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forwards. I also heard him talking to himself. 2. She turned and saw Shelton standing down there. 3. He felt his irritation mounting. 4. He found Dora reading a novel in their bedroom. 5. With amusement they watched them going. 6. We heard her walking on the stairs by the cellar. 7. At the moment I noticed Charles sitting a little farther in the hall. 8. For the first time she found herself wondering about him. 9. The moon came fully through a cloud, and he was startled as he suddenly saw her face looking at him. 10. You can always find him handing round bread and butter at a tea party. 11. He felt the bridge shaking under his feet. 12. Then in the complete silence of the night he heard somebody opening the door quietly. 13. He looked at groups of young girls walking arm in arm. 14. Soames raised his hand to his forehead, where suddenly she saw moisture shining. 15. As I was looking this over I heard the doors which led on to the main corridor being opened.

Exercise 8. Use the Infinitive or Participle I of the verbs in brackets to form a Complex Object.

1. A moment later they heard her bedroom door (to shut) with a bang. 2. I‘ve never heard your canary (to sing). Is there anything the matter with the bird? 3. Would you like me (to make) you lunch or have you had some? 4. I want you (to explain) the disappointment we had this morning. 5. She watched him (to pass) the gate and (to walk) down the street. 6. Through the chink in the shutters she watched Emma (to pick) cherries in the orchard. 7. The captain said something which made them (to laugh), he did not hear what it was. 8. They had their own pattern of life and expected me (to fit) in. 9. You can see him (to work) in his little garden every day. 10. She had never heard philosophy (to pass) those lips before. 11. I saw him (to put) his suitcase right there. 12. During that moment Miss Pembroke told a lie, and made Rickie (to believe) it was the truth. 13. Together they watched the old oak (to drop) its leaves. 14. He found them (to sit) together and (to talk) peacefully. They did not notice him (to approach). 15. He felt the water (to reach) his knees. 16. She felt her voice (to tremble) and tried to

control herself. 17. We saw him (to open) the envelope and (to read) something hastily. 18. I saw him (to unfold) the telegram slowly and hesitatingly as though he expected it (to contain) some bad news. 19. He heard the young people (to sing) and (to shout) from the opposite bank. 20. She watched him (to work) for a long time.

Exercise 9. Point out the Complex Object with Participle

II.Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.He had his luggage sent to the station. 2. How often do you have your carpets cleaned? 3. Have you got your watch repaired? 4. I want it done as soon as possible. 5. We decided to have our photos taken after the final exam. 6. Get the rooms dusted and aired by the time they arrive. 7. I haven‘t had my nails polished yet. 8. I‘m having a new dress made. 9. He thought it necessary to have the ceiling of the room whitewashed. 10. They found the door locked. 11. Mrs Mooney watched the table cleared and the broken bread collected. 12. He heard his name called from behind.

Exercise 10. Transform each pair of sentences into a complex sentence or a simple sentence with a participle construction.

1. They were quarrelling in the adjoining room. Didn‘t you hear it? 2. His name was often mentioned in the conversation. I heard it. 3. Peter was in London at that time. He often visited the

British Museum. 4. Helen is a foreigner. She can‘t understand spoken English. 5. The children were playing in the garden. They were being watched by the nurse. 6. Dr Brown operated on me for appendicitis. He is dead now. 7. The film ―My Fair Lady‖ is starring Audrey Hepburn. It is a great success. 8. ―Look Back in Anger‖ is a play. It is written by John Osborn. 9. Anthony

Richardson directed the play. He is talented. 10. The conference is devoted to the problems of ecology. It is being attended by over 200 scientists. 11. Over 200 scientists are attending the conference.

They are all experts on the problems of ecology. 12. The results of the research have been reported at the conference. They are of vital importance. 13. The conference took place in Paris early in the month. It was widely commented on in the press.



It consists of a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the nominative case + Participle I or II. This construction forms one part of a sentence. The predicate of a sentence containing it is generally expressed by a verb of sense perception (see, hear, feel, watch, notice) used in the passive voice.

They were heard speaking in a lively manner. He was seen surrounded by a group of newsmen.

This construction is mostly used in literary or scientific writing and in news stories.


The peculiarity of this construction is that it has a subject of its own expressed by a noun in the common case (or more rarely by the pronouns it or this). The second component is expressed by Participle I or II. This construction expresses adverbial relations and is synonymous to an adverbial clause. It is much more often used in literary and scientific style, than in spoken English.

The absolute nominative construction can be used as an adverbial modifier of:

(a) time

Things packed, we started off.

(b) cause or reason

This being so urgent, we must reconsider our decision. The situation being so grave, urgent measures had to be taken.

(c) condition (rare)

Weather permitting, we shall go to the country. Granted health, he may still live to pay off his debts.

(d) manner or attending circumstances

The wool was placed in the warehouse, the cotton being forwarded to the factory. The sawn-goods were shipped by the S.S. ―Minsk‖, part of the cargo being placed on deck.

