solitude, a treasure, verbosity, common sense, bespectacled, mild, to rush somewhere, to be matched by, ridiculous, to affect sb, to provide sth

7. What do these numbers in the text refer to?

16 22 20 95% 50 1,200

8. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones.

a)Sister Wendy spends a lot of time alone.

b)She travels to art capitals all over the world.

c)Her television programmes are popular because she meets famous art historians and interviews them.

d)She believes that God wants her to lead this double life.

e)She doesn’t enjoy being alone in her caravan any more.

f)She only eats plain food and she doesn’t drink alcohol.

g)Some of her teeth are missing.

h)She loves watching herself on television.

i)The other nuns at the monastery always watch her programmes on television.

j)Sister Wendy is using the money she has earned to improve the monastery.

9. Complete the interview with Sister Wendy.

(a) ______________________________________________________________

When I was sixteen. Goodness, that’s nearly fifty years ago!


In Norfolk. In a Carmelite monastery. Well, not actually in the monastery but in the grounds. I have a caravan.


No, I don’t. Just in Europe – that’s far enough!

(d) _____________________________________________________________

I don’t really know. I’m not sure why they’re popular. I feel that I look so silly, but perhaps people find it funny to watch a silly old nun!


Yes, I do. Of course I do. The tours are really interesting and everybody enjoys a life of luxury now and then. I love good food and drink, but you know, I’m happiest on my own in my caravan.


No, I don’t! I look ridiculous. I never watch if I can help it!

(g) _____________________________________________________________

I’m using it to help the monastery. Some new shower rooms are being built.

That’s good, isn’t it?

Work in groups. Look at the list in ex.2. Which of them are important to you? Why?

10. Note the translation of the phrases below and use them and ex. 5-6 to

help you do the translation in ex. 11:

- with none of the academic verbosity of art historians – без всей этой многословности искусствоведов


-a disaster as a person – ужасный человек

-I can’t bear to watch myself on television – я не выношу, терпеть не могу

смотреть на себя по телевидению

11. Translate into English, using the vocabulary from ex. 1-4:

1.Это был кошмарный ужин, я думала, он никогда не закончится.

2.Удивительно, но мы очень хорошо поговорили, без привычного для нас сарказма и издевок в адрес друг друга.

3.С тех пор как Тома назначили главным в отделе, он живет жизнью занятого бизнесмена.

4.У нее очень заразительный смех (она заражает всех смехом).

5.Он не терпит легкомыслия по отношению к работе.

6.Джина не переносит шутки Марка.

7.Я терпеть не могу резать лук.

8.Как двойная жизнь Тулуз-Лотрека повлияла на его творчество?

9.Ближайшие передачи об искусстве будут посвящены импрессионизму.

10.А сейчас мы быстро едем в аэропорт – возможно, самолет нас подождет.

11.С тех пор как эта фирма обеспечивает безопасность здания, практически ни один посторонний не смог пробраться к нам в студию.

12.Ваш ассистент просто сокровище, никаких лишних слов (многословия).

13.Ваше высокомерие сравнимо только с вашим невежеством!

14.Как вы с вашим здравым смыслом могли сказать что-то настолько нелепое (смехотворное)?

Grammar: Relative Clauses

Improve this text by using relative clauses where appropriate:

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle worked as a doctor before he turned to writing.

Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories are known all over the world. Holmes lived at 221B Baker Street in London. Holmes was an opium addict and a violinist as well as a brilliant detective. There is now a Sherlock Holmes

museum at 22IB Baker Street. Holmes’s friend Doctor Watson was probably based on Conan Doyle himself. Doctor Watson narrates the stories. The best

known Sherlock Holmes story is probably The Hound of the Baskervilles. Conan Doyle wrote The Hound of the Baskervilles in 1902.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, whose Sherlock Holmes stories arе known all over the world, worked as a doctor before he turned to writing. Holmes, who...


Speaking and Listening: Signs

2. Listen to the conversations, where are they taking place?

Before you listen make sure you know these words: to make an appointment, a golden retriever, to go off food, a saving account, three per cent interest, to fall behind with sth, a quotation.

3. Make up a conversation between a tattoo parlour receptionist and a client.

Reading: The Naked Chef

1. Jamie Oliver is a famous British chef. Why do you think he is called “the

Naked Chef”? Now read and find out.

At only 28 Jamie Oliver is now an extremely successful and well-known chef, with his own acclaimed restaurant in the centre of London. He has made five TV


series, written several books, and still does around twenty live shows a year. He doesn't have much free time any more. How did he make it big? Well, his rise to fame and fortune came early and swiftly. By the age of eight he had already started cooking at his parents' pub. It was an easy way to earn a bit of pocket money!

After two years in catering college, and some time spent in France, he started working in restaurants. He worked under three famous chefs in London before he was spotted by a TV producer at 21, and his life changed.

Even though he had very little experience, he had a great deal of enthusiasm for cooking, and was very natural in front of the camera. His first TV programme featured him zipping around London on his scooter buying ingredients and cooking for his friends, all to a rock-and-roll soundtrack. The recipes were bare and

simple – they didn't involve complicated cooking techniques and used plenty of

fresh ingredients and herbs. Here is the introduction to his first season: ‘Naked's what I call my way of cooking. What I cook in the restaurant isn't what I cook at home. Cooking's gotta be a laugh. It's gotta be simple – it's gotta be tasty – it's gotta be fun. I suppose you could say it's stripping down the recipe to its bare essentials. No way, it's not me, it's the food’.

It attracted a completely new audience that previously had no interest in food programmes. Jamie Oliver became an overnight success. So what’s the recipe

for success? ‘A little bit of luck, a little bit of passion, and a little bit of knowledge!’ he says.

2.Find equivalents for these words and phrases in the text: успешный /

любимый публикой (востребованный), цикл телевизионных передач / сериал, шоу в прямом эфире, быстро / стремительно, деньги на карманные

расходы, колледж, в котором обучают ресторанному делу, работать под чьим-либо руководством, быть замеченным кем-либо, в возрасте 21 года, быстро ездить по городу, рецепт, незамысловатый и простой, включать в себя, сложные манипуляции, ранее, мгновенный успех.

3.Answer the questions:

1.How many TV series has he made?

2.How many books has he written?

3.How many live shows does he do a year?

4.How much did he earn cooking at his parents' pub?

5.How long did he spend in catering college?

6.How much time did he spend in France?

7.How much experience did he have when he was first on TV?

8.How many fresh ingredients and herbs did he use?


9. How much interest in food programmes did his audience have previously?

Speaking: Censorship in Advertising

1. Match the vocabulary units to their translation, then read the rules:

1. anxiety

a. обида / оскорбление

2. to be likely to do sth

b. неполноценный / стоящий на

3. an offence

ступеньку ниже кого-либо

4. on the grounds of

с. иметь вероятность того что

5. inferior

d. логическая связь


6. to imply

e. тревога / беспокойство

7. a link

f. несправедливо


8. unfairly

g. на основании чего-либо




The ASA provides rules for companies advertising their products in Britain. Here are some of them.

a)No advertisement should cause fear or anxiety without good reason.

b)Advertisements should contain nothing that is likely to cause serious or widespread offence, particularly on the grounds of race, religion or sex.

c)Advertisements should not make children feel inferior or unpopular for not buying the advertised product.

d)Advertisements should not imply a link between smoking and social, sexual, romantic or business success.

e)Advertisers should not unfairly attack other businesses or their products.

f)Advertisements should not suggest that alcohol is the main reason for the success of a party or event.

2. This advertisement was banned in Britain after people complained about it to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). Why do you think it was banned?


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