When an absolute participial construction is used in this function, it may be introduced by the prepositions with or without.

The resolution was adopted by a majority of 53 against 10 with 4 abstaining. They could not go ahead, without their plan being approved by the management.

N o t e that there may also be absolute constructions without a participle, the second element being expressed by an adjective, a noun with a preposition or an adverb.

The preliminaries over, we began to talk business. We found him lying dead in the alley, face downward. In the dead of the night my host burst into my room, a lamp in his hand.

Absolute constructions of this type may also be introduced by the prepositions with or without.

It underlines the gravity of the economic crisis, with at least five million people out of work. He sat writing, with the dog

at his feet.

Exercise 11. Point out the “Nominative Absolute” construction and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. She had sunk into a chair and was sitting there, her small fingers curling and uncurling themselves nervously. 2. The door being opened, and Bunter having produced an electric torch, the party stepped into a wide stone passage. 3. … Mrs Baddle made the round of the room, candle in hand, to point out all its beauties. 4.

―You don‘t respect me,‖ said Dora, her voice trembling. 5. Together they ran back down the road, Mor still gripping her arm in a tight grip. 6. Men, their caps pulled down, their collars turned up, passed by. 7. Before he moved himself Bertrand said, his eyes in

Dixon: ―That‘s quite clear, is it?‖ 8. Constantia lay like a statue, her hands by her sides, the sheet up to her chin. She stared at the ceiling. 9. The strain of his indecision over, he felt like a man recovering from an illness. 10. Four seconds later Dixon was on the way out of the hotel into the sunlight, his shilling in his pocket. 11. Another time when we were going through Ferne Bay on our way back from a long excursion, it being a hot day and all of us thirsty, she suggested that we should go into the Dolphin and have a glass of beer. 12. Dinner over, Carrie went into the bathroom where they could not disturb her, and wrote a little note. 13. The patient‘s leg having been amputated, there was no doubt of his recovering soon. 14. The voices had receded; and James was left alone; his ears standing up like a hare‘s; and fear creeping about his inwards.

Exercise 12. Compare the forms and functions of the participles and the participle constructions in the following sentences. Translate these sentences into Russian.

1. The patient operated on is still unconscious. 2. The patient operated on yesterday is feeling better now. 3. The patient now being operated on has a weak heart. 4. The students watched their professor operating on the man. 5. They watched the patient being operated on. 6. You must have your husband operated on. 7. The

woman was waiting in the reception-room, her husband being operated on upstairs. 8. The patient operated on, the surgeon could rest a little.

Exercise 13. State the forms and functions of the Absolute Nominative Constructions and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Weather permitting, we shall sail off tomorrow. 2. The outside temperature being ten degrees below zero, it was unusually cold in the classroom. 3. The mission carried out, they were granted a three day leave. 4. The matter being so urgent, they had to reconsider the original plan. 5. Time dragged on, each day dull and cheerless. 6. Flo kept on smiling, good temper being her special charm. 7. I have something to be thankful for, all things considered. 8. Then they heard him shoot, the shot smashing an echo back. 9. For the moment the shop was empty, the mechanic having disappeared into a room at the back. 10. The students having previously acquired all sorts of wrong language habits, the teacher‘s chief duty is to eliminate these and replace them by sound habits. 11. Plants grown in the dark are always colourless, chlorophyll becoming green only under the action of light. 12. The research group could not go on with the experiments without their plan being approved by the scientific supervisor.



(1) The main functions of the participle in a sentence are those of attributes or adverbial modifiers and, for this reason, it is most frequently rendered in Russian by причастие or деепричастие.

We can‘t sit by closing our eyes to the impending danger.

Мы не можем праздно сидеть, закрыв глаза и не видя надвигающейся опасности. The measures were directed against trade-unions acting in defence of their rights. Эти

меры были направлены против профсоюзов, выступающих в защиту своих прав. We made a mistake getting involved there. Мы сделали ошибку, ввязавшись в это дело.

(2) However, it is not always possible to use these forms in Russian translation. In many cases subordinate clauses are used in Russian to render English participles. Sometimes it is done for stylistical reasons.

The police station referred to in the report was Hornsey Road police station and not Hornsey police station as published. Полицейский участок, упомянутый в докладе, был участок Хорнси Роуд, а вовсе не участок Хорнси,

как об этом сообщалось в газете.

(3) Another reason why a subordinate clause will be used in Russian translation is that no participle can be formed from the corresponding Russian verb.

Films starring Elisabeth Taylor were estimated to have had the greatest box-office appeal. Было подсчитано, что фильмы, в которых главную роль исполняла Элизабет Тейлор, делали наибольшие сборы.

(4) Predicative constructions with the participle (i.e. the complex object and the complex subject) are nearly always translated into Russian by subordinate clauses; the type of a clause chosen in translation is determined by the syntactical relations expressed by the English construction.

The air attache said he would arrange to have me flown to Paris without delay. Военно-воздушный атташе сказал,

что он позаботится о том, чтобы меня без промедления, доставили на самолете в Париж. Не was photographed addressing a student meeting at the campus. На фото было

видно, как он выступает на студенческом митинге во дворе университета.

(5) Absolute constructions have no equivalents in Russian. Therefore they are usually rendered by means of subordinate or coordinate clauses.

All things considered, the offer seems reasonable. Если учесть все стороны дела, предложение представляется вполне приемлемым. With so little time left now, there is no time for delay. Времени осталось слишком мало, и

медлить больше нельзя. Newspapers being a Big Business, the views of newspaper owners are the views of Big Business. Поскольку газеты являются частью большого биз-

неса, естественно, что их. владельцы выражают интересы большого бизнеса. After the war, his face severely disfigured by an accident, he lived in Saxony with falsified papers. После войны он жил в Саксонии с фальшивым паспортом, причем его лицо,

обезображенное в результате несчастного случая, изменилось до неузнаваемости.

Exercise 14. State the form and the function of the participle. Translate the sentences into Russian.

A. 1. The actress starring in the film is very young. 2. He spent all spare time training for the contest. 3. Entering the room the detective found it empty. 4. Knowing the harmful effects of the rays they took special precautions. 5. The housekeeper must have heard her mistress talking with the visitor. 6. They looked at her in surprise as though not believing her story. 7. While giving evidence the witness avoided looking at the accused. 8. They carried out a number of experiments using the most up-to-date methods and equipment. 9. Having completed the experiments they compared the results. 10. Special mention must be made of the extensive

research now being conducted in bio-chemistry. 11. The Israeli vessels were seen sailing toward Port Said.

B:1. ―Will you give me a hand?‖ ―Of course! What do you want done?‖ 2. We must have some pictures made of the exact position where the body was found. 3. We tried all the methods recommended. 4. The article referred to was published in the latest issue of the ‗Nature‘. 5. All people concerned are to submit papers to the Committee. 6. A list of commonly used terms suggested by Dr Stanley Gill was circulated. 7. The type of a clause chosen in translation may be determined by syntactical reasons. 8. The discovery made by the scientist is of vital importance for space exploration. 9. They were playing football watched by the coach.

10.The problem may be considered solved. 11. Bitterly disappointed, the explorers set out on the return journey. 12. The children were taught not to speak to the grown-ups unless spoken to. 13. The game, if lost, might cost him a fortune. 14. They did all, as instructed. 15. Do you think we may regard the matter as settled? 16. When interviewed, the scientist refused to comment on the latest discovery. 17. When completed, the new building will house all the basic laboratories.

C:1. Being a foreigner she found it difficult to understand English spoken outside classroom. 2. Towering in front of the explorers, rose a great range of mountains covered with ice. 3. In the tent there was a letter addressed to Captain Scott saying:

―Welcome to the Pole. With kind regards. Roald Amundsen.‖ 4.

The danger, represented by the possibility of armed conflict in Europe, bringing with it the possibility of nuclear war, weighed heavily on the peoples of Europe.


Exercise 1. State the function of the Infinitive in the following sentences and translate them in Russian.

1. To live a healthy life in the country was good for them. 2. It was a great happiness to him to discover that she was in complete agreement with him in opinions. 3. It was a real pleasure to him to give pleasures to others. 4. She had never learned the habit of command: her habit was to ask permission. 5. The dearest wish of his heart was to have a boy. 6. His first act was to seek the tailor that Glover had recommended. 7. Margaret‘s visit was exciting. He started to plan her reception. 8. The company began to drift in a polite group towards the door. 9. The train began to slow down. ―Why, here we are in Oxford!‖ said the man. 10. We used to play in the garden behind the house. 11. Now you can do whatever you like. 12. But she had to turn round again; her father was coming.

13. ―Listen, Gilbert, I‘ve got to talk to you seriously.‖ But Mr.

Pinfold would not answer. 14. Dixon tried to suppress his irritation. 15. He asked us not to move and stay where we were. 16. He taught his boy to swim. 17. Mary warned us not to be late. 18. My dear child, it‘s not a thing to joke about. 19. ―How am I to find this house,‖ he thought. ―There isn‘t anyone to ask.‖ 20. This is the right thing to do. 21. I need a pen to write with. 22. ―I don‘t want anything to eat,‖ said Felicity. 23. And William went to London to start a new life. 24. He opened his eyes too late to see the momentary gleam of light from the corridor. 25. I wish I were young enough to help you.

Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences, using infinitives or infinitive constructions.

1. I didn‘t expect … . 2. Oh, how nice of you … . 3. We are all very glad … . 4. She doesn‘t like … . 5. What would you do if you saw … . 6. I‘m so sorry … . 7. The book seems … . 8. It would be of great use … . 9. What is done … . 10. There‘s nothing